Salutations and Hello!

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Salutations and Hello!

Heya! You can call me Pan, Pancake, or Yang Li.

I'm 18, on the cusp of 19, and I'm an ex-Guilty Pleasure member, looking for a new place to call home.

Personality-wise, I'm a person who enjoys laughter and snark, but if you feel the need to vent or cut loose, you can always count on my shoulder to dampen with salty tears.

Roleplay wise; I'm game for near anything. I can play a wide variety of characters, though I'm far more proficient at domineering and assertive characters, and that carries through to smut as well, where I'm a switch favouring the top-end.

If you need me, drop me a message! I don't normally push aggressively for my own roleplays, and much prefer to enhance and take in the world others can fabricate with their imagination.

Thanks for checking in, I'll catch you around.
Welcome to the Inner sanctum, Pancake, glad to have you and hope to see you around the forums. :)
Heya! You can call me Pan, Pancake, or Yang Li.

I'm 18, on the cusp of 19, and I'm an ex-Guilty Pleasure member, looking for a new place to call home.

Personality-wise, I'm a person who enjoys laughter and snark, but if you feel the need to vent or cut loose, you can always count on my shoulder to dampen with salty tears.

Roleplay wise; I'm game for near anything. I can play a wide variety of characters, though I'm far more proficient at domineering and assertive characters, and that carries through to smut as well, where I'm a switch favouring the top-end.

If you need me, drop me a message! I don't normally push aggressively for my own roleplays, and much prefer to enhance and take in the world others can fabricate with their imagination.

Thanks for checking in, I'll catch you around.
I would love an RP where a woman owned me.
Welcome, welcome! :3 I'd love to work on a story together! Especially if you're up for playing against non-binary characters.
Sorry - that is not my thing but there are plenty of people here that love that sort of thing. You should find a partner fairly easily
Hey there, welcome abroad. If ya ever need something I'm out and about. So feel free to just come give me a right good shiv.
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