Darko Cernovsek
Soul Of Vengeance
World: Forgotten Realms, the Sword Coast (Baldurs Gate 1, 2, 3) world - but not connected to any of the plots, I just like to play in that world since it's so fleshed out.
Premise: An evil wizard has kidnapped a young virgin maiden, and plans to use her life force to power his Golem creations. As it turns out, the maiden is the daughter of a prominent local Baron, who has offered a substantial sum of gold for her safe return. Several adventurers, lured by the promises of riches and glory, took up the task, only to end up dead before even making it into the Tower. But more are lining up to take the job. (Yes, cliche as it can be but... it works).
That's where you come in.
The Party: Six characters (2 per player), so 3 players (including myself) maximum. A Fighter, a Cleric (I'm having those two covered), at least one Mage, a Thief, and the last two can be any class. A diverse portfolio of skills and abilities will be needed, since the Tower and its surrounding wilderness hides many dangers, of different natures. Not to mention the party will need to face and defeat a VERY POWERFUL wizard, at the end (the kidnapper - also GM controlled by me). No multi-classes. I didn't like the concept in the games, and I don't like it here, plus too much potential for OPd characters.
As GM, I'll set up the environment, in four segments: First segment - the wilds surrounding the Tower.
A half-dead forest surrounds the Tower, the vegetation falling victim to the many magical experiments conducted by the wizard, and teeming with restless spirits. The place is infested with Dread Wolves, and even some Vampiric Wolves (can infect a party member with Vampirism, which needs to be cured by a cleric), shades, werewolves, and dopplegangers. The last three are completely immune to all non-magical weapons, and highly resistant to most spells. Bones of many unfortunate travellers and previous adventurers are littering the cursed ground, ready to animate and attack if disturbed by the presence of the living (ghouls and skeleton warriors). The deeper into the forest one ventures, the more deadly the surroundings get, including living-mud pits, toxic mist zones (needing to be cleared out by mage spells), and a myriad of magical traps (which can not be disarmed).
Second Segment: The Labyrinth
The Tower itself is surrounded by a maze of long-abandoned ruins called the Labyrinth, in the centre of the forest. At this point, more lethal threats lurk in the shadows, alongside a myriad of mechanical traps (can be disarmed). The ruins (and the Tower itself) were once part of a Drow attempt to establish a surface outpost, a long time ago. While the attempt failed, and the dark elves were driven off ages ago, they still like to conduct raids through the tunnels that still exist, leading to the Underdark. They aren't allied with the wizard, still claiming the entire territory as theirs, but will still attack on sight, always looking for more slaves to take. But they're not the worst threat, by far. The worst are the . Corrupted dryads that once made the forest their home, but have fallen under the influence of the Wizard's dark magics. Now slaves to his will, acting as enforcers of his realm. They are VERY fond of mind-control magics, can turn invisible at will (needs to be either dispelled on seen-through), and can also release banshee screams, sapping the courage from weak-willed minds (the party will need some serious mental-shield spells to resist), before they close in for the kill, using copious amounts of lightning and cold magic, and also able to control the vegetation to their advantage, to ensnare or hinder their enemies. Any male characters in the party will be especially vulnerable to the mind-control of the dryads, even while shielded. They won't fall under their influence when mind-shielded, but they'll still refuse to fight the Arayas directly. The Arayas are highly resistant to all elemental magic (fire/cold/lightning), and immune to all forms of mind-control (already under the influence of the Wizard). They will attack the party and the Drow equally, so there could be some 3-way fights, and will sometimes mind-control the Drow, to attack you, instead of them. Given his control over such old, powerful fae-creatures, the party will get some idea of just how powerful the Wizard himself is.
