Both Needed Runners - Cyberpunk/Fantasy

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Both Needed Runners - Cyberpunk/Fantasy


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In the near future, the year 2075, what it means to be HUMAN is lost.
The world is different from what we remember. Everything changed with the Reckoning. An event that occurred in the year 2045.
is unclear as to what actually happened, or what the Reckoning was. We do know what it did though...
IT TOOK FROM US. Everything has a COST.

This is a story set in near future, where mega corporations own just about everything. With corporations basically owning the government, these private bodies are the closest thing to a governing body most places have.
Corporate Espionage is common place, and is one of the best ways to make to quick money, if you have the skills to beat corporate security.
The Reckoning of 2045 was the return of Magic, and emergence of Meta-Variants.
Meta-Variants are new races of human, that sprung up, since the Reckoning. The hold parallels to Fantasy races. Known Meta-Variant types are Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and Trolls. There are other less common ones, but those are the main Variants.
Cybernetics and Biotechs are both common place.
So, with Magic, Cybernetics and Biotechs, you can basically make any character you want, but keep in mind, Everything has a Cost.
We will be playing as a team of thieves, who specialise in stealing from the Mega-Corporations. If interested, post a small paragraph describing your character concept, with a picture if you have found one.
Hiya! Here's my appie for the Thieves.


Casey The Scraper.


| F | 20 years | 5'3" | 135 | Orange-Red Hair | Blue Eyes |
My name is Casey. I'm a girl, I'm friendly and I have a mix of Bio and Cyber parts. And I like to fix things! But let me tell ya... Had a rough go on the streets, I have but they haven't killed me yet. No parents, no one place to call home, no Mega-Corp obligations, no problems amirite? A Scraper through and through I am. I survived these streets with me mates, me wits and me skills. I scavenge the Wastes but I been known to procure from 'other resources too. ' And they still ain't caught me yet. Me senses, muscles and reflexes are just like a cats; I can even see in the dark too!

I been bio-engineeried with feline parts like claws, teeth, ears and tail so I guess you'd call this here lass a ginger kitty...? Hah! But don't let me sweet looks fools ya! I also been enhanced with cyber ware like armour, retractable metal-alloy claws and climbing gear, comms and sensors, taser-tail, internal cardio systems, nanite healing factor and jump jet boots! They gave me a pistol too!​


And they also gave me the Mystics too! I have a little spirit kitty named Charlemagne. But I just call the little spiritual fluffball merely Charlie. Aaaaaand you can't see him. Only I can. But he's real! He's really real, I say! Now then I... I don't know exactly alls of what he can do just yet, but! I can see through his eyes and hear through his ears too! He can walk through walls and jumpy-float move from wall to wall but other than that I don't know what else he does. Nor do I know why he came to me. Perhaps whomever created me waited till I turned 20 to have him show up? I don't think he likes me for he does not speak with me, but I have seen him speak with other spiritual kinda' animals and folks too. I don't know what they say, but it all seems pleasant enough? He kinda' comes and goes as he pleases but even though he don't like me, I think he's on me side. I feed him. I kill things and do like a ritual and he eats its soul. And I think he's growing...!​


Anyways, me name's Casey in case you forgotten... and I'm the one that helps build and repair things! Oi! So nice to meetcha...! Doncha worry none about me mates here in this outfit. They say there's no honour amongst thieves, but I know better. That only holds true if those thieves aren't part of your life. I'm a Scraper through and through and so are they. There is honour amongst this family, aye, a thousand times over, aye.

Looks good, a bit hesitant about the nanite healing factor, but I'll see how it goes.
Looks good, a bit hesitant about the nanite healing factor, but I'll see how it goes.
K well like it's not like wolverine or deadpool kinda' uber-godly-regenerate-anything-even-from-just-a-drop-of-blood-kinda'-power. Cut her arm off and she will most likely bleed to death like a regular person. She just has better healing and resistance than a regular person. I'd say 2 times better but with proper rest and treatment 3 times. It's how she was able to survive all the bio and cyber enhancements.
Zigzag is a Professional Runner. Has been for quite some time.
He is what people call a Gunslinger Adept. He is stacked full of BioWare, and CyberWare. His Bio/Cybernetic enhancements are listed below.
  • DNA masking- Zigzag often has his DNA resequenced, so that Law Enforcement and Security to not be able to pin him to crimes.
  • Orthaskin - Orthoskin weaves an energy-diffusing material just beneath the skin that provides the equivalent of personal armour. The individual's skin is peeled back section by section, and the body's dermal layer is fortified by grafts of synthagen (a strengthened and reinforced collagen-protein derivative), flextin (a synthetic and more resilient form of the elastin protein) and flakes of modified and laced cartilage. Once transplanted, Orthoskin grows like normal skin and is virtually indistinguishable from unaugmented skin, as the underlying sub-dermis is altered at the same time. Orthoskin usually heals with little or no scarring.
  • Reception Enhancer - Reception Enhancer modifies the parts of the brain that pick up and process sensory information by grafting specialized neural tissue and reinforcing neuron connections to those parts of the brain. This enables the user to glean as much as possible from incoming sensory data.
  • Reflex Recorder - Extra neural material is grown in small clusters around the thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves. These clusters allow memorization of certain "learned" motor reflexes. For Zigzag, it means basic hand to hand, and gunfighting.
  • Bone Lacing - Zigzag's Bones are laced with interwoven lattice chains of metals, making his bones stronger and more durable than normal.
  • Commlink - Zigzag has an implanted Comm unit in his head.
  • SimRig - attached to his Commlink implant, is a SimRig. It allows him to record his experiences and play them back later. He even sells depersonalised versions of his runs to rookie runners so they can gain some experience from his runs.
  • Visual Interface for Specialist Operations and Recon (V.I.S.O.R.) - An advanced ocular enhancement that visible fits over the eyes, and screws into the skull and replaces the eyes, applying a few bonuses.
    • Thermographic Vision - VISOR comes equipped with thermal/infrared vision. Allowing Zigzag to work in dark conditions with little hindrance.
    • Flash Protection - The computer system within the VISOR dim in response to light. It is quick enough to completely neutralise a standard flashbang.
    • "Spider Eyes" - An extension of rudimentary sensors that loop around his head. They struggle with colour but can discern light and dark, but most important movement. When potentially threating movement is detected, a small camera captures an image is shown with an alert to the user. Zigzag has his set up so the pictures aren't shown to him, but he gets a notice of everything moving within ten feet of him.
    • VR training - The Visor comes equipped with a Virtual Reality suite. Zigzag often uses it for practising a run before he actually does it, by creating a program based off the building blueprints, and observed security measures.
    • Targeting Computer - The Visor has a SmartLink system that connects with his guns, and calculates optimal targeting strategies. It overlays targeting reticles onto his HUD.
He also carries an assortment of gear to help him on his jobs. Which I will go into when I set a character sheet, once I get enough interest.
This sounds interesting. How many rpers are you wanting?
It depends. I want a solid heist team. Maybe four to six people.
Okay sounds Good! I'll make a profile asap!
Jay Endere


