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All Qettle's Requests


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Today 5:54 PM
Hello there! I am Qettle or as you can call me Q. I'm Genderfluid so any pronoun is really good although I land more on He/They. I have been rping on and off for about ten years or so now. I've rped over Tumblr, Discord, Skype, DeviantArt, some other places too. I've never done a proper forum rp though- so this will be a new experience for me! I'll be putting a link to my characters here once I make it. I've also played DnD and would love to play that again at some point. But for now, I'm just looking for one on one. I can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to making things. Plotting things out is really something I favor more than anything. Though I can do it on the fly. (Just don't expect much, think chatroom style except it'll be a paragraph at the least still.) I like to keep things rather organized and tidy!

But for now, here is what I have to show y'all! I'll try to update this more later on.

Submitted 08/01/2021
  • Age
    • I do not and will not RP with anyone under the age of twenty-one. I'm sorry, I just don't feel comfortable otherwise, as an adult who would enjoy discussing adult life and more mature topics. I would just feel way more comfortable if I know my rp partner if twenty-one and up.
  • Response Time & OOC
    • I tend to take my time since I do write paragraphs. Not only that but I can have a pretty bad attention span when not fully engaged with something, especially if I have work, since I usually tend to work full-time. (I tend to work 40 to 50+ hours a week, so this really is a hobby for me.) So expect to sometimes only get one response from me a week on occasion. But I do try to make up for that with OOC chatter since that tends to be easier for me. In that you can expect me to dish out ideas, cute scenarios, toss drawings at you, etc. Plus I genuinely would enjoy making a friendship with those I'm rping with! (Also expect my OOC text to be pretty lax, especially if I'm on my phone because if I'm on chill- I'm on chill.)

      I should also mention, I will respect it in kind. If it takes you a hot minute to respond, that is alright. This is for fun! Take all the time you need! I won't rush you and I would hope you not to rush me too.
  • Writing Style & Length
    • My preferred method of rping is in the third person. (ex: "Well met my darlings!" The bard practically sang with a flick of their rimmed hat.)

      One to Three paragraphs (Sometimes longer, depends on the content I'm working with. If I'm interested in something expect a lot.) tend to be my style. It really depends on what I'm given. I would like it if you at least respond back with a paragraph in kind. I do try to match what you give me though. Won't always happen, but I personally do try to match. What I expect in grammar and the like is that I just need to understand what's going on. Grammar mistakes happen and I'm not expecting us to write a novel that's going to be presented to the world. I'm expecting us to write something that we both enjoy. But if I'm constantly having a hard time understanding you. (Or you to me, it happens I'm sure!) I'll try to say something and I would like the same in return. That way we can work on it! Or move on.

      Also if English isn't your first language, that's okay with me! Let me know and I can try to help if you'd like! As an American, I think it's the most amazing thing in the world that you know more than one language! (Even though I know it is quite common in the rest of the world to know two or so.)
  • Pairings/Romance
    • I am pretty much okay with any style of pairing! Because I do play all sorts of characters! (But if you expect me to just play male characters for you, I think it best we not. It's like being the DM that never plays and it is draining. I would like to play my female/nonbinary characters too.) T4T, NB, Cis, whatever combination! Although admittedly I am a bit skeptical on most MxM pairings. It is just because of all my past experiences with them. From fandom to old rp buds. They tend to get too overly sexualized and I often get placed as the "Man" of the relationship where it's overly inherently heterosexual. So I am quite tired and skeptical of most MxM ships for those reasons. Now I do have a few personal MxM ships and I'm not saying I won't. It's just one of those things that take me a while to warm up to. You know what they say, one bad apple spoils the bunch and I've found a bunch of bad apples in my barrels.

      With that all said. I am, again, very much okay with pairing, shipping, all the like. What I love most are organic ships! I have characters all over the spectrum that I would love to flesh out so If you want to explore a ship where someone is cheating on a character I can do that! If you want sappy, I can do that. If you would like to explore an asexual/aromantic ship, yes! Though my specialty is very much so angst at first because when it comes to ships I like to figure out all the ways a ship can go wrong before it all goes right. If you catch my drift. (If you don't. Basically, I like to break things down to the barest of things and find the diamonds in the rough with ships. Like why should these characters be together? Romantic love isn't always sunshine and rainbows, no love is really, so to form a "Canon" verse for a ship, I like to see what could go wrong and build from the rubble we make. Because if we get a ship I will be making different verses in my head for it with a backbone of a "Canon" verse. Especially if I REALLY enjoy the ship.)

