"Read Me" Curiouser and Curiouser ...

Currently reading:
"Read Me" Curiouser and Curiouser ...

Oh now someone is thinking with their brain. Definitely wouldn't be hunted down by peta for exploration of wild animals or anything like that. Life would just be smooth sailing for this bear father.
To that I say "HA!!" and "PFFFTT" Peta really has no credibility anymore, they just have a lot of money for lawyers to make things go away. Not wild animal exploitation if you yourself lived alongside them and traded them fish for fruits and veggies they love, then its a symbiotic relationship.
Hahaha I'll need to hire you as a consultant. Obviously someone has better ideas for bear Cubs than I
Hahaha I'll need to hire you as a consultant. Obviously someone has better ideas for bear Cubs than I
I maaaay or may not have put research into the state and federal laws on owning a technical wild animal such as a bear... or wolf... purely "hypothetical" reasons...
Hello EvangelineEverheart, Welcome to I.S. I hope you find the stories you are looking for.
Hello EvangelineEverheart, Welcome to I.S. I hope you find the stories you are looking for.
Thank you very much! Still working out how to advertise or begin stories, but hoping to find some good writing partners!
You should have received a private message that will give you a step-by-step on how to get started and what you can do to get yourself up and ready to start writing.

If you need help though feel free to send me a pm I'll walk you through things and do what I can to provide assistance.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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