Roleplayer Returning

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Roleplayer Returning


An Acquaintance
Welcome to the Sanctum
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Tomorrow 8:41 AM
they / them
Greetings! I'm Thalasso, and I have been roleplaying for about 7 years. I used to do forum RP more often, but after several sites I was active in shut down, I lost the motivation. Now, I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things. I'm currently in my final year of university! That means I might be somewhat busy, but I'll try my best to get a reply in at least once every two or three days. Also, fair warning: I live in Southeast Asia so we may have a significant timezone difference. In my experience, that usually doesn't cause too much of a problem, though!

My favorite genres are Fantasy and Sci-Fi, and I especially enjoy a dash of Horror thrown in. I'm 22, so I really have no problem with mature themes in my RP. I've found that I like making characters and yet have not enough stories to stick them in. Perhaps you can help?

Anyway, that's about it for this introduction. I'm very excited to start writing with you all!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome! I hope you find yourself some good stories!
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