Any Plots Risen From The Ashes

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Any Plots Risen From The Ashes


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Hey there y'all. First off, thank you for clicking on this and checking it out. I hope you find a Roleplay here that you would like to try and I look forward to writing with you! Anyway, to begin, I do have some expectations you should no of.

  • First of all, concerning writing length, I want a partner who can write two paragraphs at least. I can write anywhere from two to twenty paragraphs myself depending on how much detail my partner gives me.

  • Please, please have decent grammar and spelling. Yes, I get that we all make mistakes and I make them all the time myself. Hell, this will probably have a few mistakes in it itself, but at least try to do your best.

  • Please be able to write in third person! I'm sorry, but first person honestly bugs me.

  • As for post frequency, I get everyone has a life and real life always comes first, but please be able to get in a couple posts a day. I tend to become uninterested fast if I don't get at least one reply a day.

  • As for smut versus plot, I prefer more plot based roleplays. Honestly, I haven't been much in the mood for writing much smut at all and would honestly prefer to do a blackout type of thing when it comes or not go into too much detail about it. I'm in the mood to create a story, not to write basic porn. I just realized that might have sounded harsh, but hey, that's what I'm looking for.

Now on to my ideas and plots. If your interested, just send me a message and we can discuss anything we need to and then jump in!

Her Hero

MC had been stuck in an abusive relationship for years. Having grown up in an abusive household as well however, the twenty year old just thinks that it's normal. One night however, things get really heated between MC and her significant other and so, her neighbor (YC) calls the police. MC was confused when the police came knocking on the door and immediately arrested her significant other when they noticed the cigarette burns all over her body along with the scars and torn clothes. She had burned dinner that night and she had only been getting what she had deserved after all. Knowing MC had no where else to go, YC takes her in while a court trial kicks off and slowly the horrors MC has gone through becomes known to the public. Your character teaches her what real life looks like and how someone should really be treated. She begins to realize that everything she knew about the world was wrong and begins to discover what real love looks like.

I'm looking for either a male or female character.

A Punishment That Doesn't Fit The Crime

In a world full of magic, a king turned to a witch for help and wasn't ready to face the consequences. In the end, his wife was killed and he blamed it on magic itself. He ordered every magic user to be executed, whether they used thier magic for good or not. Fast forward five years or so when MC is living in fear as she posses the ability to heal with one simple touch. Undercover as a young healer MC one day wanders into the woods to find some healing herbs when she comes across YC mortally wounded. Having the choice of either using her magic or letting YC die, she uses it. How will YC react? Will they turn them in or keep thier secret quiet and what if they have a secret of thier own?

Once again, I'm looking for a male or female character.

On The Run

Heros were once looked up to by the general public. They were the ones that made everyone feel safe in the city streets, knowing that people were out there to protect them. As time moved on however, people began to fear them. It was those that gained certain abilities that became the worst enemies after all. Besides, there was always collateral damage when it came to heros. So, the solution was that facilities were made to cure these heros who procured different abilities. The thing is however, that no one was cured, rather they are all locked up in high security prisons that didn't exactly treat these people well. Basiclly, MC and YC would be living on the run from the government and the people specifically hired to track thier kind down.

Once again, I'm looking for either a male or female character

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

YC belongs to a gang who is at war with another gang, both gangs being the biggest in the city. One night, MC walks out of work and right into a turf war between the two gangs. Seeing the ordinary suvillian as an opportunity a member of YC's rival gang grabs her and puts a gun to her head. Being a good shot, YC shoots him and grabs ahold of MC who had seen too much. The other members of your gang tell you you need to shoot her, but instead you decide to kidnap her. It's better than killing someone, right?

You guessed it! I'm looking for a male or female character

An Unwilling Voyage
MC is a princess and YC, well, they are a pirate. YC has pillaged and Plundered the seas for as long as they can remember and MC has been taught how to be a perfect queen for her future betrothed for as long as she can remember. One night, everything changes when YC decides to visit MC's lands. Your crew eagerly begins to take anything that looms valuable, fighting the guards along the way. Before long however, MC runs out of the castle and finds the captain (YC) and begs them to stop, desperate to save her own land as her people always came first to her. Figuring you would be able to use the princess for a fat ransom and get away with keeping her, you agree.

And, that's it folks! If your interested in anything, send me a private message and we can get talking! I would love to hear different ideas and wouldn't mind altering and tweaking the plots a bit, including your own ideas! Thanks for reading
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