Both Needed Rise of the resistance request thread

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Both Needed Rise of the resistance request thread



Gender:Female (Was male)

Species:Cat/human hybrid

Looks:picture below

Distinguishing features:picture below

Personality:Kind, Loyal, Treats everyone equally

Strengths:skilled in magic, can read different languages

Weaknesses:can be stubborn, Takes risks at times.

Backstory:A human that was turned into part animal by some group that were against humans. She was treated like any other animal since then. She was abandoned by her family as well. She became skilled in magic and lives on her own. She does allow visitors. She heals the wounded to aid them no matter if they are human or animal hybrids. She has gotten a reputation for helping people no matter the type of person they are and she is targeted for it by the toxic people of both kinds.


Thank you so much Cipher for doing this. This is he's/hers work not mine here is the description of each race

Humans- The kingdom of Atraxia a land full of posperous nobles who live at the highest ranking trade not only foods and wealthy items for coin though rather other species to do their work for them. Train them as battle machines and use them for other horrors. These humans have learned how to assert dominace over the species that have such a greater advantage over them to use them for their dirty work. Whos to pray tell and try to stop them?

Demi-Wolves- A superior race of hunters and fighters dwell with the kingdom of Isrealdia, these wolf races are extremly valuble to humans but also very dangerous. They have a better time against humans for their utter strength and abilities to hunt but some of them were picked by fate and turned into war machines savage feral beasts.

Demi-Cats - A race of strong warriors who work together with the Demi-Wolves. They share a kingdom one side being Isrealdia and the Demi-Cat side being Alsrealdia, when working together with the Wolves they are a force to be reckoned with.

Orcs- I strong species make Orcs great barbarians. And humans do just that. Orcs a far known for their kingdom of Forrowind and are heavily skilled in two handed and dual weilding weapons. Orcs have a high reputation of being very tough especially in war and some humans fear this species but others don't and capture them making them war machines and barbarians for entertainment.

Elves- In the kingdom of Thunireth these elves are skilled in archery and magic, humans have a very tough time getting them because of their way of casting illusions to look human. Otherwise these elves are quick on their feet, great with magic, and have an amazing percision shot. They also have a slight conflict with Goblins.

Goblins- A race that can be extremely quick on their feet and tend to get involved when coin is on the line. They dwell in the kingdom of Galdria, deep in the forest to hide their riches. They have a conflict with Elves.

Wildborn- A species born as an animal with human aspects. These involve tigrons, lycans, etc. These species are very instinctive but also rather hated upon from Orcs. They dwell in the kingdom of Arkealth where most humans dare to go.

Hybrids- A species of a Wildborn and Human mix, this race allows them to shift into their animal and human form freely. Though they are hated upon by humans and rather shunned away to their self built kingdom of Ralketh where they are taught their magic and how to shift safely
Name: Arstan

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Nature Elf

Distinguishing features: Has long brown hair

Personality: Very curious and inquisitive. A lack of understanding of social boundaries might make him seem intrusive but he means well. Likes to be alone in nature rather than in company

Strengths: Well adept at a bow and arrow. Very agile and quick thinking. Has a great sense of hearing. Can create an illusion of appearing human but generally refrains from doing magic as he's not well versed in it.

Weaknesses: Is very socially awkward, so he prefers to do things by himself rather than ask anyone for help. May appear cold when he's actually being shy..

History: He was born not knowing his father and mother. He moved from home to home until he wilfully left the clan and struck out to see the wonders of nature around him and be an explorer.
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