Either Needed Rain of the Gods (Power-Scaling Fantasy)

Currently reading:
Either Needed Rain of the Gods (Power-Scaling Fantasy)

Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
Here's a list of possible OB powers I brainstormed earlier if you need inspiration:

  • A stomach that generates powerful acid that can be projectile-vomited and allows the bearer to eat anything.
  • An inner ear that grants the power to redirect gravity either for themselves or in a bubble around them.
  • A piece of skin that grants invisibility/camouflage abilities.
  • A piece of skin that grants adhesive abilities for climbing (might be combined with the above).
  • An eye that allows you to replicate the abilities of the last person you saw, but only one person at once.
  • A literal green thumb that grands plant growth catalyst & control abilities.
  • A heart that generates powerful electrical pulses that can be released through the hands. Your blood also becomes magnetic.
  • Lungs that allow you to blast tornado-strength wind out of your mouth. Also lets you inflate your body to float and blow yourself around in a very awkward way of flying.
  • A tongue that allows you to stretch it out a hundred feet and makes it extremely strong and prehensile. Your sense of taste doesn't become any less sensitive, so...if you try to grab someone with it, hope they have good hygeine.
  • A hand that allows you to reshape anything you touch like its made of putty. May also allow you to transmute its physical properties.
  • A gill that allows you to breath underwater. That's it, hope you live near water.
  • A tooth that turns all your teeth incredibly sharp and able to bite through anything.
  • A foot that can generate directed seismic shocks through the ground, and also allow you to use a kind of ground-sonar to sense your surroundings.
Suddenly got the dark idea of the whole putty concept leading to that character being able to turn people into stone or plaster, if he stays in contact for long enough.
.... So much for sleeping next to someone? :awkward:
Depends on if he can consciously control it. Otherwise he has a King Midas problem.
I think a decent approach to building a character isn't to go power-first if you aren't sure what you want, but instead to figure out what sort of narrative arc you want them to follow, and come up with an appropriate power that resonates with that journey.
Could also go up to someone and be like, "You should smile more," and then literally mold their face to be a sort of creepy permanent smile.
I think a decent approach to building a character isn't to go power-first if you aren't sure what you want, but instead to figure out what sort of narrative arc you want them to follow, and come up with an appropriate power that resonates with that journey.
True. That'll be the harder focus for me, but one I can work on when I have my brain actually rested and juiced up.
Could also go up to someone and be like, "You should smile more," and then literally mold their face to be a sort of creepy permanent smile.

Maybe he's a criminal, and that's his calling card?
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