MxF requests

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MxF requests

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Senior Trip
Based on the film National Lampoons Senior Trip, I want to play as Tara Strong's character. The scene will take place when they have crashed a gala. Everyone is drunk and making out. In her desperation she tries to hit on a nerd but he cums in his pants and leaves. I'll leave a link to the scene. So I was thinking either one of the older guys or an janitors sees her and makes a move on her. They have their first night together and he comes to find her another time, slowly changing her into his sex slave or something.

The Fallen Mistress
I don't have much a plot for this one but just where a dominatrix get a taste of her medicine. A man who has been nice to her showering her with gifts and attention turns on her when he doesn't get the attention he needs. Uses her in front of her slaves and all that good stuff. Go to lengths to break her.

Sexual Wrestling (craving)
In a battle royal match she gets cheated out(getting double teamed or something) and gets hurt. After she comes back from recovery she has to work her way back up. That way its not like she sucks at it but needs help. There are newcomers since her return.One of them really wanted her since he joined but sad that she was gone from recovery. Challenging to a 1v1 upon her return to own her as a slave/fight partner by putting a large amount of money on the line. We can make more changes/add stuff as we discuss.

how the wrestling works: Submissions, pinning or first to orgasms 2 times loses. self inflicted orgasms don't count so you can have somewhat of a lifeline. If toys are being used the person has to be hold toy at moment of orgasm in order to count. So if it's a vibrator and it's remote controlled it won't count if she gets away from your hold.
Oh god I really like the fallen dominatrix idea, the switch of control and the humiliation MC could gave yours by using her in front of her own subs. PM me if you are up for rp!
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