Resident RP Goddess of Burnout
The Inspiration:
Against my better judgement I am debating starting a new RP. While this is meant to be a 1x1 with multiple characters, I MIGHT be convinced to open it to multiple players as well. Basically, I heard the song "Hail to the King" on the way home from my 7 hours of driving and thought....I need an RP of that!
The Premise:
A former warlord has recently become king. Ruling with an iron fist; he will stop at nothing to maintain his hold on the lands he has claimed. His reign is tyrannical and abusive. However, he still needs the support of his subordinates to maintain law and order. How will he convince the military, nobility, gentry, and peasants to stay in line?
Not everyone is thrilled with the warlords rise to power. The Church, former rivals, military and noble defectors, as well as some of the citizenry oppose the King. Will they band together or fight separately? Will they be able to effectively fight against the King's rule or will they be crushed?
Other Information
* Being that this is political intrigue everyone involved needs to be willing to play multiple characters on BOTH sides of the spectrum.
* All characters need to be three dimensional. Yes, the King is a tyrannical bastard, but he needs to have some redeeming qualities of some kind. Please, well thought out concepts only.
* I'm wanting to keep posts shorter (300-500 words). However, in scenes where there are multiple group acting simultaneously I'd like to see (200-500 words) for each group.
* Experienced players only. To do political intrigue well it requires a lot of thought and some degree of skill managing a large scale narrative.
* Commitment. While I do not mind if it takes weeks or even a month for a post, I prefer one every few weeks. Frequency is not as important as commitment to seeing the plot all the way through to its conclusion. I don't want to get into this and then have people wuss out on me.
* There is a possibility to make this into a fantasy (with limited magic and a few supernatural elements) RP, however I'd like to keep a sense of realism as well.
* There will also be violence, sex (either blatant or implied), and possible situations that may make some people uncomfortable.
If you are interested, just reply directly to this thread. If anyone responds, I will make an executive decision whether I want to run this as a 1X1 or a group RP.
Against my better judgement I am debating starting a new RP. While this is meant to be a 1x1 with multiple characters, I MIGHT be convinced to open it to multiple players as well. Basically, I heard the song "Hail to the King" on the way home from my 7 hours of driving and thought....I need an RP of that!
The Premise:
A former warlord has recently become king. Ruling with an iron fist; he will stop at nothing to maintain his hold on the lands he has claimed. His reign is tyrannical and abusive. However, he still needs the support of his subordinates to maintain law and order. How will he convince the military, nobility, gentry, and peasants to stay in line?
Not everyone is thrilled with the warlords rise to power. The Church, former rivals, military and noble defectors, as well as some of the citizenry oppose the King. Will they band together or fight separately? Will they be able to effectively fight against the King's rule or will they be crushed?
Other Information
* Being that this is political intrigue everyone involved needs to be willing to play multiple characters on BOTH sides of the spectrum.
* All characters need to be three dimensional. Yes, the King is a tyrannical bastard, but he needs to have some redeeming qualities of some kind. Please, well thought out concepts only.
* I'm wanting to keep posts shorter (300-500 words). However, in scenes where there are multiple group acting simultaneously I'd like to see (200-500 words) for each group.
* Experienced players only. To do political intrigue well it requires a lot of thought and some degree of skill managing a large scale narrative.
* Commitment. While I do not mind if it takes weeks or even a month for a post, I prefer one every few weeks. Frequency is not as important as commitment to seeing the plot all the way through to its conclusion. I don't want to get into this and then have people wuss out on me.
* There is a possibility to make this into a fantasy (with limited magic and a few supernatural elements) RP, however I'd like to keep a sense of realism as well.
* There will also be violence, sex (either blatant or implied), and possible situations that may make some people uncomfortable.
If you are interested, just reply directly to this thread. If anyone responds, I will make an executive decision whether I want to run this as a 1X1 or a group RP.