Strawberry Scream
I bite
Inner Sanctum Nobility

Hello, Roleplayers.
Look at your RP, now back to me, now back at your RP, now back to me.
Sadly, it's not with me, but if your partner stopped using two words when you give them five paragraphs, and switched to giving you the effort you deserve, they could write like they're me. Look at your RP history, back up: where are you? You're on a forum thread with the RP partner your current RP partner could be like. What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with characters to that plot you love. Look again, the characters are now lovers. Anything is possible when your RP partner matches your efforts and not skimp out.
I'm on a horse.
Welcome to the Master Thread.

Look at your RP, now back to me, now back at your RP, now back to me.
Sadly, it's not with me, but if your partner stopped using two words when you give them five paragraphs, and switched to giving you the effort you deserve, they could write like they're me. Look at your RP history, back up: where are you? You're on a forum thread with the RP partner your current RP partner could be like. What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with characters to that plot you love. Look again, the characters are now lovers. Anything is possible when your RP partner matches your efforts and not skimp out.
I'm on a horse.

Welcome to the Master Thread.
Why hello there.
You probably need to know a little bit about me and I need to know a lil' about you, so let's get right into it.
- I'm twenty-three years old.
- I prefer M/M or M/NB, but I can also play F for M/F
- I tend to write 4+ paragraphs for casual roleplays, 8+ for more serious, plotted stories.
- I have PAINFULLY long starting posts sometimes. DO NOT BE ALARMED. My posts WILL get shorter. I don't expect or necessarily want my partners to match those ridiculous lengths.
- I'll most likely reply once or more a day, but take your time! Some of the best RPs are the ones partners take 2 weeks to reply to.
- I like to chatter over OOC, and I'll usually be able to chat. I'm always open to planning, gushing about characters, etc.
- I only have a few things I'd like to avoid: extreme gore, especially about eyes. I'd also like to avoid anything like scat/watersports.
As for what I expect from my partner:
- Please try to match my efforts. You don't have to match my posts, but an effort at least, please. I know that sometimes a two-paragraph blurb is all that's really needed for more casual RPs. Especially if it's dialogue-heavy.
- Also, please PM me! Add a bit about yourself, like triggers or preferences, and a bit about your writing! Seriously, please tell me about yourself so I know who I'm writing with. Please don't PM me asking what I want: I want to know what you want! :)
Now for the ideas, plots, pairings, etc.
MC = My Character
YC = Your Character
If a plot is
Clouds of Wealth
In the far, far future, things have gotten worse. The wealthiest of the wealthy, less than 0.01% of the population, live in the literal clouds in mansions and manors with all kinds of luxury. They are far above the smog of the polluted cities, and a layer of fluffy clouds allows them to see none of it except the very tops of the tallest buildings. YC is a member of one of those families, never exposed to life below the clouds. However, they have taken a shine to one of the family's many, many pretty servants and household employees: MC. MC is understandably not a fan, despite YC raining expensive gifts and lavish favors upon them. One day, YC gets a little too curious and ends up following MC home below the clouds. That is when YC finally understands the kind of life that "Landers" face, and together, they secretly plan on de-throning the upper class and redistributing the wealth to the entirety of the population.
Omega, Obey
MC is a rogue omega taking desperate measures to provide for himself. As a sex worker, he meets new faces every day and quickly learns that Alphas are to be avoided at all costs when he's in heat. YC is an Alpha who takes a drive through rougher territory and is approached by MC, asking if YC if he's interested in MC's service. Drawn to the Omega in a way he can't explain, YC agrees and takes MC home. However, he doesn't let MC leave, determined to find out why there's a connection. Used to being obeyed, YC is frustrated when MC constantly tries to escape and disobey his orders.
