MxF Questin' For Dah Best

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MxF Questin' For Dah Best


Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 1:52 AM
Within these beautiful halls reside S.E.E.D members; our only hope to keep this world together.
Hello everyone! Many of ya'll probably don't know of me, but that's okay! I'm sure I'll get around to throwing up an introductory post eventually. For now, mah name is ThundahMoose! If you couldn't tell, I really, really enjoy Final Fantasy (or fantasy settings in general). Soooo if you would have me, I would love to write up an enthralling story revolving around an academy for mercenaries, essentially. The plot would of course entirely original, as would our characters as playing other already existing characters in fiction to be rather difficult.
Lemme know you're interested please!

Alrighty, now that that's out of the way... If anything above isn't to your liking, I'm pretty much up for anything. I've found that finding a middle ground between what ya'll want and what I want to be pretty fascinating in the business of conjuring up RPs, so let's talk about it all, eh?

Do's and don'ts:
Time for the not so fun part. D: Length isn't a huge problem for me as I understand that sometimes posts may need to be shorter to allow for another quick response. The same goes for grammar, so long as I can read it we're square!

To be entriely honest I haven't really ecountered too many things I'm uncomfortable with besides constantly RPing smut. Hey, I love me some of that ol' smutty RP! But when the RP revolves around it the story tends to lose its fervor.

Soooooo with that being said ... Shoot up your ideas at me in a PM or here! Coming up with something very, very entertaining will be an honor with you all.


Resurrecting this from the abyss!
Is this still open? Because!

Final Fantasy!

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