Rapture — April 2018 Writing Challenge

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Rapture — April 2018 Writing Challenge

Miss Malice

Femme Fatale
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Rapture – Bioshock Fan Fiction - fxf - Intro - Written 2/2018
Spicer x Human

Alrighty. Here is my April 2018 Writing Challenge Post. It is one of my favorite things that I have recently written. For anyone not aware Bioshock is a video game. I do not know much about it as I am still currently playing it but the setting fascinates me. It is a dystopian setting game about an underwater city. I am posting my intro role where I play an insane Splicer which is someone who is dependent on ADAM. The Splicers end up with a whole lot of physical and mental issues from ADAM addiction. I hope that you all enjoy this. ♥


^ Not my art - credit goes to owner

"Ignore the lies of Atlas and his Parasites. Rapture is on the rise!"​

The city of Rapture sat miles and miles under the Mid-Atlantic ocean. When one thought of living in the ocean they thought of happy things like mermaids, fairy tales, and futuristic aquatic living. Maybe that had been Rapture at one time but now place was the opposite. Rapture wasn't like a fairy tales.... Oh no, it was more like a place of nightmares. It was a place of constant darkness and despair. Every day that one spent in the hellhole, was one too long. Each day that passed easily felt like a year. It was enough to drive a person mad. It was enough to change a normal human being into someone... dark... someone.... fucked up.... someone.... like Ryot.

There weren't many sane people left in Rapture. Was Ryot one of those people? It was too hard to tell. The hard life had really blurred the lines of what was worldly and was what sane. Once you had seen so much darkness, you eventually became the darkness, right? What else was there to become? In a world where hope was lost, where there was no sunshine, where did one turn? What was one supposed to become? Life in Rapture eventually changed everyone. Not for better but for much much worse. The only questioned that remained was when?

Had the madness finally gotten to Ryot? No. It was impossible. That would mean that she was weak and she refused to be weak. The girl stood 5'9" with hair in dark red choppy waves that she had been forced to cut herself. Standing in front of the mirror with the knife hacking away at the too long locks had become somewhat of an obsession. There was something eerie about the mirror she used. The girl had become entranced, too focused, on her appearance, Were the bags under her eyes too dark? Was she losing more hair than normal? Was her skin too yellow? Was that a rash? Every time that she had looked into the mirror at the reflection that she swore wasn't her, her fist would make contact with the thing, shattering it into a million pieces. When she came back into the room, the thing was always pieced back together as if nothing had even happened. The bleeding cuts on her hand would be completely healed. It was all part of the dark nightmare that she lived on a daily basis.

Siren Alley. At one time it had been a beautiful elegant place. That time however had long since came and gone and now the place was known as more of a red light district. A place of chaos and prostitution. Ryot had taken up residence there and had remained there for some time. Of course she didn't know how long she had been there. The girls memories seemed to be all out of whack. There was no telling why. Siren Alley. The place was home to her. The girl would dance to records that would play elegantly and loudly on the player. Spinning and singing for what felt like hours. There were so many great ways to pass the time. A bottle of moonbeam absinthe in one hand and a vile of ADAM in the other hand. The two toxins combining, one through mouth, the other through vein, dancing in her body and taking away the pain.

Siren Alley. The dark hallways and peeling wallpaper had become somewhat of a sanctuary to her. Her short black fingernails ran themselves along the aging wallpaper as she walked slowly, almost as if in a trance, down the long hallway. The girl continued to hum the music from the record. The other hand drug her spiked baseball bat. Letting the spikes wreak havoc on the already ruined carpet. A thing that the girl had almost always carried. The bat. For safety? For protection? or for intimidation? It depended on the day really. Where was she going? She couldn't remember exactly but the image that she saw had drug her from the room, out of curiosity perhaps? Or maybe just to break routine for once? Siren Alley. Either way the girl was on a mission and there would be nothing stopping her.

