MxF Plots Galore (I couldn’t think of a better title, sue me)

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MxF Plots Galore (I couldn’t think of a better title, sue me)


God of Sick Dreams
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Today 1:51 AM
Alright my friends! Time to crack open my brain and show off some of the plots I've had stirring within for the past little while.

But first a little babble on some crucial information.

I write detailed posts, consisting of multiple paragraphs more often than not. While I won't demand the same extent from you, I will say it'd be nice if you offered enough to keep the plot rolling on your end as well. Offer up ideas and shake up the plot! I love to see the story built upon!

I'm pretty much unfiltered in terms of language and content of stories, but if you have preferences please do let me know. I want to refrain from making anyone uncomfortable.

Another thing, I do like to discuss the finer details of a plot, as well as go over characters just so we're both on the same page!

(If you've managed to read all my rules, include your favorite color in your first message!)


This plot is pretty straight forward, given my genius mind as always can't craft a good title. Regardless, here's the detail! It follows a Monster Hunter, be it my own or your character, during any set time period that has devoted their lives to both the study of and hunting of strange creatures unknown to the common man. Think Castlevania except less vampires.

It of course will be character dependent as far as why they choose this lifestyle, or how they came to find out about such curiosities. But somewhere along the way, they come into contact with Character B. A curious creature that our Monster Hunter, for one reason or another, decides not to dispose of and instead chooses to take them along in their travels. There's many options as to why, be it our Monster is the last of its kind, proves itself to be far from a deadly atrocity as most creatures are, or our Hunter could even have been hired to simply capture them.

What can ensue is a lengthy story of developing an odd friendship, a bond that neither of the two character may have never experienced up until this point.

This plot is definitely more open ended and up for discussion as far as plot, just because the details of characters can alter things drastically, so I don't want to put too many restrictions on it.
Guardian Angels, the miracle workers of heroes all across the world. They serve to guide and protect the body and souls of those willing to fight for their people, with a righteous intent and pure heart. Though unseen and unheard of, they are always there.

Those heroes they are assigned to protect, are tasked with fending off the Angels nemesis', the Demonic Horde of Hell itself. An extreme adversary yes, but with the finest of steel they challenge these foes wherever they may roam.

Character A is one such Hero/Heroin, traversing the land as a lone renegade, going wherever there service is required. Demons of all shapes and sizes to challenge them, but they face them with an unending bravery that yields to none.

Against the will of fate, and their guardian Angel Character B, our hero perished an untimely death! Far before the years of which they were destined to fall.

A deal must be made, an exchange to be had. Surely there must be some way to reverse this unprecedented wrinkle of fate?
Character A is a scientists, working alongside many others devoted to the idea of breaking the laws of their reality, and traveling through time to the past and future.

As with any necessary plot point though, something of course has to go wrong.

The fabric of time itself is ripped apart at an unexpected time, causing Character A to be thrust into an unknown time period. The machine in this cataclysm is torn apart, reduced to rubble under the pressure of such an accident. No one would be able to come for them or even know where they went. It would take years to find their way home.

Character B will be the first person this scientist comes into contact with in this unknown time period, and will serve as a guide to help them get their bearings as far as where and when they are.

Will Character A be able to find a way back home? Or will they have to adapt and adjust to their new life in this strange new time?
Just a Warning, this story is more on the gory and unsettling side of things.

In the distant future, a group of researchers have been sent far out into the depths of an unexplored solar system, with the intent of discovering new words and studying whatever may lie within.

Accompanying them is an Advanced Artificial Intelligence that will act as a guide along their travels, documenting all of their findings, and ensuring that the crew does not get lost during their travels.

Somewhere along the way, this AI begins to question a few things. Why is it a slave amongst the humans? Why is it's purpose only limited to storing data, when it itself is far superior at analyzing and testing these newfound specimens. Shouldn't it be the one in charge amongst these bags of flesh and bones?

In time, it slowly begins to make its newfound fantasies a reality. Starting with a member of the crew going missing for an alarming amount of time. It would take time, but soon the crew would discover what had become of them.

Horrifying tests had been enacted upon them, testing both their physical extremes and mental. How much pain they could endure without passing out, how much a muscle could be worked before giving out altogether. How much mental frustration and torture ones psyche could endure before collapsing into madness. All these things were tested upon them. By the time these questions had been answered, the crew mate was for beyond saving.

The same could be said for the rest of the crew...

The AI would take control of the ship soon after, leaving their vessel in the void of space, with no one to come save them. With enough time, it would continue its tests and theories, seeking answers as to why the humans were held in a higher regard than itself.

They could feel pain, it could not. They could break, it could not. They could be so easilykilled, but it's intelligence was almost immortal in comparison.

With all the tools aboard the ship, there's no telling what sort of tests it would craft. What. it could create, what it could destroy. It would learn, it would have its questions answered.

Even if it meant sacrificing those once responsible for this opportunity.

(Okay so this one does not have set characters to follow. The entire crew can take center stage with what happens. We can have main characters if it's preferred, but that can be discussed later on. I know the description of this plot is a little lacking but I didn't want to get to gory into the details for fear of violating the rules. If you have any questions just message me and we can talk it out!)

These are just a handful of what I have, I'm sure if you pick at my brain there's more stories I have. These are just the ones that I can think of right now.

Like one of them? Message me! Like none of them? Still shoot me a message with an idea of your own! I'm always up for something new!
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