Character(s) Rain's Radiant Rambles

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Character(s) Rain's Radiant Rambles


Where is my mind~
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A brief introduction~

Hi - my name is Rain and I'm 30 years of age!

I love to read, write, color things and plot. I live for the plot, I will probably die plotting to be honest. Creating worlds, characters and building those things and I love doing that with other people. Smashing two (or more) brains together and seeing what ideas the other comes up with has always been fascinating.

I think I'm fun, quirky and creative; I'm very ghost-friendly. I love to chat outside of our plots and be internet friends but I don't expect more than that and your real life always comes first. Your job, your kids, your spouse, your house, your mental health and your wellbeing all come before our lovely hobby. If you're not feeling it that day - that's fine! I'm patient and understanding, watch that YouTube and relax! We can always plot later and you can always respond later. I'd rather you be rested and feeling it than burned out and felling rushed đź’•

I have a plethora of characters and plots, as you can see
here! More are added when they come into my brain~!
End introduction~
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Abney May Demor

The brief scene:
Steampunk, fantastical, and wonderful - this world is powered by magic, blood, sweat, tears and cogs. After several civil wars decimated most land - most of the wayward refuges or bitter, excommunicated solders formed outposts on the lands and frowned upon outsiders, often resorting to violence if an airship doesn't ask for permission to land and refuel. More often than not - they're met with guns, distrust, bitterness and rage over how the war's have treated them and the newly formed Counsel has done them. Trade with these outposts is rare but happens if you have the right food, medical supplies or necessities that they need at the time. While the outposts have gotten better on their distrust of outsiders, it's still unsafe to roam on the bigger chunks of the world so people set up ports in the water where airships can come down, their people can rest and resupply and be assured they won't be killed for an unfortunate misstep. Most choose to bypass the rougher lands in the middle of the sea and head to Eastern lands where it's a bit safer but not by much.

Due to this - most resorted to set up stops in the rich waters of Earth to provide safety, food and shelter to the soldiers in the air. With various species of vampire, werewolf, fay and various undead running around, one would think humans are a rarity but no! They run vibrant and colorful Inn's within major ports, market places with spices and trinkets right next to their vampire and werekin neighbors, the fae children run around barefooted whilst their giggles and laughter fill up the market with an air of comfort. This is but just one stop among the dozens that litter the water, each as vibrant and culture rich as the last.

The politics haven't changed much either.

The Counsel was formed, with representation for each species, to care for the needs of the many and the few alike. Those aboard the once unaligned warship, the legendary Odin, don't care much for politics and roam the land acting as a trade ship. The crew is filled with refugees and soldiers alike, all picking a place in the ship to call home and serve through the wars that were a thing of the past since the Counsel formed. But that doesn't stop them from being prepared. The designer of the groundbreaking warship is believed to be the Captain: a man only known as Elias. Known for his ship and his wild, fiery red hair that matched his temper - not much else is known about the man or his wife and elusive daughter. Seeing Odin went from a harsh reminder of horror to a comforting sight of intrigue as the times went on; some people felt better knowing that Odin was still patrolling the skies for them while others felt that He should be retired. Squabbles in the air still happen with rogue fighters occasionally but for now, there's a tentative peace.

The Character Basics:
Name: Abney May Demour

Nickname(s): Abney, Abs

Race: Human(oid)

Role/Title/Occupation: Engineer / no official title / Tinkerer and inventor

Age: Appears to be in her late 20's

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2

Abilities: (will be broken down into two parts))

Technical Abilities:
Abney is a genius savant with engines and technology. She has built, maintained, fixed and kept up with the times and their developments; mostly lending to the wave of newer tech due to her sustainable engines, the source of which is a secret that's kept from majority of people.

She's skinny and lithe, able to fit into the air ducts of her engine room (purposely made big enough to fit her and only her with the exception of few other crew members)

Non technical abilities:
Abney is also a witch; she keeps a grimoire of spells that have been passed down from generation to generation on her person but rarely pulls it out. It's kept in a back pack that she usually keeps on her back unless it's locked away in her personal room. It is the last relic of her people to exist.

