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Welcome to Pirates Black Heart World Information
This section will be used to describe the current world in which the story is taking place. In addition, it is also intended to show the various NPC's (Non-player characters) that are in this world. This can be quite a complicated world to delve into and it is with the hope that this section makes that navigation a little easier.
Pirates Black Heart Story Thread
This section will be used to describe the current world in which the story is taking place. In addition, it is also intended to show the various NPC's (Non-player characters) that are in this world. This can be quite a complicated world to delve into and it is with the hope that this section makes that navigation a little easier.
Pirates Black Heart Story Thread

The year was 1741 (The Golden Age of Piracy) The story takes place between the great Colonial trade routes with some non-colonial trades as well. Additional information will be provided regarding this further in the description.
Significant factors contributed to the current era, and the histories of piracy are often subdivided into three different periods. 1741 was the final stage. Locations like the Caribbean, the United Kingdom, Indian Ocean states, and North America with West Africa were the focus points of most piracy. However, in this era piracy had started to expand to even longer distances and conflicts over most colonization areas that dealt with trade were beginning to rival even that of the European powers.
In this era the majority of pirates were Welsh, English, Dutch, Irish, and French though these were not limited to these descents, these were the most common among them. Terms like Buccaneeering had long past and Privateers were also starting to decline. A privateer was a licensed pirate. A man who agreed to harass and interfere with the trade for those who opposed their given lordship. For example, a Privateer would harass Spanish Trade Routes but leave all English Trade alone. This would be someone licensed by England. These types of pirates became less popular when income became harder to find. England at the time viewed them as a necessary evil, however in 1726 most were left unemployed at the end of the War for the Spanish Succession, and dealing with such individuals was considered bad form.
Some of the most popular shows which derived from Pirates did so using the years 1716 – 1726 (Black Flags) takes place in 1715 for example. Famous Pirates like Stede Bonnet, Henry Morgan, Bartholomew Roberts, all took their name from an era that was before the one this story is taking place in.
Piracy in this era was more dangerous and often lead to full military actions to clear areas known to harbor pirates and or support their activity. Pirates had become more brutal in this era as shown by the Barbary Pirates which continued until the early 19th century. Unlike most European powers because of the increased hostility in piracy, bribes were paid to avoid conflict outright until a military force could be mustered to fight back against the threat. When these bribes were not paid the results lead to situations like the Barbary War and Barbary's second War. This leads us to our next topic Slavery.

Slavery is a very sensitive topic, and because of this, some changes have been made to help take some of the pressure of this topic off. This is one of the first major sections of our world that is going to heavily split from a historical outlook.
Using concepts from the Barbary Raiders, slavery has been mainstreamed. You can't really talk about pirates without including slavery as they were one and the same. Unfortunately, free men were not so quick to ignore the profit that came from one of the major trade imports and exports which was slaves.
What was done to counter this is slavery now includes all races regardless of status, color, origin, or education. The effect slavery has had on the time frame is considerable. The New York Conspiracy of 1741 for example never took place because African American's are no longer the primary source of slavery. Everything from English Soldiers to Spanish Sailors could be enslaved. It would not be uncommon to see a Caucasian male standing next to a Spanish sailor chained to an African American immigrant. All people were seen as the same in the eyes of the slaver and color was no longer a factor regarding their status.
Slave Rebellion and Revolts would still take place, especially when dealing with groups larger than 250 or in that amount. But they wouldn't be as common or as frequent as they were in history because they were not restricted to a particular culture or race of people. Instead, if an individual was unable to pay their debt they could be enslaved, if a person was captured they could be enslaved. Like history, however, slaves regardless of race were heavily monetized and documented. In short and to simplify this, Color and Culture have both been removed when dealing with pricing or dealing with slavery. These two factors do not exist. There would not be a preference over one over the other because of the color of one skin or the culture where they were from. This is just not something that is happening in the world. All slaves are slaves, that status in itself is what matters nothing else save for the gender of the slave.
The Majority of this story is taking place in the European Trades. It can however expand to include the Spanish and France trade routes as well. The Threat of Spain was mostly quelled after the war and more ships were being built to provide escorts than were being built for prolonged war. Shipments of silver, gold, gems, spices, and other exotic goods became popular prey to many pirates.
What is not said in these shows as it's far more mundane but just as valuable is that Lumber, furs, whale oil, iron, tobacco, sugar, fruits, textiles, and furniture were also popular trade items and far more common in the European trade. This is certainly going to be reflected in (Pirates Black Heart) Seeing a chest full of gold, looks exciting but seeing a cargo deck filled with Whale Oil and Rice will yield three times more profit. It's just not as fun to think about.
Below are a few images to show trade routes that are and were common. What is missing is information on the Pirates of the south china coast. This didn't really become a popular aspect of piracy until 1790 and is very complicated to understand. When you start delving into Asian influence with pirates you start getting into Blackbeard and other Ching Shih. So it's just easier to say that it's unlikely the story will drive that direction if it did or does, then I'll revisit this section and provide more information as needed.


This is a frigate class vessel. This is the main ship used to transport the characters around the world. This vessel is extremely important and because of that, a great deal of information has been given regarding it. However, because it is not relevant to the world itself what TBB is going to focus on instead is the changes that are taking place which conflicts with Historical information.
1st Major Change (Captain) – Unlike most pirate ships, the captain's position is indisputable. Votes, casting votes, group decisions on who takes what position all still happen, except with the captain. There are a few reasons for this the first one being that he is simply making too much money for them to ignore. Second, they are not bound to the ship. Any member can leave at any time, joining the crew they accept the oath in this case that oath includes the captain's word being unquestionable. The next major reason is that the captain himself does not become overly involved in the happenings on the ship. That's left up to the other officers. Someone did something wrong? That's the Quartermaster. Do we need more food and water? That's the First Mate. If the captain has become involved in the daily activities of things then something is seriously wrong.
2nd Major Change (1st Mate) – Most ships had a Quartermaster and TBB has one also. A Quartermaster was typically the first officer and acted in this regard. However, that's not the case on TBB here, the First Mate is basically being used here as the Voted Captain. His position is voted, his words are voted, etc. His job is to assure that majority of daily activity is being dealt with by him, not the captain himself.
(Non-player characters), can be controlled by any writer taking part in the story. Only some basic information is required but of course, more information can be given, especially when dealing with history and interactions that have happened in the past. For example, if a member of the crew attempted to kill another person, and this was relevant to the story then it should be added to important notes and information so it isn't forgotten when dealing with that particular NPC.
TBB officers and crew section is just a small standard list of positions, these are subject to change and the NPC's are not bound to any particular role. They may change as the story progresses. More will be added as they are introduced etc. If you are interested in what these roles do or what task they should be performing it is recommended you read the story thread as all that information can be found on the first page describing the ship itself.
Image (If needed)
NPC's & Other Important Characters
Ladies in Waiting (Captive)

Name: Anna (Blank)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Notes/personality: Enjoys Books and everything about them, is often called a bookworm.

Name: Esther (Blank)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Redish Brown
Notes/personality: She has a weak stomach, not only for life on the sea but for all types of blood and gore. She's quick to faint and struggles to deal with things of this nature.
Judith is the bitch.

Name: Judith (Blank)
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Dirty Blond
Notes/personality: She has a very strong will, fiery, and is often referred to as an outright bitch because of how strong she can be.
Additional Captives/Slaves

Name: Jina
Ht: 5'4
Wt: 139 lbs.
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black
Age: 26
Notes/personality: Timid, fearful, Low English speaking skills, (Swahili) primary language.
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