Any Ready To Write - Request Thread

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Any Ready To Write - Request Thread


Your Delinquent
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Hi there! You can call be Noble, and I've been roleplaying close to eight years now. I absolutely adore this platform and love how many creative minds dwell here so I hope I can write and share as many cool plots as possible with you all! Before we start into my Request Thread, however, here are some base rules.

001. I am a literate, multi-paragraph writer (anywhere from three to over eight paragraphs depending on my inspiration for said roleplay) and though I don't expect this much from my partners I do expect some semblance of effort. If I send you two paragraphs, please don't send me back a sentence. Also to be noted, I understand English is not everyone's first language and not everyone is the best with grammar, punctuation, or spelling. So long as we vibe in writing styles, and your writing is legible I'll have no complaints.

002. I will not write scenes depicting vore, scat, incest (including step parents/siblings,) pregnancy, or furries. I don't have an issue with people who wish to write scenes like these but they're not my thing. Please respect this.

003. Please do not god mod or meta me! My character is mine, yours is yours, do not kill my character without my permission. Harming them however? Free game. A lot of my character are brats and ask for it tbh.

004. I have a full time job so please don't expect me to respond EVERY day, some nights i'll respond three or five times, other times you'll have to wait a day or two for a reply. If I'm gone for a longer period of time I'll let you know, otherwise you can totally drop me hints if its been four days or longer. Just know I understand life gets in the way, you'll never have to feel pressured with me!

005. Please for the love of GOD communicate with me! I'm a super lenient partner and I loOOVE to talk and plot things out thoroughly. Other than the above mentioned 'i will not write these' I have an open mind and you can always approach me. Don't like the way our thread is headed? We can change it. Have no inspiration and wanna drop it? Totally fine by me. Just communicate.

006. I will write smut, but not with those underage. Please don't lie about your age because it's highly illegal and I just? Get uncomfortable. If I feel like, by your writing style and our ooc conversations, you are lying to me about your age I reserve the right to drop all contact. Please respect this.

Okay! So now that that is done and over with, on wards to my plot ideas / requests. Ideas that are ✭ starred are ideas that i'm currently craving, ideas that are ♕ crowned are my timeless ideas that I will ALWAYS be craving and ideas that are ღ hearted are ideas that are open to change/speculation/more plotting.

Rank: ✭♕
Genre: ???
Pairings: FxM & MxM, prefer MxM

Human hybrids are the offspring of 'splicers,' human test subjects whose DNA were spliced with animal DNA, and now human hybrids are considered to be the lowest of the low, a brand new species of human that are considered 'dangerous' due to their enhanced genes (enhances sight, scent, instincts, adrenaline, sharper teeth and sometimes more aggressive due to animalistic genes.) Hybrids are usually distinguishable by their eyes, which tend to be an liquid amber or yellow hue, but some slip by as 'human passing' by wearing contacts. Then there are the unfortunate Hybrids, the one's who are so far down the gene line, the ones born to two hybrids with features like tails and ears that distinguish them. These hybrids are normally arrested and separated into homes where they are treated horribly, or they are kidnapped and tossed into the black market where they are sold into fighting rings, sex trafficking, or slavery.

MC: A young hybrid born to two full breed serval hybrids, he has more serval DNA than human. He has soft blonde cat ears where his ears should be and a tail, with sharp canines and bright amber eyes. When he was very young his parents were tracked down and killed brutally for keeping his identity a secret and he was thrown into a hybrid orphanage. He escaped at a young age and has been on the run from both authorities and underground black marketeers ever since. He'd fetch a good price, he's both ferocious and cute. For his full bio including images and inspirations, you can pm me.

YC: Honestly, whoever. A black marketeer, somebody who is willing to buy him on the black market, a human who doesn't know how to feel about hybrids, maybe a bounty hunter tasked to track him down. Free game because this story can go a thousand different ways!

Rank: ✭
Genre: Fantasy
Pairings: FxM, FxF prefer FxM

A world of witch's, and ogres and kings and queens and wars galore. The land of Valinduin is currently being ruled by a tyrannical king who is looking to kill everyone who opposes him or simply refuses to pay his land tax.

MC: A newly trained witch from the east, a young girl with a hot head and sharp tongue, who possesses the ability to raise the dead and use them to her advantage. Most don't understand her craft and wish her and her kind dead, so a meeting is called for all witch's (necromancers, to forest witch's alike) to work together and find a solution to keep them and their kind alive and safe from the king's grasp. She is to be the next leader of the necromancers, who the king fears the most.

YC: A soldier, or assassin sent to kill MC. Details are left up to you.

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