Third Segment: The Tower
Past the Labyrinth, the party might actually make it to the base of the Tower itself. This is the Wizard's realm proper. It is filled with Golems. These are lesser versions, powered by impure, non-virginal souls, but still devastatingly powerful. Completely immune to all damaging spells, and normal weapons, and can tank a lot of damage even with magical ones. Cannot be harmed with any projectiles, even magical ones. They are slow and stupid though, and can be worked around. The tower is also filled with a mixture of magical and mechanical traps, some can be disarmed, some can't. Concealed chasms, spike-pits, etc. Also the usual collection of goblins and low-level demons like imps, serving as house-slaves of the Wizard. Not very dangerous, but there is a LOT of them around, and can swarm the party. They use simple weapons and can cast a few low-tier spells. More dangerous then anything else, is the fact that the Tower is permeated by the Wizard's low-intensity background mental pressure. The entire party will have to be mind-shielded the entire time while they're in it, and even with it, any female characters in the party may occassionally lose control of themselves and turn on the party for a few moments, before they regain control of their faculties (if the Wizard can enslave dryads, mortal female minds are WAY more susceptible).
The Boss Fight:
Finally, when the party reaches the top of the Tower, they'll get a chance to go toe-to-toe with the himself. He is a VERY powerful mage, will summon mid-ranking demons to assist him, Arayas will rush in occassionally to help their Master, and more Golems will enter the fray, alongside a lot of cannon fodder like goblins and imps. As before, any female characters in the party will have a chance of losing it for a few moments every now and then (and any male characters will refuse to directly fight the Arayas, as before). Tricky to manage. This will be a big, multi-stage fight.
Then when they finally defeat him, they collect the captive, and leave. The end.
So the plot is obviously set, with a pre-determined ending (something I think will work for the RP's benefit, since there is always a clear end-goal to reach).
My Characters:
Name: Riven Borgess
Race: Half-Elf
Sex: Male
Class: Fighter
Name: Pandora Elyssine
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Class: Cleric
Possible Races: Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Half-Orc.
Possible Classes: Fighter, Ranger, Paladin, Cleric, Mage, Druid, Thief.
NEEDED Classes: At least one Mage, at least one Thief.
Gender makeup: Preferably an even mix male-female.
Needed 2 more players/4 more characters. If interested, post in this thread with ideas/characters. Do not PM me.
Premise: An evil wizard has kidnapped a young virgin maiden, and plans to use her life force to power his Golem creations. As it turns out, the maiden is the daughter of a prominent local Baron, who has offered a substantial sum of gold for her safe return. Several adventurers, lured by the promises of riches and glory, took up the task, only to end up dead before even making it into the Tower. But more are lining up to take the job. (Yes, cliche as it can be but... it works).
That's where you come in.
The Party: Six characters (2 per player), so 3 players (including myself) maximum. A Fighter, a Cleric (I'm having those two covered), at least one Mage, a Thief, and the last two can be any class. A diverse portfolio of skills and abilities will be needed, since the Tower and its surrounding wilderness hides many dangers, of different natures. Not to mention the party will need to face and defeat a VERY POWERFUL wizard, at the end (the kidnapper - also GM controlled by me). No multi-classes. I didn't like the concept in the games, and I don't like it here, plus too much potential for OPd characters.
As GM, I'll set up the environment, in four segments: First segment - the wilds surrounding the Tower.