Magic is not limited to this book: she can conjure flame and ice and use them to her advantage as well as produce temporary shields and turn skin to metal. Abney is limited by energy reserves and not much else. The extent of her abilities are not known to many but Abney knows that she can, at the height of energy, transfer herself between dimensions and time itself but she rarely does this as the fall out is devastating.

Abney's focus is crystals; she's able to tune into the frequency and uses them as a medium to transfer energy, blessings, luck - there's a reason she's dripping with crystals and rocks on various occasions.

The biography:
Once upon a time, twin children were born into an upper class of a species of humanoids only loosely known as Mystics in a reality that barely exists anymore due to the suffocating implosion of magic and blood. The younger of the twins, now known as Abney, would find her childhood rocky and unpleasant. While attempting to cling to their customs and give children an ordinary life, her family life clashed with a world turning more and more hostile toward the Mystics and anything like them, cherishing more of the normality that humans presented and the unpredictability of their nature. People turned from cherishing their unique inputs to fearing them and what they could do; it easily became a volatile powder keg of unstable tempers and people just trying to find a place to settle down and simply be. Abney's mother would break tradition and introduce her child to the grimoire that had been passed down from parent to child, teaching her the language in which the book was written in a desperate attempt to preserve some form of their culture in turbulent times. It would be the only thing her mother would teach her before a massacre broke out after months of tense, unending negotiations with Mystic's being murdered left and right.

In a fit of desperation to save her children, a forbidden ritual was performed to send both children through pockets of reality into one they would be safe in. The last gift her mother would ever give her was the grimoire, which a young Abney held tightly to her chest as they were ripped violently through space and time, clinging to one another and the only gift their mother gave them. The next thing Abney would remember is a man with the prettiest red hair and emerald eyes, rescuing her from the icy depths that she crashed into from the sky like a star.

For a while, she had no name and no home; the man, an vampiric Viking of old named Elias Demor, searched for their parents tirelessly until he gave up after no leads and even fewer clues. The children would say nothing about their trials or much of anything period, they would just cling to one another and the strange book that Elias had a gut feeling not to go near. His wife, another undead named Anna Demor, then suggested taking the proclaimed orphan children in since they had been welcomed in by the stonehearted crew and become a source of joy for everyone. The two would become her adopted parents, onboard a tiny airship floating above the ice and snow of the Arctic. Abney and Silas were seven when she was officially given her name, the ragtag crew they once had gathered around to celebrate her 'birthday'. It is a core memory for Abney.

Adapting to the world took its toll on Abney and Silas, having to learn her way around an airship while learning a similar yet different language to the one that was spoken from her homeland. Coping with the loss of her parents and the gaining of new parents was bittersweet and, in the end, Anna and Elias proved to be caring and loving parents when they weren't terrifying soldiers off of a battleground or having nightmares from the horrors of war. Elias would teach the children of ancient Gods that he still prayed to while Anna taught them how to dress in this new world, how to read and how to be children amongst the violence. Once the language stuck, Abney would find that everything else was easy to grasp but Silas had a bit more trouble grasping the concepts of language, dress and turbulent stability.

Soon after this, Abney would begin to struggle with her magic. It was harder to draw from this world than the last and she'd get quickly frustrated but Anna was there to help soothe the girl and, despite the many questions she had, help Abney work through the stages of her emotions and try again and again until small sparks became a small flame. Through a small flame, an inferno was born and accidentally singed a few unexpected eyebrows but it was brushed off with laughter.

