Pulp/Golden Age afficionado

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Pulp/Golden Age afficionado

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Today 9:39 PM
I'm a huge fan of the pulp era and pulp (anti-)heroes like Doc Savage, Domino Lady, The Shadow, Tarzan, Bran Mak Morn, Conan, et al., and their eventual transition into the Golden Age of comic books. As a lifelong anarchist shit-disturber and a middle-aged community organizer, part of what I enjoy is the dark undercurrent of racism, sexism, and pre-Nazi "white man's burden" crypto-fascism which weaves through the narratives and provides an extra layer of archetypal, ironic symbolism which brings the id of the 20th century into stark contrast.

I was a player on the City of Heroes/Villains MMORPG for many years and ran a Golden Age roleplaying superhero team where we would roleplay what was a typical heroic super-team on the surface, but had a shadowy subtext as an oppressive, sinister conspiracy of exceptionalism and authoritarian manipulation underneath, called The Eye of Horus. (The pulp era loved fake Egyptian mysticism.)


Unfortunately, it's hard to find people who combine a love of pulp with an appreciation for ironic sexism and racism which results from a distaste for the real thing. If you aren't quite sure what I mean, try watching the animated Justice League episode, "Legends", where they encounter a team which pastiches the Golden Age Justice Society, complete with uncomfortable racism and sexism.

I'm looking for a roleplaying forum where I might find a handful of pulp fans interested in doing a roleplay of a pulp-era cabal of "heroes" saving the world whether it wants saving or not.
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