      Here are some ships examples I like.
      • Goody Good / Bad "Boy" - [ Especially if the Bad "Boy" ends up becoming a soft stay-at-home parent who still tries to retain that Bad "boy" persona to the outside world. That's my bread and butter.]​
      • Royal / Bodyguard
      • Height Difference
      • Childhood Friends to Lover
      • More to be added.
  • Content
    • I am very much okay with dark content so long as it doesn't include dead babies (Talking about abortion is okay but I'm not going to go and describe the process of it or talk about a baby's intestines or whatnot. That will be a fade to black moment.) or dead dogs (Same thing pretty much). Otherwise, I'm game for it! Pretty much anything the site allows (Still ask though.) I will try it out, especially if there is good a plot involved in it. Would I still like us to discuss it all beforehand? Yes. I believe in complete and utter consent. So if at all either of us feels uncomfortable in a scene or conversation or whatever. I would like us to be able to say something.
  • Canon
    • I started rping by rping canon characters. So yeah I'm alright with doing it. Although I would like to mostly work with Originals and whatnot in canon worlds or our own original worlds!
  • Genres
    • I tend to land more towards Fantasy themes more than anything. But this is not to say I won't delve into other genres! In fact I implore you to come to me with other types of genres. Though I haven't played much into sci-fi beyond doing a few cyberpunk-esq themes. So I can't promise I'll be the best at them when we start. I also do truly enjoy romance. (But again if you think I'll be playing a male role 99% of the time, please look elsewhere. Especially if you're looking for MxM.) But anything from Goddess and Heroes, Space Captains and Intergalactic Warfare, to settling on a little farm on the prairie in the old west.

      I'm pretty much down for the right plot.
  • Smut
    • While it can be the main premise of SOME of our plots, I would enjoy it not being everything about it. I can and will get burnt out on it very easy and only really do it with select people. Mostly because I really gotta know what kind of person you are and just see how we click. Now I am still willing to discuss it and just shoot and talk about possible kinks and what not the characters might or might not have. It's just not something I'm actively looking for most of the time.

      We can also just always fade to black it! Whatever it is that makes us both most comfortable.

      As well if you're looking for a specific Kink List? I probably could write one up. But unless I get a lot of questions for that I won't put one in for now.
  • Long-Term / Short-Term
    • Long or Short I do not mind. Although, I would like to find a long-term partner for sure! But I'm okay with short-term for now too.

  • Naruto
  • Boku No Hero Academia
  • Jujutsu Kaisen
  • Kill La Kill
  • Evangelian
. . .
Tv Series
  • Star Trek
  • Castlevania
. . .
Video Games
  • Dragon Age
  • Mass Effect
  • Stardew Valley
  • Assassins Creed
  • Dark Souls
  • Horizon Zero Dawn

Fandom Characters
DISCLAIMER: All Canon Characters played will be over 18 as per site rules and will be played in university or higher.
Just in case we ever play within these fandoms, these are the characters I am certain I'd be okay with playing or would love to play with. This list will be updated as I feel is necessary, when I think I can do justice for a character, or just because. As of right now (8/1/2021) this list is a W.I.P as I try to recall series and what not!
. . .
🌟 = Want to Play With ||⭐ = Can Play As
. . .
  • Inuzuka, Tsume ⭐
  • Akimichi, Choji ⭐
  • Akimichi, Choza ⭐
  • Hyuuga, Hinata ⭐
  • Aburame, Shino ⭐
  • Inuzuka, Kiba ⭐
  • Senju, Tsunade ⭐
  • Temari ⭐
  • Kankuro ⭐
  • To be honest most of the series characters I probably could do something with, I've been in that fandom for too long. But currently am not looking for an rp in it. Not without a REALLY good plot or unless you're going to play a desired character I would like.
  • Togata, Mirio / Lemillion ⭐
  • Todoroki, Enji / Endeavor 🌟⭐
  • Amajiki, Tamaki ⭐
  • Todoroki, Natsu ⭐
  • TBA
  • tba
  • tba
. . .
TV Series
  • tba
  • tba
. . .​
Video Games
  • Wynn ⭐
  • Ogren ⭐
  • Varric ⭐
  • tba
  • tba
  • tba
  • tba
  • tba
  • tba
  • tba

