MxF Scarlet's Return (Various Plots)

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MxF Scarlet's Return (Various Plots)

Scarlet Thread

I will help you escape if you return the favor.
2500 Likes! Happy Birthday!! 2500 Posts! Welcome to the Sanctum
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Alright, so as it turns out it's been about a year since I was last really active on this site. I'll not lie, I've dabbled elsewhere. *GASP* Yes that is right, I have been unfaithful to the Sanctum. *hangs head in shame* Mostly because... well I'll be honest, sometimes it's easier to ghost than to say goodbye when you're not sure if life will stop kicking you in the teeth long enough to come back. I have had some EXCELLENT partners here. If you are one of those I AM SO SORRY! I can't stress this enough. I didn't leave because I wasn't enjoying writing with you. I left because writing was too much of a distraction given real life requiring all of my time and effort and just being to big a baby to admit it. But at this point it is easier to just start over more or less from scratch. Life is... better. Smoother, maybe I should say. I have some free time on my hands again and I want to write.

Okay, so now the sappy apology is out of the way. You're probably wondering what I like. Here's the thing. I've been reading through old threads lately. A LOT of them. Not just here, either. Some of my older - and newer - haunts as well. And I find that what interests me right now, more than anything, is taking the plots that were most successful and starting fresh with them. So I do have very specific plots in mind, but 1. There are a lot of them, and 2. Where they go after the initial prompt is up to both of us. I don't want to just rehash an old story that I enjoyed. I want to breathe life into it, and you can't do that by being stubborn or sticking to a script. Talking to myself here, mostly.

But that said, I'm gonna do something different. Rather than just spelling out the plot for you, I'm also going to link to the original so we can be kinda on the same page and you can better judge if you are interested. Where it was going, where it went right or wrong, etc. If you don't want to read it, or if you do so simply as a sample of my writing, it's up to you. And I'm not doing this to brag on myself, either. I've gotten kind of rusty, and this is my way of trying to hold myself to a better standard and improve on past success and failure. Ultimately, to try to make sure that a plot and a partner will work out for as long as possible. Maybe even conclude a story some day, who knows? Yeah, I know that's exceptionally rare, but as long as we both have fun.

As per rules though I will not link outside this site, but I might quote or summarize from the outside thread instead. And to make it easier for you to parse through, I'll make one post per genre and title/describe them accordingly.

Am I making this more complicated than it has to be? Defiantly. But only for myself. If you want to be my partner, I want to make sure we can click on something. To that end, please send me a message response rather than posting here.
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Kitten on the Doorstep

Genre/Themes: Modern & Sci Fi/Slavery, Healing, Rehabilitation

Description: A successful businessman decides that he's had enough of living alone and decides to buy a kitten. Only what arrives at his doorstep is not the kind of feline companion he had in mind, but a Neko girl trained as a sex slave.

Example Link:

Current Craving Level: Varies

Notes: I would also be willing to play as the "kitten". I have done this and similar stories multiple times, but I think the slow burn nature of them turns people off. There can be romance but it is secondary to the main plot. For this plot I would need a patient partner who likes exploring emotions and character growth.

Death's Angel

Genre/Themes: Twisted Romance

Description: A serial killer goes against his code to save a girl who he ends up falling in love with. Will she heal his heart or will he corrupt hers?

Example Link:

Current Craving Level: 3 out of 5

Notes: Once again I fell into the trap of romance completely overshadowing the plot. I want to learn how to fix this. I enjoy writing this character, but would also be open to.playing the girl. I've done many other Killer x Potential Victims plots, but this is one of my favorites.


Let's Give 'Em Something to Talk About


Genre/Themes: Modern/Office Romance

Description: The boss and her assistant are together so often that it was only natural for rumors to circulate. The two of them decide that it might be to their advantage to encourage these rumors. But gradually playful attempts at making it believable turn into real feelings for one another.

Example Link:

Current Craving Level: Varies

Notes: This is one that I find highly enjoyable for its potential. It's got plot, depth, character development, humor, and a mixture of both slow burn and blazing romance. So it's a personal favorite of mine that I would definitely like to write more of.
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Personal Space

Genre/Themes: Sci Fi, Adventure, Comedy, Romance/New Beginnings, Loss, Culture Shock, Mutual Healing

Description: A tribal alien native from a forbidden planet sneaks aboard a smuggler's ship when her people are wiped out in an attack by unknown enemies. As they come to terms with their differences and decide to help each other, romance blooms and healing along with it.

Example Link:

Current Craving Level : 4 out of 5

Notes: I really loved how suspicion and hostility evolved into romance and even comedy. Although there was a lot of smut, the comedic and competitive aspects kept it interesting, and it didn't distract from the plot but rather pushed it forward. I love playing a tribal or deeply culturallly-steeped character in an intelligent way, and it's easy to do so with alien characters.

An Otherworldly Predicament

Genre/Themes: Science-Fantasy and Post-Apocalyptic/Unlikely Romance, Dystopia, Slavery

Description: Imagine all the mythical creatures really exist, but they're all races of aliens. Now imagine they unify to take control of the world and enslave humanity. The Council of Stewards has declared that humans must breed with their masters to form a "more stable race" to inherit the earth. But of course there is a lot brewing under the surface, and more than one motivation for the twisted order.

Example Link:

Current Craving Level: 4 out of 5

Notes: I made two major mistakes with this one. First, too many characters. Second, too much romance and not enough plot. Although the individual character development was good and the romance was on point - I think, at least - the urgency and danger got lost along the way. But I would still love to give this one another try.