As a year quickly came and went, at an estimated age of eight, Abney's brother would begin to sicken and grow weaker while Abney would dive into papers and sheets, coloring and designing as a coping mechanism and stick close to him. It was then that Elias noticed the young girl's aptitude for design and enabled it, fed into it by giving her designs for failed airships that he had come up with while traveling the skies and fighting in the wars. The child proved to be a budding prodigy at this, designing a concept that even Elias was impressed with. Eventually, working with Abney, they created a design that Elias was confident in and the captain would take her designs to the war counsel of the time. This proved fruitful and H.M.S Odin was born soon after and the pair would watch in pride as the ship went from a concept to a fully built, fleshed out warship that was beginning to be built.

Elias would take full credit for the design since he never thought anyone would listen to input of an eight year old on the matters of groundbreaking designs with the blessing of a young Abney. Elias and Anna would put her into some of the best education a moving military couple could offer their child while they were on the move constantly. Abney was placed in a beginning course and it would be frustrating for the child but she'd soon grasp it and even excel at it, much to the surprise of the teacher and her parents. Abney was soon able to catch up to peers at her age and continued to excel at things when she wasn't daydreaming and drawing on spare paper in the sickbay. In her middle years it was suggested that they put Abney into an honors course for science and technology, much to Anna and Elias's surprise. To Abney's delight - they accepted and Abney would dive into challenging material that seemed to fascinate her. Science and technology seemed to flow within her brain, making as much sense as the water's flow in a stream.

Abney would be placed in more and more challenging technology and science classes, but math lagged behind a bit. The girl would proclaim that her and numbers didn't get along while everything else just clicked in her mind. Anna and Elias would help her as much as they could but Abney would still struggle and even throw a math book down the hall at one point in frustration. Despite this setback, the girl would thrive and graduate early at fifteen with honors and a letter of recommendation to an engineering school. The crew and her would celebrate, the pictures of that night still hanging on Elias's wall.

At seventeen years old, Abney had graduated from engineering school with a master certificate and aided in the building of Odin's engines, having helped create a whole new design of engine to keep it long running with limited fuel that was based solely off of crystals and clean technology. While skeptical, small scale versions of the technology had worked so Elias helped persuade the war counsel of the time to let the highly skeptical plans into fruition on a larger scale. Through hard work, tears and struggle - the technology Abney and her assistants created turned theoretical physics into plain physics, a monumental task that earned her team worldwide recognition.

Soon after Odin's completion and the sensitive technology of its engine classified it as a warship - a third world war broke out among the land. It would be devastating. Odin was filled to the brim with refugees, many of them from Viking settlements while their land was ravaged and it was then that Abney, at just 18, began to see the worst in people but was determined to help however possible. At this turn of attitude, Abney began to teach herself basic healing spells, enough to tide injured and sick people over until the refugees could get to the proper medics. Abney would see the horrors of full war and had quickly grown up while protecting Silas from this as much as possible to keep the sick boy from worrying and fretting too much.

Abney began learning the ins and outs of combat, quickly finding out what she was capable of and how to keep her head leveled in stressful situations although she never quite got the grasp of the anger that bloomed when someone shot at her ship. Anna, and her sisters in arms, would teach her how to be a shield maiden, while Elias would teach her how to defend herself if she didn't have a shield. It was too much, too fast and Abney would metaphorically stumble through it, turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms.

During the course of the third world war, and the desperation to have more vessels to aid in the war, the H.M.S Persephone and U.N.S Thor was born from ragtag designs and quickly built. The ships were smaller than Odin but served as more support vessels than combatants, taking refugees to camps or sending more soldiers to the frontlines to see their demise.

The halls of ship's would be filled with creatures' regardless of legends: vampires, werewolves, golems - the types of creatures living and breathing with magic. The people who chose to stay and found a niche in their halls, led by an undead Viking and his equally undead wife, would become her ragtag family. People who had started as refugees were staying aboard, sticking around until they could see an end to this war. Several minor wars broke out among the different nations and why this happened, Abney would never know but it was then that she felt true frustration in the human race. The war lasted until Abney was twenty-four years of age.

