Salutations and a fair day to you all.

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Salutations and a fair day to you all.

Local time
Today 7:52 PM
Candyland - EU
I go by the name of Cat. You may call me Cat, if you really want to do that. My glasses are only there when I am writing. Like a fair wine, my age and its number only has made me better. Sweeter, or perhaps even a little bitter. But my experience in roleplay goes way back. It began mostly through a little game called Ultimate Online, but it eventually passed its way through Yahoo messenger and even ICQ. Where I eventually just found my pleasure of it return in World of Warcraft. I love to write, I love to find people I can greatly engage with, challenge my skill and find a fluent story develop along with it. Evidently, passion to engage is a requirement. Whilst I do love smut and erotica, I do wish for a proper story to be surrounding it. But even as a gay woman, I do not have a specific requirement for gender in character. As long as it is entertaining to me.

I shall see you all out there.

Hello Cat, Welcome to I.S. wait is it Cat? are you sure I can call you this? Hmm... okay, then I'll call you Cat. LoL, I hope you find the stories you are looking for. There are a lot of people looking to write with others so take your time exploring I'm positive you will find more than a feel willing and ready to start a new story. Have fun and happy writing.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Hello there and welcome to the Inner Sanctum
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