Any Pokemon: The Origin of Mega Evolution

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Any Pokemon: The Origin of Mega Evolution

Lynx Hatter

Emperor of Romance
Local time
Today 1:48 AM
I AM NOT INTERESTED IN POKEMON SEX. Humans sex: SURE! But I dont be rping pokemon sex.

1. I am on ever day and up for chat but will reply when I can. Sometimes days will have multiple replys, other days there will be none. I'm sorry I have a busy life.
2. I'll Rp MxM and MxF, I simply have no interest in FxF.
3. I only do rps with Smut, it doesn't have to be smut themed, it could be 20% smut and 80% plot, but I like romance.
4. I match what is given to me, and like to put out 4 to 5 paragraphs. I'll drop to 3 depending on what we are rping or who I'm rping, but I like to keep it at 3 minimum.
5. My rps cannot be just smut, I need a plot. I'm cool with rping a sexual theme,
6. I don't do Slave/Servent X Master/Owner rps, I have don't so many of them I just have no interest.
7. I'll tell you if I loose interest. Please don't ghost me.
8. I'll play male or female, but I do not play submissive females. I'll play a dominant male to your submissive female, but I will not play submissive women.
9. I also like it when my male characters are being ganged up on, sexually I mean. Especially when the dominant ones are ganged up on. Threesome or Orgy style.

1. Try to reply when you get the chance.
2. If you loose interest, just tell me. I'll say ok and we end it. Not a big deal.
3. Work with me on the rp, tell me what you like and don't like.
4. Please be legible, I'm dyslexic so I get it, but please no text talk. I need to understand what you are saying.
5. Please, no one liners, and no filler. If I'm typing 5 paragraphs and you just can't do that at the moment, at least do 5 sentences.
6. I will not accept less than 5 thought out sentences.
7. Please, you gotta do smut. I like the romance and hot characters.
8. I do like character references, I'll give you one, so I need at least the name, age, personality and a picture reference. Preferably a face claim.
9. If you can rp Dominant Female and I submissive male, or you rp Domiant Male with my submissive male; I would love that.
10. For this rp in particular. Which ever character you choose to use. They MUST be willing to move on from personal differences. They CANNOT be easily offended and must be willing to work with someone they dont like for the greater good. They cant be an emotionally weak character. It simply will not work out.

1. Unique OCs.
I'm tired of the standard 'masculine hero', the 'damsel in distress' or the 'helpless neko slave' act. I want unique OCs to rp with. Socially awkward hero who doesnt play well with others. Bad guy who thinks hes the good guy. Girl who wont take shit from nobody. Kid with a mental disorder who hates people but makes an effort to help anyways. I WANT TO RP WITH SOME AWESOME ORIGINAL CHARACTERS.
2. Insane- out of this world plots
Ya, I want to hear your fav OCs back story and hear how unique and powerful your character is. Then work on a merge of universes. I'm not looking for small game like Kings and queens. I want gods, Goddesses, all powerful beings in their origin story or meeting other all powerful characters from another fucking universe.

1. This is NOT a sex oriented rp but romance is aloud.
2. You MUST be able to rp multiple characters at once. You will be rping your trainer, pokemon, gym leaders, villains and other side characters. As will I.
3. Work with me on plots and ideas. As you read you can tell I have a thought out idea and main plot, but we will need other things going on. Is your character interested in contests or gym battles? What do their parents do? Will it be important in the rp?

This is after the Platinum Story Line, so all the Platinum leaders are no longer around and all the new gadgets, moves, abilities and held items have arrived in sinnoh.
Mega Evolution was only recently discovered. Team Galactic is after these mega stones. There are one of each pokemon who hold and protect these stones, a garchomp protects garchompite, a houndoom protects houndoomite.
The lopunny and lucario who had been protecting their mega stone had been awaiting their replacements. Waiting to meet trainers willing to release their beloved pokemon to protect these powerful artifacts. Except they do not arrive in time.
Team Galactic destroyed the lopunny and lucario protecting these stones.
Team galactic has all the known key stones.
With Team Galactic gaining more and more mega stones every day it's up to our two trainers to defeat them.

Rules: our characters will start off with 3 pokemon. The starter pokemon can be from any region but you can only have one. The next pokemon will be buneary or riolu. The final pokemon is a eevee that evolves into Espeon, Umbreon or Sylveon. Just cause they evolve from friendship. If you want 3 more pokemon we can catch them along they way, but our pokemon cannot be the same.

We will each rp one main human character and a full pokemon team.
We will ONLY be rping pokemon from Sinnoh. If the pokemon was not in Diamond, Pearl or Platinum, they will not be featured. Except for Eeveeloutions, our starters, and pokemon added to the evolutionary chain.

We will have a Character thread for our trainers and our pokemon. As will sort our natures, abilities and moves as well as held items.

Few other things I'm weird about:

Lucario must be male and Lopunny must be female. I really love both these pokemon so I'll leave it up to you which one you want.

I can rp a male or female human just fine, but I will rp opposite of what you choose. Or if you want a MxM romance we can do that

My starter will be a female shiny Tyflosion, so that one is off limits. The starter pokemkm we have will be fully evolved and around level 50. They are the leader pokemon and the rest of the pokemon on their team will be lower than level 20.

No pokemon on the team can mega evolve except Lupunny and Lucario!

I dont care about genders of pokemon, just please dont have a team of all males or all females.

I dont mind if you have a couple shinys. Just not all of them. One of our eevees can be shiny. If you choose Espeon, I will have the shiny. If you choose Umbreon or Sylveon, you can have it, if you want it.

You make up the back story of your character. I make up mine. If you want your character to be a powerful trainer, 100% okay with me but they only have access to the starter pokemon. And I would prefer it that our trainers ate from different regions. The PCs have all gone down in the region so even if our characters have a very powerful team back home, they only have the one strong pokemon with them.

It's highly recommended that your pokemon has a wide range of moves.






Smoke Screen

Held Item
Silk Scarf


As you can see, Tyflosion has a move set that allows her to get out of the fight quickly with smokescreen, damage all Opponent with an undodgeable attack, Swift. Qn attack to confuse and disorient, Extraordinary. Then Explosion, to change the battlefield and deal massive damage.

You want to have tactical moves with your pokemon. They will be on the run alot and your strongest pokemon needs to be very versatile. If you choose a slow pokemon like torterra, have it know dig so it can get away quickly.

So ya! Let me know if your interested!
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