As things settled around their world but her brother worsened, Abney began playing with the new powers at her fingertips, expanding them and trying to master them outside of basic combat and healing. In a fit fueled by caffeine, sleepless nights and desperation - Abney would make a grave, extremely foolish mistake which would result in the end of her brother's life, causing Abney to be recognized as the last of her kind.

With the potent magic of her line refusing to die, it infused with her very essence, forcing her immortality at an agonizingly painful price. Since that day - Abney has walked in her ship's halls, fixed their engines, kept them up and maintained them for just under one hundred years. Refusing to give up on her family line, Abney studied her magic and forced herself to get a handle on it, mastering it more and more as time went on and she taught herself. The Witch soon saw world peace, something she didn't think she'd see; the world had been so devastated after the last war that they created a world government called The Counsel. It was led by representatives from every walk of life everywhere on the planet and, soon, a tentative peace flourished and people began rebuilding with the ragtag crew across their three ships.

Current RP's:

The Brief Scene:
Futuristic and fantastical, large cities sprawl for hours and technology has an advanced edge here. Flip screen cellphones, glass tablets with illuminated words, self-tinting windows, with hoverboards and hovercars - there's nothing anyone wants in terms of technology as it keeps evolving and getting better seemingly by the day. High fashion, however, reigns supreme in the upscale parts of the city with shopping malls and competing stores to have the latest thing and appeal to the masses of this sprawling metropolis. It's not uncommon to see girls roaming in the streets with their arms linked, as beautiful and dressed up as can be, while men in suits rushed around to get to their next meeting in the tall, arching buildings that are downtown. Tall buildings glisten in the warm sunlight, immaculately trimmed trees and clean store signs decorate the sidewalks; everything looks carefully decorated, beautiful and some storefronts look like something out of a fairytale. But every fairytale has their darker sides.

In the lesser upscale parts of the city, you'll find people who are struggling to just survive; while some work in the upscale parts of town, it hardly pays for an apartment up there unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. You'll find more nature in the lower parts of city and some kinder, but hardened, people amongst the rabble. If you were born in the lower parts of city - you quickly had to learn in order to survive the rough streets, the slimy landlords, the questionable foods and the drug dealers that roam around. While this world isn't quite advanced enough to have cars soaring through the air - some are predicting that this will happen within the next twenty years or so. The people of the lower city, however, are a bit more realistic and doubt this.

RP dependent: Ruled by a hierarchy where your genders mattered - the world was mostly run by betas and alphas while omegas are on the more rare side. While Beta's could give birth, there was a more high chance that the child would also be a beta so omegas are not only rare and very sought after - they are often sold off to the highest of the high in society. The primary male gender is also more common than female gender so it's not uncommon to see that females of any second gender are more openly harassed than males. Female omegas are the rarest of the combinations and are usually taken away early on to be given to the highest of society to continue bloodlines, breed more omegas and keep the population going.

There are heat houses that will take in omegas of both genders and watch them to make sure an alpha doesn't snap and take advantage of them based off of scent, as well as rutt houses to prevent the alpha's from loosing their mind in rutts. Just like hotels - some are more sketchy while others are for more privileged members.

Collars are commonly used by betas and omegas of both genders to keep an alpha from doing something absolutely stupid and giving a mating mark.

The Character Basics:
Name: Amanda Renee Turner / "Rayne"

Nickname(s): N/A

Race: Human - Omega (RP dependent)

Role/Title/Occupation: Daycare worker by day, cam girl by night.

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Height: 5'3

The Biography:
Born in the lower parts of a large city, Amanda is an only child as her parents couldn't really afford one let alone have another. Born to a beta and an omega, it was all but a shoe-in that Amanda would be an omega but both of her parents decided that a female omega was rare and hunted for enough so they chose to raise her as a beta in concern for her safety and go to the next city over as the hospital in their area began to ask questions. Both of Amanda's parents managed to land a job in the upper scale parts of town so Amanda got to see glimpses of it while she was a child but never got the appeal of it. A fashion sense never developed for Amanda, choosing more loose and comfortable clothes that were more affordable and hid her frame and kept prying eyes off of her. Amanda's parents were hardly around, working hard to provide for her and maintain their apartment and her more advanced education. Her parents were hoping to provide her a path into the upper parts of of the city but Amanda could never afford college even with her parents help. All she left school with was a prestigious record, honors, a paper saying she graduated and a best friend that was an alpha. Grateful to him for watching her through school, they maintained a close friendship outside of school. This friend, Kieran, was an mid-upper class Alpha who went off to college almost immediately out of school but maintained daily communication with Amanda.

