Any Scarlet's Request Thread - Filled With Fancy Ideas

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Any Scarlet's Request Thread - Filled With Fancy Ideas


Confirmed Responsible Adult Welcome to the Sanctum 250 Posts! 100 Likes!
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Hello! To those of you that do not know me, I am Scarlet. I've been doing various RPs for around three or so years, on DR and other various sites. I try my best to be flexible and accommodate what my partner would like to include. With that said, I still have some small rules I would like you to follow.

These are a must for me. With that said, you breaking one of these will result in only a reminder the first few times, before a final warning. It may seem harsh, but these are relatively easy to follow (At least in my mind)

  • Effort! This means no one liners. I understand that some posts may be longer, as well as some being longer, but I personally tend to lose enjoyment in one-liners almost instantly.
  • Grammar - This does not mean you have to be perfect, far from it. But an attempt at it is all I ask. I will not point out any mistakes you make unless I don't know what you're saying.
  • Communication - If you can't post for a week, I'd like to know. If you don't like my post, please, tell me why, and how I can fix it! I will return this too.
  • Decent response time. Unless you've said otherwise, I would prefer to have your reply within a week.
  • Respect - Don't be an asshole, basically. I don't think there is much else to say.
These are things I like, and would be happy to include in most, if not all of my RPs. There may be a few exceptions for one or two of these.

  • Character Sheets! These are nice to have, and could be looked back on in case you forgot some small detail.
  • Smut! For the majority of RPs, I would be happy to include this. Of course, unless it's pure smut, there will be a buildup to it. It shouldn't just be slapped in.
  • World Building - Something I have like for quite a long time. Creating an environment, culture, history, abilities, it's all wonderful! But this is something I won't do on my own. If you're not into it, neither am I.
  • Variations on plots! These are not perfect, merely ideas to start out with. Feel free to approach me with any changes you think of.
  • Romance! Cuddles, kisses, and the like. And no immediate love either. A buildup is always nice, as is drama and the like.
  • Partner Preference - If you like something, I will try to include it.
  • OOC Chat! Always nice, though if you tread on something sensitive, I will avoid answering it, obviously.
  • Longer Posts - I didn't put this as a requirement because technically, it's not. However, I find it much, much easier to respond to longer RPs. And this doesn't mean you have to force yourself to post x amount of paragraphs every time.

While not deal breakers, they are rather annoying, and I would prefer if you avoid them if possible.

  • Not reading my rules. Please, just don't.
  • Disappearing without warning. This is something I have been guilty of in the past but I have done everything to try and avoid this, at least in recent time. If something does come up, a quick few seconds to shoot a message would be wonderful, but if that can't happen, when you come back, please tell me why you were gone. Specifics are not needed.
  • Not taking no for an answer. If this is the case (which I don't imagine will come up) I will simply ignore you.
  • Slice of life. Something about this is very, very hard for me to enjoy writing.
These will be continually updated, especially in the first few days, as they pop into my head. Any crossed out have been taken. As a small note - Romance will include Romance, and most likely, smut scenes as well. But it will be primarly story focused.

This is an idea of mine that popped into my head whilst watching Les Miserables, and basically, the idea is one character is a wanderer, taken in by the other, around a time of turmoil, such as the French Revolution. This can be morphed into a more fantasy world, and is open to FxF or MxF. I would prefer to play the wanderer, everything else will be worked out via PM.

I thought it would be rather cute to have someone pay for a whores time - this can be smut, simply company, cuddling, whatever, regularly, until soon enough the relationship develops into something more. The world is flexible, and can be either MxF or FxF. Everything else will be discussed via PM.

This could be a curse, a death sentence, or someone bound to get caught from the law. The lover knows this but finds all the good in her nonetheless. A lot of this depends on what character you want to play, along with the setting. FxF or MxF are fine. Basically, everything else (ending, plotline, etc) will change on a partner by partner basis.