"Get the fuck outta my way, Dusty." She growled not moving her fingernails that scratched the wallpaper. The touch of her fingers against the wall created a feeling that she needed and she refused to steer from the line she was walking. The older man had turned and glanced at her, with his dark eyes, as he seemed to walk in his own drugged up stance. Siren Alley. It appeared that they would glow at her almost quickly, almost full of hatred, almost cursing her, as he quickly moved into the direction of his room, almost crashing into a half-naked woman who was standing on the other side hoping to make some money.

"Ryot baby I know that you are just teasing me by flaunting yourself by me every day." Raven purred. The prostitute smoking her Three Stars cigarette. The girls long jet black hair fell past her shoulder blades. Even though she was beautiful, Ryot had never needed the girls services. There were too many other things to do. Too many other options. The smoke filled the hallway causing the smell to penetrate everything in sight. The woman wore a dirty white bra and a pair of stained too short blue jean shorts. The girls long pale legs had briefly caught Ryot's gaze.

"As tempting as you are, Raven. I have other things on my mind right now." Ryot said it back, laughing wildly. The sarcastic remark coming out quickly as she continued the slow walk towards her destination. Siren Alley. At times Ryot could be friendly and charming but those times were few and far between. Most times Ryot had a fucked up agenda in her mind. The thoughts that ran through her mind were the darkest of the dark. There were brief lapses in her memory where things fogged over, her brain went black, and what had happened in-between those moments of lucidity. Were anyone's guess. The girl wasn't completely lost at least she didn't think so. But that would be the last moment that Ryot would remember of that walk.


The air around Ryot seemed to not be enough to breathe. Immediately the girl sat up taking a large gasp of air. The dark eyes of Ryot opened suddenly as the air around began pumping again at a normal rate through her lungs. The seconds passed by before the girl realized that she was in her room. The ugly dark floral wallpaper became all too familiar. How much time had passed? What in the hell had happened?

Of course it wasn't the first time that Ryot had blacked out. It wasn't the first time that she couldn't remember a series of events. Instead dark black images in her mind developed at trying to figure out what had happened. Ryot ran her hands through her hair rubbing her brain through her skull as she tried to correlate the last thing that she could remember. The last thoughts in her mind.

"Maybe next time baby." The words had come from Raven. There was a brief moment of conversation between the two women. Ryot could see the girls face. The once classy features were covered by years of a hard life, too much smoking and booze. Ryot slightly remembered that she had been heading somewhere. The raven haired beauty had distracted Ryot slightly from her course of action. That was the last thing that she could remember.

"Think Ryot. Think." The words formed on her lips but they weren't spoken aloud. FUCK! The girl pulled her shorter red locks, trying to put the pieces together but all that came was darkness. It was then that Ryot focused on her surroundings. Dark eyes scattered the floor in hopes of an answer... at the very least, a clue. The image of a girl laying carelessly on the floor. Was it real? Was it just an image? Or was the girl really there?

The image didn't move. The girl didn't move. Ryot was conflicted on what she should do? Was the girl dead? Was she alive? All Ryot could make out was the puddle of water that had formed around her. Where had she came from? How did she get here? What had happened in those dark unknown moments that Ryot could not put together.

Dressed in a short black t-shirt dress, Ryot moved quickly to the girl. There for some reason wasn't any control of her own body and instead of getting up to stand *thunk* Ryot fell to the wooden floor right next to the girl. Her long pale fingers stretched out, almost afraid to touch the woman. Almost afraid that it would bring answers that Ryot didn't want to know. Quickly pulling those fingers back to her, she quickly moved to her feet, directing her attention to the front door, which was closed.

The black worn booted foot of Ryot kicked the girl harshly. "Wake." Kick. "The." Kick. "Fuck." Kick. "Up." Kick. "The parties fucking over." Kick. Ryot ran a hand through her short red hair. What the fuck was she going to do? Like it really mattered, people died around here every day, but still the thought that maybe she had killed some innocent woman. It was a haunting feeling. The woman looked unrecognizable. It was almost as if she was completely out of place. Like she had come from somewhere else entirely. The strangers porcelain skin was flawless like she hadn't been exposed to Rapture's environments at all. Ryot kicked the girl one more time as the thoughts ran through her mind of what she would do next.
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