Jay is a 6'3 hunk of mystery and intrigue. He rarely says anything about himself; instead, he'd rather woo the curiosity right out of whoever is asking. He knows he's gorgeous -- and he'll use it to every advantage. His backstory is a little vague, even to him; memory wasn't something that they deemed worth keeping when the enhancements went in. Instead, Jay got stuffed full of enhanced reflexes and healing, impressive strength, and improved dexterity.

Jay was given a couple of cyber enhancements as well, but not much. He has a couple pieces of jewelry-turned-weapons and some lightweight armor. Mostly, though, he relies on his body and reflexes to get him through sticky situations. He knows hand-to-hand combat, but prefers to stick to non-lethal methods when possible. That doesn't mean he isn't above hurting others to get what he needs, though.

Enhanced reflexes and dexterity
Increases musculature
Strengthened bones

Lightweight armor
Transformative weapons (jewelry)​
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@ashtonthezora I'm gonna need just about everything about that character toned done.
It just doesn't suit the vibe of the role play.

Instead, Jay got stuffed full of enhanced reflexes and healing, inhuman strength, and the dexterity of a god. In fact, the only thing he isn't good at is expressing his emotions.
This, right off the bat is too much. Comparing anything to the level of a God is an instant warning light for me. Not to mention saying the only thing he can't do is express his emotions goes against what this role play should be about. It should be about team work, and a raft tag group of criminals just trying to get by, by covering each other's weaknesses. Your character won't fit in.

Jay was given a couple of cyber enhancements as well, including some eye implants that allow him to research, record, and see more than the eye can see, if you know what he means... Like, thermal, x-ray, and in the dark. His long ears actually have small radio transmitters that can pick up signals and he wears an earring that allows him to adjust/search for frequencies. His other jewelry is also fancy tech too, like armor, weapons, and the like. His fingers have nano-sensors in them that are very delicate and sensitive, and can connect to the receptors in his eyes that allow him to see through things and even into the ground. Or people. Jay also received heaps of internal sensors, comms, and other basic tech.
Nope. Too much tech, given how much his attributes are enhanced. Lose the cyber eyes, finger sensors, and ear receivers.
It is the near future, cybernetics aren't perfect. I expect a more comprehensive list of what you consider basic tech when I get around to making a character sheet.

Magic is where he really excels, though. Jay was gifted with the manipulation of reality, to a degree, and can create illusions, or even warp space and time. Nothing world ending, just a little bit of teleportation, telekinesis, and the ability to make people see things that aren't there. Mental magic is also a forte of his, and he can go into the psyche of others and pull out their worries and fears, or make them feel so at ease that he could be their best friend in an instant. Of course, magic is a muscle and new developments are always an unexpected surprise...
All I can really say is no. Just no. If he didn't have the cybernetics and other enhancements, I might have considered someone with that much magical ability, but no. With that many cybernetics and other enhancements, that much magic makes your character too overpowered to be considered playable in this role play.

This doesn't even take into account where he got it all from. A pretty major driving force behind the characters should be debt. The mega corporations own everything. Everything has a cost.

I do appreciate your effort, but you seemed to have missed the point.
Just because Biotics, Cybernetics and Magic exist, doesn't mean everyone has all three. So, I'm not expecting huge amounts on all three. You should pick a focus, and try and leave the others to flavour text instead of to further buff your character.
Ah sorry, I'll clean it up! I wasn't sure the limits or anything, I can definitely fix it.

Edit: I changed up the profile, let me know what else I need to do! Sorry again!
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