This is a bit of a harder RP to explain, but the basis of the idea is this - The eldest princess of a royal family is utterly insane. She sees things that are not there, keeps pets only in her imagination, and people that do not exist. Yet she had never hurt a soul, and in her more lucid moments, she is kind and joyful, with no recollection of her hallucinations. As she grows older,though, strange occurrences began to become more frequent. A cat brought back to life, a man with a wound healed instantly. But these turned darker soon enough. A sword sharpening its edges, injuring a squire. A fire that leapt towards a man, scalding his robe and his pride. PM me if this interests you, and we can work this out further.

A healer of great benefit to vampires, infusing vessels with blood, healing their wounds, and ensuring the common people forget about the occasional disappearance. She is kept in a cage, as nothing more than a tool, fed table scraps, and forced to channel her energy into keeping humans alive. There is no one to look after her, to watch over her. It is all she has known. What happens, then, when she knows care, when she knows love? More of a general idea than anything specific, it will be worked out further via PM.

The Royal Court, filled with backstabbing, well-dressed ladies, fine gentlemen, and the like. The contents of the court, as well as the relations, can be worked out in PM, though I am willing to write anything from a servant to a queen.

Basically what it says. Most likely a FxF RP, though if you can convince me otherwise, I'm open to it. Exactly what is in this plot depends on what you're looking for, all the remains constant is the prison setting. It could be a prisoner x prisoner, with roommates, some sort of gang leader, or something of the like. Or it could be a prisoner x guard, something of the like.

Again, pretty much what it sounds like. Just how much violence/detail you want in this is up to you. FxF or MxF is totally fine, though. I'd like it to be focused on Romance at some point, but that does not mean we need to jump into it. It can start off as something innocent, or not so innocent, up to you.

Someone wants to learn from a Master in their field. The specifics of which (and the way magic works) will be worked out via PMs. This could turn into an adventure, or more of a daily routine type thing - with lessons, and of course, things to mix it up. I could play either, though I would prefer the apprentice.

More may come.

Let me just start by saying this is not a world for everyone. It is primarily male dominated, and relies heavily on slavery. There are different types of slaves, though the most common and the cheapest is the kettle and mat girl, which is basically a servant that cooks, tends to their master, and is used for their pleasure. There are a decent number of rules and research required for this RP. Below you will find several long, but important articles (If they can be called that) about Gor. These are simply the basics, and by no means do you need to read every word. I can help you with research, and explain things you need explained.

Scroll 1 (Intro - What is Gor/Gorean)

Scroll 5: Gorean Etiquette (Etiquette - Interactions and the like)

Scroll 6: Kajira Basics (Slave Basics)

Scroll 9: Kajira Positions & Commands (Positions/Commands)

Beyond these, it depends heavily on what you want to do, and if you are still interested, I would love if you could contact me!

Broad ideas - message me and we can work out something for whatever may interest you.
Game of Thrones
Les Miserables (Also have a plot based on this)
World of Warcraft (A bit iffy)
Phantasy Star (Have played portable and Nova)
Last edited:
Added four new plots, and removed one I am currently doing.
I thought it would be rather cute to have someone pay for a whores time - this can be smut, simply company, cuddling, whatever, regularly, until soon enough the relationship develops into something more. The world is flexible, and can be either MxF or FxF. Everything else will be discussed via PM.
This one caught my interest for some reason. I don't generally do smut--I do fade-to-blacks when appropriate, but I don't write actual sex scenes. I also have a couple ideas you might enjoy. Either case, if you'd like, we can PM and set things up.
Uhm, just as a note for other, please just PM me with these - even if I am nt interested, I will tell you in PM.
Added some new plots!

Also, as a small sidenote - while I don't like love slice of life, mundane (in my opinion) RPs, I am willing to do more exciting plots, like the two I added.
Added Gor (smut) plot thing, and removed two I was currently doing. Might add more plots later in the day.
I am interested in the vampires toy, please PM me
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