Scarlet Thread
I will help you escape if you return the favor.
Alright, so as it turns out it's been about a year since I was last really active on this site. I'll not lie, I've dabbled elsewhere. *GASP* Yes that is right, I have been unfaithful to the Sanctum. *hangs head in shame* Mostly because... well I'll be honest, sometimes it's easier to ghost than to say goodbye when you're not sure if life will stop kicking you in the teeth long enough to come back. I have had some EXCELLENT partners here. If you are one of those I AM SO SORRY! I can't stress this enough. I didn't leave because I wasn't enjoying writing with you. I left because writing was too much of a distraction given real life requiring all of my time and effort and just being to big a baby to admit it. But at this point it is easier to just start over more or less from scratch. Life is... better. Smoother, maybe I should say. I have some free time on my hands again and I want to write.
Okay, so now the sappy apology is out of the way. You're probably wondering what I like. Here's the thing. I've been reading through old threads lately. A LOT of them. Not just here, either. Some of my older - and newer - haunts as well. And I find that what interests me right now, more than anything, is taking the plots that were most successful and starting fresh with them. So I do have very specific plots in mind, but 1. There are a lot of them, and 2. Where they go after the initial prompt is up to both of us. I don't want to just rehash an old story that I enjoyed. I want to breathe life into it, and you can't do that by being stubborn or sticking to a script. Talking to myself here, mostly.
But that said, I'm gonna do something different. Rather than just spelling out the plot for you, I'm also going to link to the original so we can be kinda on the same page and you can better judge if you are interested. Where it was going, where it went right or wrong, etc. If you don't want to read it, or if you do so simply as a sample of my writing, it's up to you. And I'm not doing this to brag on myself, either. I've gotten kind of rusty, and this is my way of trying to hold myself to a better standard and improve on past success and failure. Ultimately, to try to make sure that a plot and a partner will work out for as long as possible. Maybe even conclude a story some day, who knows? Yeah, I know that's exceptionally rare, but as long as we both have fun.
As per rules though I will not link outside this site, but I might quote or summarize from the outside thread instead. And to make it easier for you to parse through, I'll make one post per genre and title/describe them accordingly.
Am I making this more complicated than it has to be? Defiantly. But only for myself. If you want to be my partner, I want to make sure we can click on something. To that end, please send me a message response rather than posting here.
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