Attempting to make it on her own, Amanda moved out and managed to find a suitable, but sleazy, apartment and got a job as a daycare worker while saving up for school. Finding that it was a hard, long road - Amanda took up other, odd jobs on the weekend until she stumbled upon sex work. The site was littered with cam girls, cam boys, pictures of various kinds and voice work. Figuring that nothing could go wrong with an attempt - Amanda started with hand and feet pictures as well as voice lines. Shockingly, it helped with rent, groceries and other necessities so Amanda kept going with it and getting more frequent with her posts.

Surprisingly, she got requests for more and more work and she set a goal: if she got so many followers, she'd do a cam show. It was a longer road but Amanda eventually got to the goal, much to the excitement of long term fans. Amanda had a conundrum: she worked as a daycare assistant in the day time and having her face floating around on this site would ruin her. She'd been so careful to not show her face, how did she avoid it now? So Amanda decided to do something a bit unorthodox: hide her identity but do the cam show anyway. The woman then used some of the spare funds that she got to invest in a mask, a wig and did her first cam show. While she was shier than she expected, it somehow turned people who were into the innocence on harder. The donations she got that night were more than she'd seen in a while and she got so many new followers that it was mind boggling.

So Amanda continued to invest in wigs, masks and different outfits, choosing to do more cam shows with pictures that got more intimate in nature. In present day - she's still working as a cam girl to save up for college while maintaining a high position, rank 10 to be exact, on the worldwide site.

The Story:
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Ezra Gabriel Charles
The Brief Scene:

The Character Basics:
Name: Ezra Gabriel Charles

Nickname(s): Ez

Race: Vampire variant

Role/Title/Occupation: Assistant photographer, artist by trade / DJ mostly full time.

Age: 92

Gender: Male

Height: 5'6

The Bio:
Born to two free spirits that confined themselves in a little suburban neighborhood, Ezra's parents decided to give him whatever opportunity that was available to have his creativity and spirit. They were thrilled when Ezra started in music, finding him playing little tunes here and there on a children's keyboard and banging on pots and pans at home when he was an infant while encouraging every fingerpainting and every off beat tune he'd play. His passion not only continued as he got older but strengthened in its roots; Ezra would teach himself certain keys on the school piano and certain guitar plucks but it wasn't nearly enough. Ezra wanted to play the music, not try to figure out a language that had no translation to him. His passion really took off when he finally convinced his parents this wasn't a fleeting fancy and got into music lessons, much to his delight. Art would be a second passion, drawing and painting would be an outlet for the frustrations he had that day or the breakup he just suffered but, like music, he'd keep finetuning and teaching himself how to go about the language of art. Ezra continued this path into adulthood, choosing music as a major with art as a secondary study in college while moonlighting as a DJ in his local club. This was until a fated accident caused him to be put into the hospital where blood from a questionable source was given to him, giving him a variant of the vampire virus that slowly turned him into a creature of the night. Unlucky for him, he was the variant that couldn't be within the sun much to Ezra's unhappiness. Thankfully - this batch of blood was discovered before it turned anyone else but they still haven't found a cure for him, much to his unhappiness. Watching his parents die was a shock to his system, causing him to withdraw from friends as a whole and go into a life of mostly solitude until other's like him cropped up. Finding companionship as a vampire made his soul alight again with life and he's been taking the newly foreign concepts very slow.

The Story:
On the Edge of a Knife
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