rp plots wanting to use

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rp plots wanting to use

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Today 9:04 PM
hi everyone i have several rps that I'm interested in doing and will give information about them below bet first i will say some things. one i have trouble doing long replies (often 1 or 2 lines) unless there is a sean to set or something needs to de described, two my spelling and grammar aren't the best but i do use Grammarly to help with that but it might not catch everything, three i have ADHD and Aspergers so i have trouble picking up on things so i might misunderstand some things if they are subtle. i rp 3rd person

ok now onto the rps i am interested in doing i will keep it somewhat short so if you have any questions or are interested send me a message or post below.
1: scifi rp i will be the ai of the ship which was made by a crazed scientist who died from virus along with everyone else on the hidden shipyard and your character will find the shipyard and will need to restart the reactor of the shipyard so it could finish construction of the ship and its avatar. from there we will be free to get where we want. (race or species doesn't matter) the avatar can appear as any race it has receved a DNA template from

2: scifi rp i will be the same character as above but it will take place much later the ship will have crashed into a massive planet which will have formed its own ecosystem before being colonised unaware of the massive ship under its surface. (race or species doesn't matter) the avatar can appear as any race it has received a DNA template from (magic can exist though it is done through nanobots in the air and its power depends on how compatible you are with them)

3: modern-day with limited magic (exists and is known but only about 10% of the population) magic items exist and can be brought but are expensive my character is a magic sword made by a master craftsmen thousands of years ago in a set of 30 masterpieces before his death each piece has its own mind and soul and create a fake body out of magic to seek out worthy partners to stay with until there death before starting again. (race or species doesn't matter)

4: fantasy/modern/scifi magic and science developed together and are used together to strengthen each other. my character is a clockwork human, made by a reclusive immortal as an attempt to create a living being, he succeeded but was struck down by the laws of the world having broken an important one. she? decided to explore the world after her? the creator died but had to build an updated body that wasn't as fragile but first needed to find someone to keep her? wound up. (race or species doesn't matter) (humans are the largest majority (37%))

5: same as above but a while after the stronger body was made in the form of a dragon with the new magiteck that had been developed allowing space travel/exploring of other worlds (can take place on a new world as she studies the races there (including actual dragons) (race or species doesn't matter)

6: fantasy/medieval my character is the 3rd prince of an animal kingdom and will involve creating a rebellion and taking over the kingdom (race or species doesn't matter but there is some racial stigma and discrimination )

7: modern-dayish. it will be the story of escaped experiments which were made as a weapon to kill which are smart but were suppressed as slaves stay hidden on an island and from there once they have the numbers overthrow the world or claim there place in it whichever comes first. your character will either be a member of the race at the rank of a general or someone we captured or an allied power who thinks we should be recognised as an intelligent race

8: fantasy. my character was safe in a cage trapped when demon beasts killed the slavers that had captured her while she was unconches having no memory of who she was only for a group of adventurers to stumble upon the scene after accepting a quest to investigate the forest and the sudden change of the beasts that had appeared 20 years ago
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