Challenge Submission Pumpkin Spice

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Challenge Submission Pumpkin Spice


How fine you look when dressed in Rage
♔ Champion ♔
100 Likes! April Challenge Participant Challenge Champion
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Today 2:28 PM
It began with an Autumn breeze…

Or, I should say, it begins with an Autumn breeze.

Soon after, that aforementioned breeze rustles the trees of their changing, warm-hued foliage.

When those leaves fall, everything starts to calm and becomes just a little more beautiful. Animals begin to consider hibernation. The weather becomes wonderful.

But moreso…

It's Pumpkin Spice Season.

The scent of PSLs and pumpkin pie starts to fill the air, long before Thanksgiving.

Many make fun of those obsessed with the medley of pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger. Perhaps even a little allspice if you're feeling fancy.

But me? Though I love the smell, I'm not so much a fan of the taste. Yet I don't mind the gaggle of those who swarm certain coffee shops on a certain day of the year for that first taste of Autumn. I don't mind the strange array of foods and drinks that are pumpkin spice flavored, either. I find it neither 'basic' nor 'overdone.'

In fact, to me… the pumpkin spice lovers are Harbingers.

You see, when the pumpkin spice starts to flow, I know that we are well on our way to the best time of all: Halloween.

Just like seeing those first couple of sprouts breaking through ice and dead leaves is the sign that spring is coming; seeing someone inhaling that pumpkin-y goodness in their ugg boots and yoga pants is the equivalent of the Halloween groundhog.

It is a comforting thing, knowing that soon, we are entering into the spookiest of seasons.

So go on, drink that PSL. Try that weird as hell pumpkin spice soda, or pumpkin spice hummus, or even pumpkin spice tamales. Rejoice.

For you are the Heralds of Autumn, and therefore, pass the baton onto the rest of us; the spooky ones.

Together, we are unstoppable.​
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