Psst, my name’s not really Blaire.

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Psst, my name’s not really Blaire.


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In case you're not familiar, Blair Waldorf is perhaps the most iconic TV show character, and that's why my username is dedicated to her. For the record, I never shipped her and Chuck Bass, and I positively, definitely never will. If Blair Waldorf is a gem, then Chuck Bass is the absolute opposite. I do not get why every single person who has watched Gossip Girl loves Chuck & Blair as a couple. Like, why? Anyway, now you know how my username came about.

For authenticity's sake, I will not remove that little blurb above. And just to make it clear, I'm completely fine with everyone here calling me Blaire. I mean, what else are usernames for, right? I've always secretly wanted to name my daughter Blaire anyway. It's just a really pretty name. Other than my weird obsession with my own username, which is quite a first good impression I would say, I have other interests. (I swear!)

For instance, I like to read books, lots and lots of them. Fun fact: I used to hate reading when I was younger, probably because my father looked down upon it. Now that I am more independent, though, I realised reading is such an amazing way to spend my time. It hurts me to realise I was deprived of this entertainment as a child. Sigh.

First world problems aside, when I am not lost in the pages of a well-written book, I also love to dive into Tumblr. I know, I know. Tumblr is disgusting! Well, not to me. I absolutely love Tumblr. It's a nice site for me to get some good laughs. Surprisingly, I also love the cringey aspect of Tumblr, when all the "activists" start to roll in.

Other than these interests, I have some others. Just gonna spill it all out in the next few lines: Coffee, literature, music, research, psychology, procrastination, cats and Taylor Swift. Yeah, I love Taylor Swift. You heard me right. That woman is the most passionate, driven one I have ever seen and I adore her for it. Her music? Do not get me started on her music!

Speaking of music, I love all kinds of music. Classical, pop, R&B, rock, alternative etc. My favourite artists currently are Boy Pablo and Emotional Oranges. If you have not listened to them, you should!

Just to get a little serious, I also feel like I have been through some shit in the past, including but not limited to depression, anxiety, eating disorders and what not. Although I have gotten through most of it, I do believe that old habits die hard, which is why I tend to show depressive and anxious tendencies at my worst. I just thought people on this site should know, in case I ever shut down. Not to worry, though, I am always working towards the best version of myself. I have learnt the art of surrendering to life!

I just realised I wrote so much about myself. Oh, my. Well, at least I introduce myself thoroughly. It is good to be here. I cannot wait to get started!
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Goodness how rude no one has replied to your intro.:eek:

I shall fix this immediately! * dons the cape of super greetings,*

Many welcomes.

This is what I lovingly refer to as the 'mad house.'

We have writers of all abilities, and people covering all interests. Although it does tend toward the darker side of most genres. That doesn't meAn there is no fluff, you just may have to hunt it out.

Problems, harass the staff, they have pretty pink or blue names.
Queries, try chat, there's usually some miscreant, or long term resident there who will help if they can.

Good luck on your search, hope you find what your looking for.
*swoops off to the next empty intro*

IN cAsE yOu'Re nOt fAmIliAr, BlAir WAldOrf iS pErHaPs tHe MoSt iCoNiC tV ShOw cHaRaCter, aNd ThAt's WhY mY uSeRName iS dEdIcAted tO hEr. FOr tHe rEcOrd, i nEvEr shiPpEd hEr aNd ChUcK bASS, aNd I pOsiTIvely, dEfiNitEly nEVer wiLl. If BlAir WAlDorf iS a GEm, tHen cHucK bASS iS tHe aBsoLuTe oPpOsiTe. I dO noT gEt wHY eVeRy sInGle pErSOn wHo hAs wATtched GOsSip GIrl lOVes CHuCk & BlAiR aS a cOuPle. LIke, wHy? AnYwAy, nOw You KNoW hOw My usErNaMe cAMe abOuT.