Story Ideas
Rating: PG-13 to M | Status: Open
Oc(s) Involved: All Can Be

Why yes it is your run of the mil College storyline. With a bunch of slice of life in it. But the twist is going to be something like the mafia gets involved- unless you'd rather just have a general slice of life then that can happen too!
Rating: PG-13 | Status: Open
Oc(s) Involved: Tba

Rating: PG-13 | Status: Open
Oc(s) Involved: Tba


Rating: Tba | Status: Pause
Oc(s) Involved: Tba

Claudimus niterentur. Certae temptavissimus, tulissesque, praetexiebatis pro uiceratque. Patissesque discessurumque, rapinis semiviroque congressorumque prodes usquam obunco ad praecipitasque aut statuerisque perobscura. Stabili et e superantis, inuectisque, capillorum, aut fuci et iuvas pollutoque, de in et velatas, ornatoque praestabo pirorumque, coeptis consulere, futurosque clam insidentis sedantque, comburemus, concurriebat, ceutronesque, ob clamitantes. Uertaminique aut et a scanderesque. Fecunda fatisceres pro et ad et et amigrant vincuntque velaretisque paravique aut cum caedibus, ab trahemus equitatusque. Pugnas loquabamini lyciam, cum inspecturaque uoluissesque comparabat velavisset lethaeique.

Rating: PG-13 to M | Status: Open
Oc(s) Involved: Uta No Kiku, Ingvar Fenrir, Vincenzo "Ares"

After having shot her potential father down via arrow in the midst of battle Uta No Kiku is now in a race to claim the spot he left behind. As she fights her way through diplomatic and physical fights. Kiku is not the only one in line for the position.

Ingvar Fenrir had been a loyal general of the prior Lord for well over four centuries. Now living on his own in a territory he had carved out with his bare hands he is being called again to face off the tides of war the Lord's daughter had caused.

The basic thought here is that Kiku is needing help to take over her "father's" throne. Not knowing she isn't his biological child and that despite her not wanting to even
Rating: PG-13 to M | Status: Open
Oc(s) Involved: Vincenzo "Ares"

Until I can get a proper thought up for this one but. Rundown is. Vincenzo is on a quest to find a stolen artifact from his caravan. He travels the lands in search of it and possibly runs upon your character who may or may not help him. They may have even been to steal it but perhaps also lost it. Either way, it would soon be learned why he's called Ares.
Rating: PG-13 to M | Status: Open
Oc(s) Involved: Tba


Series/Scenario Specific
Rating: PG-13 to Mature | Status: Open
Characters Desired: Todoroki Enji (Endeavor),
Oc(s) Involved: Kim, "Kin" Yeong (as Endeavor's Costume Designer), Upash Batukhan (as an Underground Hero), Possibly others upon request.

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes they say, but who are the ones holding up their capes and mending them when the fabric of their realities begin to fall apart? Todoroki, Enji is one such hero or as he is referred to anymore as Number.1 Pro Hero Endeavor. While not only being the new number one, Enji is also the sole owner of his own hero agency where a multitude of sidekicks and everyday style folk work. Even having someone that is quirkless as his costume designer upon finding they had a drive and a particular knack for it in his early twenties. Though it had taken some convincing beforehand. But between his sponsorship and hard work Mrs.Kim

In this storyline, Enji can be divorced or could not be that would be up to you. Because the premise of this story is not necessarily one of romance. It is about just kind of diving a little more into hero society from the newfound Number.1 Pro Hero and those that help him be successful.

Not Completed but the basic thought of this is that Enji and Kin are old unlikely friends. Both being passionate people about their respective jobs. Between everything happening in UA and their own personal lives. The two end up relying on each other more than ever. Enji needing help connecting to his children/and wife. While Kin needs help with the knowledge her husband's death wasn't all an accident. Some of the blame even pointing to Enji himself!
Rating: Tba | Status: Pause
Characters Desired: Tba


Ending Credits
If any of this sparks an interest or you would like to get a hold of me or whatever. Shoot me a DM and we can work something out!
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