Either Needed RPG Style RP looking for group

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Either Needed RPG Style RP looking for group


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I am looking for other members to join an rp with me and lyxnlex I am a huge rpg fan and would like to do an rpg style roleplay with levels classes and loot. I understand that gaming is a visual and interactive medium but i want to try to experince it a diffrent way. Romance is optional in this rp no gender specified for party members however if it does become a romance I am a straight male and by extension so is my character so I would prefer a female partner please. I encourage you to create your own back stories and villians to enrich your own personal story and by exstension the whole story. This is not meant to be a lewd story outright but if it happens and there is a good narrative leading up to it is an idea I don't hate. Fun action sequences are a must be as descriptive as you want and proper respect for each person's combat prowess no being over powered part of the story is getting stronger and no killing eachother off with out discussion first and also none of this dodge and block everything if our characters were to fight. Paragraphs minimum I am not a grammar Nazi but would really appreciate a simple spell check. Please message me through start a conversation if you are interested I would very much like to help form a world together.
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