Let's start from the beginning, shall we? Her father was a wicked demon who found beauty attractive. It didn't matter the background, filth, or personality of the woman. If they looked beautiful, he sought them to breed with them. He found himself in love with a stubborn young woman, struck down multiple times when the woman denied his attention. She was the first to deny the devious little demon, and wouldn't take no for an answer. After three years of trying to charm the elf, her future mother cracked, granting the demon one date to win her heart. I guess it worked because the two fell in love. Their love life was short-lived because soon the couple fell on hard times. Her father was hunted down, a wanted man who'd been on the run for some time. Her mother wasn't aware of his criminal record, or the fact he was a wanted man. Yet, even when she did find out, she swore to protect him from danger. Why? Well the woman was already pregnant and believed the baby wouldn't make it without it's father. She fought off the guards who'd come to take her little devil, and the two ran off. Both were wanted now, but her mother and father didn't care. They were on the run for some time until Athena had to come out. Athena's birth caused her mother's death - for bearing a demon's child left the woman ill for life or dead. The demon didn't know this but cared for his baby until he couldn't run any longer. Athena was 7 by the time her father had been caught, the two ripped from the small village they'd made into their home. Athena was forced to become an 'exotic' attraction for the nobility of man. Men admired her wings, plucked the feathers for good luck, and taunted her for being hard of hearing and so weak. Her father was beheaded by the men, his wings made into decorations, and his blood flaunted about. Nobility screamed; "We killed a demon." Since Athena was only 7, the human men lied, telling her, her father was simply working to pay off for being a wanted criminal. They fed her this lie until she was 16, and one night a man tried forcing themselves on her. Although Athena nearly lost it, something triggered her powers, which helped her escape the man. Rushing out, high on adrenaline, Athena wasn't aware of the pain her body was under, or how exhausted it was from using simple powers. While she tried to escape, the men who'd kept her told her the truth about her fathers death in hopes it'd keep her. Instead, it trigger an outburst, and she killed every man before blacking out. The next day, she woke to a simple maid carrying her body through a tunnel. Eyeing the woman, she spoke, curious as to where the woman was taking her. Turns out the maid was taking her to a small village where she lived, willing to raise her until she was a mature adult. 2 years went by, and Athena's life was starting to look good. This simple maid turned her shit life into something beautiful, teaching her some English, and other forms of communication. Hell, the woman taught her how to cook, clean, and taught her the politics and environmental struggles their kingdom faced at times. Overall, without this woman, her life would've been shit. Instead, it's been something beautiful - all because of a simple maid. Now, Athena's accepts her past but doesn't allow it to be the only thing she is. She doesn't identify with her past, and simply pushed forward, awaiting the next obstacle to help her grow stronger.