In the far, far future, things have gotten worse. The wealthiest of the wealthy, less than 0.01% of the population, live in the literal clouds in mansions and manors with all kinds of luxury. They are far above the smog of the polluted cities, and a layer of fluffy clouds allows them to see none of it except the very tops of the tallest buildings. YC is a member of one of those families, never exposed to life below the clouds. However, they have taken a shine to one of the family's many, many pretty servants and household employees: MC. MC is understandably not a fan, despite YC raining expensive gifts and lavish favors upon them. One day, YC gets a little too curious and ends up following MC home below the clouds. That is when YC finally understands the kind of life that "Landers" face, and together, they secretly plan on de-throning the upper class and redistributing the wealth to the entirety of the population.
Omega, Obey
MC is a rogue omega taking desperate measures to provide for himself. As a sex worker, he meets new faces every day and quickly learns that Alphas are to be avoided at all costs when he's in heat. YC is an Alpha who takes a drive through rougher territory and is approached by MC, asking if YC if he's interested in MC's service. Drawn to the Omega in a way he can't explain, YC agrees and takes MC home. However, he doesn't let MC leave, determined to find out why there's a connection. Used to being obeyed, YC is frustrated when MC constantly tries to escape and disobey his orders.
Omega, Obey
MC is a rogue omega taking desperate measures to provide for himself. As a sex worker, he meets new faces every day and quickly learns that Alphas are to be avoided at all costs when he's in heat. YC is an Alpha who takes a drive through rougher territory and is approached by MC, asking if YC if he's interested in MC's service. Drawn to the Omega in a way he can't explain, YC agrees and takes MC home. However, he doesn't let MC leave, determined to find out why there's a connection. Used to being obeyed, YC is frustrated when MC constantly tries to escape and disobey his orders.
In a world similar to ours, those with magic are considered to be criminals. YC is a famous WhateverYou'dLike and is involved in a horrifying accident that should result in certain death. However, MC emerges from the shadows to heal them, then runs away again. YC is healed immediately and goes home only to see their savior shopping at the store the next day and insists on helping hide MC from authorities.
Dangerous Path
YC is a prince who must cross a dangerous, unmanned territory filled with magic and mayhem to complete a quest. The only person who can lead him is MC, a scrappy rogue without ties to any living kingdom. YC is first offended when MC treats them like anyone else crossing unmapped, magical territory, but soon realizes that MC is the only way they could survive the long journey across a land where everything wants to eat them.
Protective Custody
YC is a powerful mafia member or leader, and MC is a normal day-to-day citizen. The two have had a casual friendship at a coffee shop in the mornings sometimes, mostly just chitchatting over breakfast. Turns out that the shop is a cover for something and the cops start to crack down on MC, who is too innocent for their own good. A rival mafia then targets MC and YC steps up to keep them under protection.
Aye, Captain
MC is the captain of an infamous pirate ship in a fantasy land, known for merciless pillaging and bloodshed. YC is lost on an island for a long time, only to be found by a crew that's stopped to gather and hunt. YC is a skill that's needed on the ship and is invited onto the ship - only to discover that the crew is on an impossible quest.
Sleeping with Sirens
Meant to be Urban fantasy. Yes, the title is a band pun.
MC is the only siren that's a regular performer and sex worker at a jazz bar run by a well-organized Mafia. He's expected to charm and sleep with higher-ups, and he has to pretend everything is alright. YC can be just about anything you're interested in them being, as long as it gets them interactive with a good story!
Clouds of Wealth
In the far, far future, things have gotten worse. The wealthiest of the wealthy, less than 0.01% of the population, live in the literal clouds in mansions and manors with all kinds of luxury. They are far above the smog of the polluted cities, and a layer of fluffy clouds allows them to see none of it except the very tops of the tallest buildings. YC is a member of one of those families, never exposed to life below the clouds. However, they have taken a shine to one of the family's many, many pretty servants and household employees: MC. MC is understandably not a fan, despite YC raining expensive gifts and lavish favors upon them. One day, YC gets a little too curious, and ends up following MC home below the clouds. That is when YC finally understands the kind of life that "Landers" face, and together, they secretly plan on de-throning the upper-class and redistributing the wealth to the entirety of the population.
