MxF Possibly NSFW 𝓛ooking for 𝓢omeone to 𝓟lay 𝓦ith

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MxF Possibly NSFW 𝓛ooking for 𝓢omeone to 𝓟lay 𝓦ith


let write the world
Welcome to the Sanctum
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Today 9:07 PM
in your darkest dreams
𝓐bout 𝓜e
  • I'm female.
  • I work 40+ hours a week.
  • I like to Role play in every form. (So Online, CCG, Table Top, and LARP)
𝓦hat to 𝓔xpect from 𝓜e
  • Posts that are a minimum of 4 full paragraph. (more if my partner so chooses) But if you only give me a few lines, then only expect to get a few lines back.
  • To be on and post at least once a day. (My job keeps me busy so I can't promise more than one post a day)
  • Flexibility, I'm willing to adjust my characters or how I play based on my partners needs. But you have to talk to me and let me know if something needs to change.
  • I try hard to have good grammar and spelling but mistakes do slip through once in a while.
  • Ongoing discussions over the Rp. I like to know that my partner is having fun too.
  • OOC chatter ^^ I love to talk! It doesn't have to be Rp all the time.
  • Story to smut 60/40 Romance is almost a must. Smut is super fun.
  • I only play female characters if you want smut.
𝓦hat I 𝓔xpect from 𝓨ou
  • To be open on how you feel about the Rp.
  • Post as least 2-3 times a week
  • Inform me if you are going to drop the RP or be gone for an extended amount of time.
  • Have fun! If your not having fun then I'm probable not having fun.
  • Be semi-literate. You don't have to write a book for every post. But I hate role playing with people who only post 1 or two sentences. Please but a little effort into the Rp.
  • PM or quote me here if interested, and we'll see if we can work something out!
𝓟airings, & 𝓕andoms
->Everything must be 18+
  • were-wolf x hunter
  • vampire x human
  • vampire x hunter
  • blind girl x blind date (craving)
  • priestess x anything else
  • barbarian x slave girl/priestess
  • Pet x Anything
  • Slave x Master
  • Enemy x Enemy
  • demon x summoner
  • Forced/ Arranged Marriage
  • Enemies to lovers
  • Really open to just about anything.

If you know the dark hunters I would give anything for you to do a Dark Hunters RP with me!!

I'm very open to new ideas and suggestions. So just because it's not listed doesn't mean I won't do it.

I'll try just about anything once.

No Goes
extreme harm/ selfharm
toilet stuff

MC is blind and has always been blind. Now the age of 26 works in a dance school. YC can be anything you want. From the guy next door to a demon. (what ever makes it fun for you.) MC best friend sets MC up on a date with YC. Maybe they had too much to drink or maybe the date went that well. But they end up in waking the next morning together. The more they see each other the more he is able to talk her into do all kinds of kinky things. From sex at the movies to tied up in the car. Maybe even a walk on a leash with just sexy lingerie on. She slowly becomes your sexy pet and you both seem to like it.

YC has worked hard his whole life and is now the (What ever you want him to be. Leader of the guards, head of something.) On your latest mission you find a man selling slaves. After bringing the sells to an end you find MC. A girl who had only known a life as a slave. She ends up flowing you and wither you like it for not make herself your own personal slave.

YC Has been alone most of his life. At some point you couldn't stand it anymore and started writing to a woman you only had seen in your dreams. YC is a succubus who's been watching your character. One day she takes on the form of the imaginary woman. Only as she starts to get close she finds that she might have feelings for YC and doesn't wish to kill him.

MC is a medic during a war and finds YC. YC has no memory and is hurt badly. As YC start to recover you realize you were fighting for the other side. But after spending so much time with MC you find you are in love. Can the over come the things that threaten to tear them apart?

The feeling of falling through an endless dark void came to an abrupt stop as she hit the cold rocky ground. Like always, the musty cave smelt of sulfur, mold, and death. Rotting corpses that lined some of the walls left a pungent aroma that was worse than anything she had ever smelt before. The first time she arrived the smell alone twisted her stomach with such a furious wrath that she spent an hour clearing the contents. But now... After months of visiting this place, the odor knotted her guts but at least it didn't leave her immobilized. Staying in one place for long was never a good thing and most likely would be detrimental to her health.

Laura wasn't sure how all of this came to be. One night, a few months back, her dreams became dark and twisted. It wasn't the fact that she dreamed of such horrible things that bothered her. It was the fact that it felt so real. Slowly, she had started spending more and more time sleeping. Drifting unwillingly in and out of consciousness, between worlds. In the world that Laura was most familiar with, she was an accountant. There was nothing spectacular or exciting about her job or her life for that matter. Every day she would go in, crunch some numbers for clients, then head on home. Occasionally on the way home she would stop in at the local bar for one quick drink, but never more than that. Never would she let her inhibitions run wild. Even the way she dressed lacked spirit or pizzazz. Usually she would be seen in a grey polyester skirt with matching vest and powder blue button-down blouse. Her head full of long white cascading curls was always kept up in a tightknit bun. That way no matter what the weather conditions were her hair was always perfectly in place. Although she desperately try to hide it, most people can see how cute she really was. Even through the barrier she seemed to put around herself. Laura only stood about 5 foot 2 and bordered on the edge of being fluffy with her softly rounded features.

But that's not how she was at night, in her dreams. They are in that hellish place Laura was a fighter, a survivor. Every night she would arrive in brown rags. And every night she had to find weapons, food, a new way out as she battled to maintain her freedom. She had learned where to find the sword that was long and thin. It looked much like a foil or a rapier. The weapon was oddly fitting considering her sleeves puffed slightly at the shoulders and tuffs of white curls tumbled down around her face. It was a stark contrast from the woman she was in the daytime. There were nights that she made it through the labyrinth of demons without a scrape. But those nights for far and few between. There were nights when she would run, fight, and fail. On those nights. She was shackled and tormented until the first rays of morning light would come and set her free from her imprisonment. For the longest time she thought it all was just a dream and nothing more. Then one morning, after waking from her torment she found a lingering scent of sulfur on her skin. Bruises were she had been held and chained. She tried sleeping other places only to find the same results. In day she was an accountant and at night something altogether different. And when she started to tired of it all, wanted to give in and be done with it, something would change. Maybe it would be the location, the monsters, or even her outfit. It was always just enough to keep her going once more.

Then one night, something changed. Everything seemed different. She landed in a black silk garb that hardly covered her body. It was accented with gold and ruby embroidery. The rapier in her hand was ornately decorated. Instead of the rank cave she was on a volcano side. Before her was a huge castle surrounded by a river of lava. Standing just before the massive doors was a huge hulking beast that brought a whole new meaning of fear to her. Her knuckles turned white gripping the weapon so tightly in her hands. Without a word, she turned to run, only to find herself tripped up and sprawled out across of obsidian coated ground Before she could say a word, a figure appeared before her, dressing in armor that looked much like the obsidian rock that covered the landscape. in his hands was a chain and collar. She could see her life flash. Oddly enough, Laura had grown accustom to this dismal place, her dreams. Here of all places she was more alive, more herself and freer then she ever was in the real world. Was it all really going to simply come to an end.....
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Definitely interested.
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