A half-dead forest surrounds the Tower, the vegetation falling victim to the many magical experiments conducted by the wizard, and teeming with restless spirits. The place is infested with Dread Wolves, and even some Vampiric Wolves (can infect a party member with Vampirism, which needs to be cured by a cleric), shades, werewolves, and dopplegangers. The last three are completely immune to all non-magical weapons, and highly resistant to most spells. Bones of many unfortunate travellers and previous adventurers are littering the cursed ground, ready to animate and attack if disturbed by the presence of the living (ghouls and skeleton warriors). The deeper into the forest one ventures, the more deadly the surroundings get, including living-mud pits, toxic mist zones (needing to be cleared out by mage spells), and a myriad of magical traps (which can not be disarmed).
Second Segment: The Labyrinth

The Tower itself is surrounded by a maze of long-abandoned ruins called the Labyrinth, in the centre of the forest. At this point, more lethal threats lurk in the shadows, alongside a myriad of mechanical traps (can be disarmed). The ruins (and the Tower itself) were once part of a Drow attempt to establish a surface outpost, a long time ago. While the attempt failed, and the dark elves were driven off ages ago, they still like to conduct raids through the tunnels that still exist, leading to the Underdark. They aren't allied with the wizard, still claiming the entire territory as theirs, but will still attack on sight, always looking for more slaves to take. But they're not the worst threat, by far. The worst are the . Corrupted dryads that once made the forest their home, but have fallen under the influence of the Wizard's dark magics. Now slaves to his will, acting as enforcers of his realm. They are VERY fond of mind-control magics, can turn invisible at will (needs to be either dispelled on seen-through), and can also release banshee screams, sapping the courage from weak-willed minds (the party will need some serious mental-shield spells to resist), before they close in for the kill, using copious amounts of lightning and cold magic, and also able to control the vegetation to their advantage, to ensnare or hinder their enemies. Any male characters in the party will be especially vulnerable to the mind-control of the dryads, even while shielded. They won't fall under their influence when mind-shielded, but they'll still refuse to fight the Arayas directly. The Arayas are highly resistant to all elemental magic (fire/cold/lightning), and immune to all forms of mind-control (already under the influence of the Wizard). They will attack the party and the Drow equally, so there could be some 3-way fights, and will sometimes mind-control the Drow, to attack you, instead of them. Given his control over such old, powerful fae-creatures, the party will get some idea of just how powerful the Wizard himself is.
Third Segment: The Tower

Past the Labyrinth, the party might actually make it to the base of the Tower itself. This is the Wizard's realm proper. It is filled with Golems. These are lesser versions, powered by impure, non-virginal souls, but still devastatingly powerful. Completely immune to all damaging spells, and normal weapons, and can tank a lot of damage even with magical ones. Cannot be harmed with any projectiles, even magical ones. They are slow and stupid though, and can be worked around. The tower is also filled with a mixture of magical and mechanical traps, some can be disarmed, some can't. Concealed chasms, spike-pits, etc. Also the usual collection of goblins and low-level demons like imps, serving as house-slaves of the Wizard. Not very dangerous, but there is a LOT of them around, and can swarm the party. They use simple weapons and can cast a few low-tier spells. More dangerous then anything else, is the fact that the Tower is permeated by the Wizard's low-intensity background mental pressure. The entire party will have to be mind-shielded the entire time while they're in it, and even with it, any female characters in the party may occassionally lose control of themselves and turn on the party for a few moments, before they regain control of their faculties (if the Wizard can enslave dryads, mortal female minds are WAY more susceptible).
The Boss Fight:
Finally, when the party reaches the top of the Tower, they'll get a chance to go toe-to-toe with the himself. He is a VERY powerful mage, will summon mid-ranking demons to assist him, Arayas will rush in occassionally to help their Master, and more Golems will enter the fray, alongside a lot of cannon fodder like goblins and imps. As before, any female characters in the party will have a chance of losing it for a few moments every now and then (and any male characters will refuse to directly fight the Arayas, as before). Tricky to manage. This will be a big, multi-stage fight.
Then when they finally defeat him, they collect the captive, and leave. The end.
So the plot is obviously set, with a pre-determined ending (something I think will work for the RP's benefit, since there is always a clear end-goal to reach).
My Characters:

Name: Riven Borgess
Race: Half-Elf
Sex: Male
Class: Fighter

Name: Pandora Elyssine
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Class: Cleric
Possible Races: Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Half-Orc.
Possible Classes: Fighter, Ranger, Paladin, Cleric, Mage, Druid, Thief.
NEEDED Classes: At least one Mage, at least one Thief.
Gender makeup: Preferably an even mix male-female.
Needed 2 more players/4 more characters. If interested, post in this thread with ideas/characters. Do not PM me.