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ᴅᴀʀᴋɴᴇꜱꜱ ɪɴᴄᴀʀɴᴀᴛᴇ
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Today 10:04 PM
To whom it may concern,
Thank you for stopping by my female request thread! For now, you might find this thread a little bare to the eye. I am new to Inner Sanctum and still trying to get my feet under me, so I will display this thread with pretty coding once I understand that lol! Nonetheless, here you can find all of my current plots here that have not been taken, specifically plots where I will be writing the female lead. These are plots that I have put thought into and have begun the process of story-building, but if nothing here catches your eye then please feel free to reach out to me with your own wonderful ideas. For the time being, keep your eye on this thread for updates if you are indeed interested. Not only will it get prettier aesthetically, but it will also be filled periodically with more stories ideas as I adjust to this new website. Until then, happy writing!
With much love and respect,


It was the year of 2020 when The Resurrection came… or at least, that's what the world had grown to call the outbreak. Originating from a highly controlled lab in Russia, the United Nations had been working behind the scenes to discover all the terrible ways that they could weaponize diseases and illnesses when they'd stumbled upon the cordycep that would one day cripple the world altogether.

It had started rather simple. A lab assistant had been exposed to the cordyceps without their knowledge. Later within the same day, the assistant was checked into a hospital with a high fever, shakes, and hallucinations… and within four hours of conception, that very lab assistant had gone belligerent and bitten their nurse. Within twelve hours of that very instance, Russia had fallen. Within two weeks, all communications coming in or out of Europe entirely had gone silent.

The United States had taken up the mantle of trying to contain this horrible new disease, which turned the living into insatiable undead vessels, controlled by the cordycep rooted within their brains. The United States would go on to bomb all major cities within the world, including their own… and just like that, within a month, the world as we knew it was gone.

Our story takes place three years after The Resurrection, the name given to the event that sent the world into the Dark Ages. Idris Bellucci is an ex-Marine Lieutenant and she and her daughter, Danika, have been living alone deep within the heart of the Appalachian mountains since the Resurrection had first occurred. Thanks to the remote location of their cabin, Walkers (zombies) are few and far inbetween and human contact is even more rare. However, the world is slowly trying to rebuild itself and the 3% of the population that survived the Resurrection have banded together. Establishments and camps are beginning to pop up across the globe.

The young fifteen year old Danika Bellucci is out scouting with a friend when they eavesdrop on a group of Scavengers talking of a large new establishment all the way across the continent in California. New Haven, as it is called, is suppose to be a large and safe community of people, hidden behind a secure wall. Tired of her mother's need to keep themselves hidden, the rebellious Danika and her friend decide to run away with these Scavengers… but unknown to Danika and her friend, New Haven is no haven at all. Instead, it is a place where men and women are forced to fight, thieve, and kill to survive… and when Danika and her friend finally realize that the Scavengers are far from being good people, it is too late - they've been locked into a box truck and taken against their will.

Idris Bellucci, once known as one of the Marine's most ruthless killers, must fight against time to reach her daughter before it is too late. Her journey will take her from deep within the heart of the Appalachian Mountains across treacherous terrain, full of Walkers, Scavengers, and those who wish to see her dead. However, in the process of finding the one human she loves more than anything in the world, Idris Bellucci will find much, much more. The further she travels, the more she has to lose… but what will she have to lose in the process of reaching her daughter?

Your Character - Your character would be the male lead of this story, a man who will stumble across Idris Bellucci on her journey to save her daughter. The story will revolve around their journey from the Appalachian Mountains to California and all of the trials that they must face in the process. Through it all, they must learn to trust one another, rely on one another, and push the boundaries on what they can achieve in order to save the one that matters most to Idris in the world.
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