You and Me Against the Apocalypse

Genre/Themes: Zombie Apocalypse/ Survival, Twisted Romance, Dark Themes

Description: They were neighbors before the end of the world, both had a crush on each other but neither had courage to act on it. Afterwards they stayed together to survive. But then one of them gets bitten. Surely it's all over, right? Only, they don't turn. Not fully. Now one of them has to deal with being half zombie, and all the cravings that come with it.

Example Link:

Current Craving Level: Varies

Notes: The best part of this is the battle between dark themes and romantic themes. The characters doubting themselves, not wanting to cause each other harm nor abandon the other. Depending on the partner's influence and limitations this can take many different forms. But gore and death both being integral to the plot, it's certainly not for everyone.

Last Man Standing

Genre/Themes: Post-Apocalyptic/Drama, Romance, Polyamory

Description: No one knows why or how the Plague started, or why it only effected men. But over the course of ten years, the male population of the known world has dropped to statistical zero. It's extremely rare for a man to be immune or to have survived the Plague some other way. But somehow, this one did survive. Now a small town is vying for this survivor's attention. This is a very different world, and if there is any hope for a future, they need him as much as he needs them.

Example Link:

Craving Level: Varies

Notes: The challenge of this one is in character balance. Too few characters and the plot doesn't fit, too many and it becomes too cumbersome to write. This is meant as a serious plot, though naturally there will be both funny and smutty moments. It's your typical post ap survival, only the rare commodity isn't food or energy or fuel but men. Might sound absurd, but I swear it can work. I did have a much longer version of this, but it is off site. It should be enough to get the potential across, though.
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Twin Shadows

Genre/Themes: Fantasy/Medieval

Description: Twin princes werd separated at birth, one raised with no knowledge of his royalty. A witch captures him in revenge for her family's exile, and convinces him to go and confront the brother he never knew wjo is now the king.

Example Link:

Current Craving Level: 3.5 out of 5

Notes: This was an example of romance going too quickly to the detriment of the plot. There should be character development, but not immediately. The witch starts out as the villain and the prince the reluctant hero. But in this instance I think I was so excited to see the arc conclude in a good way that I rushed things to the point that the plot could not keep up. I have a bad habit of doing that. But with some help I would like to give this another shot and improve from the last time.


Heroes' Aftermath


Genre/Themes: Fantasy Adventure/Comedy, Possible Romance

Description: What nobody ever talks about in stories of grand sweeping quests to rid the world of evil, is what happens to the rest of the world after the heroes vanquish their foes and get their "happily ever after". Power vaccums, leaderless hordes if minions and monsters, and villagers who don't even remember how to tie their boot laces without an adventurer there to help, much less defend and take care of themselves. Our story follows four random people looking to hunt down the heroes who caused all this trouble in the name of freedom and justice, and hold them accountable for the mess they made of the world.

Example Link:

Current Craving Level: 4.5 out of 5

Notes: This was one with great potential that just never got out of the gate due to conflicting schedules. But I would live to give it another go.
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Random Ideas I'd Like To Do:

Sci-fi or Fantasy setting where our characters are thrust together and have to learn to understand each other.

A couple of lonely introverts who met on a dark fetish site decide to meet and start dating in real life.

Somebody down on their luck finds an abandoned robot and decides to keep it.

The old story about the dragon kidnapping the princess, only this time she has no interest in being rescued when the hero comes around, because she's already in love with the dragon.

An alien arrives on earth to warn of some impending doom. But naturally, they aren't believed. Somebody lets them be a roommate, even though they don't believe them either, at first.

Culture shock when a space traveler lands on a planet with what appears to be a very backwards seeming tribal society, which turns out to actually be quite advanced.

An oblivious alien abducts a human and treats them like a pet.

A very twisted relationship between a cult leader and his most devoted (and only) follower.
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I'm going to take a break from roleplaying for a little while.
I'll be coming back soon. I'm waiting to hear back from the doctor about a medical issue, but as soon as I know something I plan to get back into the swing of things. For those who have been waiting, thank you for your patience. As soon as I'm feeling up to it you'll have your replies.

Meanwhile, I had a new plot idea. I wanted to go ahead and write it down before I forget it.

The setting is futuristic dystopian. A rich elite hoard the world's technology for themselves. They keep human slaves, but also have advanced robots as well. Neither are seen or treated as human. But oddly enough, of the two groups, the robots are given more autonomy and freedom. Part of this has to do with the fact that the slaves were made so because of crimes they - or sometimes their family - committed. MC would be a human from the slums who pretends to be either a 'defective' or 'prototype' robot in order to rescue a group of people who are imprisoned and about to be either enslaved or killed. A rebel group basically, on the peaceful end of the spectrum but nevertheless rejecting the rulership of the elite. She fully expects to be caught and/or killed for this, but it's better than leaving her friends to their fate. YC could be one of the following:

• A slave of one of someone important who sees through her act and struggles with whether or not to report her.
• One of the elite who is fascinated by what he thinks is a unique robot and wants her for his collection.
• Someone - from either side - who detests robots and enjoys killing them for fun.
• A leader among the elite who suspects that she is human and toys with her knowing how badly she wants to kill him but can't without blowing her cover.
• A robot expert who takes up with her cause while also providing cover for her, putting himself in danger in the process.

Or anything else you can come up with. We can discuss.
I have returned yet again. This time more open to plots from scratch with my partners.
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