MxF Roleplay Ideas.

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MxF Roleplay Ideas.


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Considering I'm a novice in this splendid place, I'm looking for a good plot to Rp around, preferably romance. It can in include smut, but I'd personally prefer the plot;smut ratio to 80;20.

I try to match the post length of my partner, be it semiliterate, literate, or a novella. Kindly avoid one liner Role-play with me, I do not enjoy them.
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Considering I'm a novice in this splendid place, I'm looking for a good plot to Rp around, preferably romance. It can in include smut, but I'd personally prefer the plot;smut ratio to 80;20.

I try to match the post length of my partner, be it semiliterate, literate, or a novella. Kindly avoid one liner Role-play with me, I do not enjoy them.
Hello, I'm quite new here. But I would love to through some ot lines tour way or maybe even work on out together. I love romance and fantasy if that helps any.
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