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Name: Gwynyffer McCleod
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Personality: Persistently upbeat and cheerful when she is around others, playing the part of the fool so that others don't think that Gwyn is a threat to their masculine pride. She's stubborn and energetic, preferring to spend her days outside rather than at court or in studies. Gwyn is rather popular though with castle staff, being a noble who doesn't think she is too good enough to laugh and greet the men and women by name. War hasn't burned her down just yet, the woman finding enjoyment in creating chaos on the battlefield. She is equally as talented in jousting, her lower center of gravity allowing her to maintain her balance more than her masculine counterparts. This is where she excels and shines the brightest, a place where no man can belittle her and not be proven a buffoon for doing so.
History: Every noble house in the Kradour empire must have one child serve the king as a knight. It is an ingenious idea, forcing every house to have one child in the clutches of the king in case they decided to be bold and usurp his authority. It certainly did much to quell opposition for the throne, and it seemed that the king's successor was going to be equally as draconian. Gwayne was a weak boy, much more frail than his sister and prone to bouts of illness. Rather than having her brother die just in the training alone, Gwyn stepped forward and demanded a chance to become a knight. As a way to deter such foolishness from being tried again, the knight commander ordered one of the pages to fight against the young girl. Gwyn lost. Spectacularly. But the commander was impressed by her determination, so he decided to go before the king and make the request which had before this been unheard of. The king knew he would have a most prized warrior if he permitted the girl to train. She would be grateful to him for the opportunity, feeling indebted to his graciousness and constantly trying to prove her worth. So he permitted this and Gwyn served under an older knight when she became a squire, the knight becoming a father figure to her until his death. Gwyn continued to battle those that viewed her unfit for the armor of a knight, but usually with cheerfulness and sarcasm