MxF Querin's romance and kink

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MxF Querin's romance and kink


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Today 12:18 PM
Hello, and welcome to my request thread!

I've been roleplaying for years, and as such I believe I've attained the title of "literate" at the very least. I generally like to have 2-5 paragraphs in each reply, but this fluctuates due to the story itself.

My plots are all MxF, and either romance or smut related. My interests of plots run from cute romance to hardcore bdsm noncon stuff. Pretty much any kink besides scat is fine in its right place and can be included.

Pretty simple. Communication, good grammer (your writing doesn't have to be superb as long as it doesn't hurt me to read), and story involvement.

Royalty x Pirate
Drug addict x Supplier
Homeless woman x Rich Man
Stripper x Boss
Slave x Master
Royalty x Knight
Teacher x Student
Vampire x Hunter
Conquistador x Native
Adventurer x Adventurer

About two decades before our story, the Earth had a major cataclysm in the form of a terrorist cell releasing a biowarfare agent in multiple major cities and the detonation of EMPs in the atmosphere to cut of communications. Meant to simply kill a large number of people, the disease did much more. The humans it infected died within a day. Animals and plants, originally not thought susceptible to the disease mutated and spread. Within a few months, the world order had collapsed.

A fairly significant, but still small, portion of the population happened to be immune to the disease. Now, they survive across the world in various states of civilization. Due to simple chance, the ratio of men to women with the immunity trait was much higher, and thus women are in small supply. MC is a man living in what used to be Kansas. He's an independent person, living a nomadic lifestyle and doing odd jobs for resources as he travels. YC can have a backstory that you want, but for whatever reason, she ends up cornered by members of the Ruling clique of Kansas City, intending to bring YC into the city to bolster its number of women. MC saves her, taking her as his woman and under his wing.

After a second world war in which the Axis win, a program of Germanization of conquered territory is started. Spouse-less german soldiers are given plots of land in said territory and a local woman.

MC would be a soldier, settling in one of those conquests (Poland, Ukraine, France, Russia). Unbeknownst to him, his new wife, a local woman, was a part of the resistance during the war. Will she submit willingly, or will she have to be broken?

MC is a southern american farmer in the mid 1800s, who owns a relatively small plantation and a few slaves. One slave auction, he sees a newly imported slave and is struck by her body. He buys her, intending to keep her as a house slave more than anything.

That concludes the request for now. I'll add more as I think of it. If you want to talk about setting up anything, whether it's on hete or your own idea, just send me a pm!
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