FOr aUthEnTicIty's sAKe, i wIll Not reMoVe thAt liTTle blUrb aBOve. ANd JuSt tO mAke iT cLeAr, I'M coMPletely fiNe wIth eVeRyoNe hErE cALlinG mE BlAIrE. I mEaN, wHat eLSe aRE uSeRnaMes fOr, riGHT? I'vE aLwAys sEcrEtly WAnTed tO naMe mY dAuGhTter BlAiRe aNyWaY. IT's jUsT A rEalLy PrETTY nAme. OTHer tHAn mY wEirD obsESsion wITh mY oWn uSeRName, wHICh iS qUiTe a fIrSt GoOd iMpReSsion I wOuLd sAy, I HaVe oTHer inTereSts. (I sWeAr!)

FOr inStanCe, I lIkE tO rEad bOoKs, lOtS aNd lOts oF tHeM. FUn faCt: I USed to HaTe rEaDing wHEn i wAs yOuNgEr, prOBabLy bECaUse mY fAThEr lOOked dOwN uPOn iT. NOw tHAt I aM mORe iNdEpeNDent, thOuGh, I rEaLIised rEaDIng iS sUCh aN aMAzIng wAy tO spENd mY tiMe. IT hURts Me tO rEAlise i wAS dEpRiVed oF thIS eNterTAinMent aS A cHIld. SiGH.

FiRST woRlD prObleMs asIDe, wHEn I Am nOt LoSt iN tHE pAGes oF A weLl-wRitTen bOoK, i aLSo loVe tO dIVe iNTo TUmBlr. I kNow, i knOw. TuMbLr iS diSgUstiNg! WEll, nOT tO mE. I aBSoluteLy lOVe TUmBlr. It'S A nICe sITe fOr Me tO GEt sOMe GoOd lAuGhs. SUrPrisIngLy, i alSo lOvE tHe crInGey aSpEcT oF TuMblR, wHEn aLl tHe "aCtIvIsTs" stArT tO rOlL iN.

OTHEr thAn thESe intEResTs, i hAVe sOMe otHErs. JuST gONna spILl iT aLl OUt iN tHE nEXt fEW lINEs: CoFFEe, liTeRAtuRe, mUsIC, reSEARrch, pSyCHOlogy, pRoCraStinAtiOn, cAtS aNd TaYlOr SWiFt. YeAh, i lOVe TaYLor SwIFt. YoU hEaRd mE riGhT. ThAt wOmAn iS tHE mOsT pAsSioNaTe, drIVen OnE i hAVe eVEr SeEn aND i aDOrE hER fOr iT. HEr mUsIc? dO nOt gET mE sTaRtEd oN hEr mUSic!

SPEakiNg oF mUSic, i lOVe alL kInDs oF mUSic. ClASSical, pOp, R&b, rOCk, alTeRnaTiVe eTc. mY fAvOuRite arTisTs cUrRENtly aRe BoY PaBlo ANd EMoTIonal ORaNGes. IF yoU hAve nOt liSTeNed tO tHEm, yOu sHoULd!

Just to get a little serious, I also feel like I have been through some shit in the past, including but not limited to depression, anxiety, eating disorders and what not ***I didn't wanna make fun of this part :- (*** Although I have gotten through most of it, I do believe that old habits die hard, which is why I tend to show depressive and anxious tendencies at my worst I just thought people on this site should know, in case I ever shut down. Not to worry, though, I am always working towards the best version of myself. I have learnt the art of surrendering to life!

I jUsT reALisEd i wROte sO mUCh aBoUT mYseLf. oH, mY. WElL, aT lEaSt i inTRoDuCe mYsELf tHoroughly. iT iS gOoD tO BE hErE. I caNnOt wAIt tO GeT stArTeD!


I just spent an hour on this. I might've given myself dyslexia. Worth it.
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But ugh. I was so cringey. And unlike you it wasn't even a year ago. Just six months before. I sound like a pretentious hipster. AAAHHH. I had to read all that again after so long. Thanks A LOT.

Your're VERY welcome~ UwU

And for now. Watch your back, Waldorf.
Hello Blaire!! I know you've been here longer than me, but ya know, Welcome! anyway. :)
I have not heard of Emotional Oranges, by I am going to have to with a name like that! :D
Why, thank you! When you say "been here longer than me" I feel like I've been here for years. Ahaha!

But yes, you should! I swear, their music is the real shit. Especially if you like the moody, disco vibe. And they stay true to their name: All their work is Emotional and Orange.
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