Raptor's Plots

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Raptor's Plots


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Hi all, being new, I want to get going on getting to know some people and as such, I have several plot babies to pick from. As of right now, there's only two as I have to locate the others (I have so many flashdrives it's ridiculous.) so this will be updated as I go. These are plots with romance in mind so if that's not your interest then they probably won't work for you.

"How long is forever?" asked Alice.
"Sometimes, just one second," replied the White Rabbit.

For Wonderland, it's as if that's all it's been since Alice left the beautifully, nonsensical world. 30 years for Wonderland and yet 144 years has passed in Alice's realm, everyone simply thought she would return and overthrow the Red Queen at first. Until one day, the Wonderlanders grew restless and tired of waiting, overthrowing the Red Queen themselves and executed her, screaming 'Off with her head!' What no one knew, was that the Red Queen had been having an affair with her beloved JabberWocky and had bore him a child. The JabberWocky had stolen the child away before the mob discovered, raising her and teaching that the Wonderlanders were worthless, not better for anything other than providing the fear needed to feed them and that Alice was to blame for the death of his lover and her mother. The child was doubtful of this since she had seen how her mother had treated her subjects and heard the tales. She ran away after she turned 18 and took sanctuary with her aunt the White Queen, who allowed her to train in weapons and combat despite her pacifist stand. Now at 23, the girl lives on her own in between the Fungal Forest and the Wood of Giant Beasts, occasionally doing the White Queen's bidding when things aren't as they should within her kingdom.

While in the other world, Alice had bore children of her own and they had children and those children had children and so on until there was the eldest of the modern day Liddel lineage, a young man who grew up on the stories his great great grandmother inspired and that's all he thought they were. Stories. He lived a life where people often teased that one day he'd fall down a rabbit hole or that his mind often went to his own Wonderland and so for a good while, he was bitter over his lineage. When he graduated high school and started his first year of college, he finally came to terms with his heritage and actually did several of his English and Literature papers on the Looking Glass books and even Alice herself since he had access to several resources that others didn't. He actually shares several similar traits to his great great grandmother, mainly her curiosity. He was out for a night with his roommates when he saw a white rabbit in a waistcoat with a watch.

Upon following the white rabbit, he found himself in the world Alice was so known for and confronted with a group of giant and seemingly rabid dogs. He took off running away from Wonderland's entrance, soon happening upon a young woman plucking oddly colored mushrooms. After staring at each other for a beat or two, the woman's eyes flashed red and shifted to the pack of snarling dogs. Once the dogs were through the clearing, they caught sight of her and froze, turning and running with their tails between their legs. When she learns of who this stranger is, she takes him to see the caterpillar. And that, is where their journey begins...

Ancient Transylvanian legend speaks of a man so cruel and yet so alluring that he had to be an unholy monster. Vlad the Impaler aka Count Dracula, either name struck fear into the hearts of the people in Transylvania, and yet, the women were drawn to the man should he gaze into their eyes or speak soothing, enthralling words with his silver tongue, becoming the sheep to his slaughter. Centuries went by, a girl vanishing every night of the blood moon when they say Dracula would choose his next bride to ravage and feast upon and so this went on until Dracula found his eternal wife in the young and beautiful Lucy Westenra, giving her his curse of vampirism. The rest of the story, you may think you already know, but it was not Abraham Van Helsing that drove the stake into Lucy's heart. Bram Stoker's tale is little more than a book of half truths and so, I shall tell you the true story of the Count Dracula.

Vampires have walked this Earth for as long as man, though not as you would imagine; they hid in the shadows for fear of the burning sun, terrified of the smallest trickling streams and drank the blood of animals to sate their hunger. They were hardly more than animals themselves and never meant to be anything more than as they were. Then one day, a starving fledgling happened across a young woman fetching water at night, the fledgling could practically hear her beating heart from where he hid himself and feel the heat coming from her sun warmed skin. All he could think was his hunger would drive him mad and so with a shrill scream into the night's air, the first of the modern vampires came to be. The blood of the human girl was different from that of the animals he'd tasted before, it was sweet and sublime and he felt... renewed. Indeed, this fledgling felt powerful after his feast of human life. He fled back to his clan when the girl's kin showed up to investigate the scream, telling his family of his new found strength. Curiosity from his clan mates and then other clans led to a sudden feeding frenzy, greatly attributing to the fall of Rome.

They were smarter now, the fresh blood of humans sharpening their previously stunted minds, though as with anything new, there are draw backs. The craving for blood grew far worse than ever, resulting in a slow and agonizing death should one be denied feeding for too long. The Dark Ages followed as vampires ran rampant, now stunting the growth of the majority of humans who died rather quickly from disease and lack of nourishment. In the 14th century, the vampires agreed that their food source needed a chance to grow once more to avoid disastrous shortages and so they retreated to the shadows once more, taking their places among the night life or in positions of nobility. It was at this time, the birth of the Renaissance that the first Count was born.

Yes, the first Count Dracula, there's two, the eldest son being named Aleksander, a charming vampire who surprisingly cared about those that gave him his meals. The second and youngest son was named Vladimir, the opposite of his brother and cared more for material gains and how to get them. Both boys had the same upbringing but Alek excelled in things intellectual where Vlad excelled in things best not mentioned for their... gruesome nature. Vlad wanted to subjugate human kind and rule them, seeing nothing more than a bunch of cowards and weaklings. Alek would put a stop to his younger brother's plans before they escalated too far until the late 19th century. It was during this time Vlad had started a new plan in secret, this plan is what Bram Stoker wrote about, though Van Helsing was a completely fictional character as well as some of the wards and weaknesses being false i.e. religious artifacts like crosses and holy water and they have developed tolerances to sunlight though they still burn to a crisp if out for too long and not coated in a thick layer of sunblock. Alek is the one who killed Lucy Westenra and though the book says that Count Dracula was killed, Alek simply confined Vlad to their castle, using a gypsy curse to prevent him from leaving.

Jump to modern day, Alek is attending an American university as a student to help him fit in better in the world and to get to know people that appear to be the age he looks. He's even dating a human girl that he's quite enamored with and hopes to one day tell her about who he really is, the only problem is Vlad is plotting again and putting his peaceful life as well as his girlfriend at risk... What will happen?

This is a very old plot but I would absolutely love to try this one again.

The Flying Dutchman always needs a captain. But nowadays, the captains don't live very long. Most fall in love and die on the inside once their mates die. This is what happened with my grandfather. He was the last captain and passed his title on to a young man that he deemed kind and worthy. On the day of my grandmother's passing, I became the next guardian like so many of the women in my family before my grandmother. Most of the time, captains fall in love with their keepers but sometimes, a captain will choose to love only himself and terrorizing the travelers of the sea. It becomes the job of the keeper to destroy the heart, no matter the cost. Then the cycle begins again. Captains may eventually choose to step down and leave the Dutchman to be with his love, but making that choice means never setting foot in the seas again. So what does the future hold for me?
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The vampire one looks interesting. How would you work a story partner into that?
The idea I had was my partner would play Alek (Or whatever name you'd prefer, I just used Alek as an example.) and I'd be playing his girlfriend.
Fair enough. Sounds kinda fun :P but it sounds as if you had his character all made to go? You cool with someone giving it their own flare?
That actually sounds interesting. Fighting off other clans, discovering the brothers plot, protecting his beloved from both his kin and himself.
Glad you like it!
Updated with The Heart's Keeper plot
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