MxF Rizzi’s Search for a Partner

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MxF Rizzi’s Search for a Partner

Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxF
  2. Doubling
Content Warning
  1. Kink
Preferred Genres
  1. Romance
  2. Erotic
  3. High Fantasy
  4. Low Fantasy
  5. Slice of Life
  6. Supernatural
  7. Modern


Welcome to the Sanctum
Local time
Today 7:37 AM
Hello there friends, you can call me Rizzi or any other endearing nickname you can come up with! A bit about me: I am a 33 year old female with a full time job and a husband I love taking care of. However, roleplaying has been apart of my life for fifteen years, and it has developed into my favorite hobby. When I am not reading, I am writing during my free time! It's like roleplaying is a part of my very being... Enough about me and my obsession with roleplaying and onto what you came here for: what am I looking for in a roleplay partner??

I'm looking for someone to play male to my female, real life gender doesn't matter. I am perfectly capable of playing male characters as well, but I have just had a craving to play my own gender recently. Warning: I put a lot of value in the chemistry between our characters and the friendship between us, the writers!

What is it I am looking for you ask?

° Contribute to the plot and character development. Please help me develop the story and our characters, and not just at the initial planning stages of the story. I love talking about our story, our characters, ideas we have for the future! Mood boards, pictures, Pintrest pages dedicated to our character or story? Yes please!

° Chat with me OOC! Please??? I do have Discord as it makes OOC chatting much smoother and easier. <3

° Please be 18 or older! I do want my stories to have romance including NSFW interactions.

° Last but not least, I do use faceclaims (or references) for my characters. I would prefer if my partner did too!​

Yay, you made it and are still here!! Does this mean you want to write with me? I sure hope so! Now I can share with you some of the stories I would love to write with you. They are in no particular order.

° Slice of Life Pairings
° Boss x Employee
° Good girl x Bad boy (or vise versa)
° Professor x Student
° Bride x Bestman
° Groom x Maid of Honor
° Girlfriend x Boyfriends best friend/ brother (or vise versa)​

If you did not notice, I love anything with a forbidden feeling to to it! I like the idea of sneaking around and trying not to get caught. If you have any plots or pairings I did not list, but are still in the forbidden category, I would love to hear them! If none of these caught your attention, but you still want to do a modern slice of life type of story, do not hesitate to reach out anyway.

Fantasy Ideas
Gods & Goddesses

Really, the sky is the limit here! I would still like for this genre to stay in modern time, but for the right plot or world building, I can be convinced otherwise.

If any of this caught your attention, I would love to hear from you! I will be happy to answer any questions, or concerns, or to just simply talk about anything from this ad. I would also love to make some new friends, so if you just want to chat, I am happy with that as well.

Thank you for your time! Good luck in your hunt for a good writing partner!
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