Guest Room
YC and MC have a long history together. Previously in what had been an exclusive and serious relationship, YC cheated on MC. However, years have passed, and YC is filled with regret and guilt, but is unsure how to contact MC to show those feelings and ask for forgiveness. MC has become a popular music artist in a genre YC is not familiar with, and YC applies for a position with their record label. When hired, YC and MC find each other required to work closely with one another, and due to contracts, are unable to change paths. YC realizes that MC's success started off with one song that went viral about betrayal and heartache, and tries to do everything to win forgiveness.
Potions Cafe
(Meant to be Urban Fantasy)
MC is openly a Witch, brewing potions and tonics for the people that live in their city and getting paid for it through what is essentially a potion cafe. YC is a traveling witch hunter, turning in magic users to the black market for coin. To make their job easier, YC pretends to want to befriend MC, and starts nonchalantly incorporating themself into MCs life. However, YC finds that kidnapping MC is going to be a lot more difficult than they thought, due to both the helpful and kind nature of MC and the city of folks who would guard them. YC is on a time crunch with their current employer - and missing a deadline can be deadly. But when emotions are stirred and hearts begin to waver, will YC be able to go through with it?
Angel Feathers
Angels have been proven to be real, walking with everyone like no big deal. However, very few angels have wings - and those that do are often hunted and plucked, since each feather is worth several thousand dollars. Plucking feathers is incredibly painful. MC is an unregistered angel, unable to fly because of disabled wings, and hides their heavenly heritage in their day-to-day life. YC is a human, but with a strange secret - they can see who is an angel by an aura only other angels can usually see. They know MC is lying about their heritage and hatches a plan to get close to be a friend.
The Stylist Behind the Star
YC is a famous actor, singer/musician, artist - any public face that's widely known. Known for their stunning sense of style and social grace, it's one of their most popular features. However, behind the scene, it's MC pulling the strings of physical appearance and mannerisms. As their all-over stylist, it's MC's job to prepare YC for the public eye - hair, clothes, makeup, anything that could apply. This is a general idea that's open to any kind of suggestion!
The Army Mage
In a medieval world, MC is an extremely powerful mage. However, YC is the prince and captain of an army who is about to face another army three times as big and as powerful as their own. The King/Queen of the land implores the help of MC - against YC's wishes, who is strictly anti-magic. They are forced to work together where, to YC's annoyance and reluctant acceptance, MC thrives in the war planning room and on the battle field. Slowly, as the war carries on, YC and MC start getting along (and maybe a little too well?). But the war ends, YC is crowned the ruler of the kingdom, and it's time for MC to leave and carry on their quest. Will YC ask for MC to stay, or is it time to let go?
Olde Magics
In today's world, magic is often seen as fiction or fantasy. However, after YC is exposed directly to something supernatural, the magic glamour over the magical influences of the world is lifted. Half panicked and confused, YC tries their best to continue on with their life. However, they soon see MC, who was either the cause or a bystander of the incident. Confused and demanding answers, YC confronts MC, who introduces them to the world of magic, supernatural creatures, and mystery - all involved with the day to day life of the Mundane.
Cypress Sanctuary
While magical creatures are very real, they are far too dangerous to be let loose in the human world. Instead, there are sanctuaries dotted all over the world hidden from mortal view. In these places, magic is thriving and alive. MC is the caretaker of Cypress Sanctuary, and rarely leaves. However, strange things are beginning to happen, and it doesn't bode well! It's no coincidence that now is the time YC shows up, and together, they try to figure out why the problem is happening and how to stop it. I have a few ideas for this, so it's best discussed with a partner!
Faerie Rings
Humans cannot cross into the Feywilds, and the fae cannot enter the human realm - that is how it had always been. Except for a few rare, dangerous kinds of people: the Faelings. No one is sure where they are from: half-fae and half-human, who are able to cross between borders without problem, though rarely fit into either world. MC is a faeling who travels between Feywild and the mortal realm to illegally trade between the realm. YC is a common customer of MC, often trading bits and bobs for the occasional piece of magic/human tech. However, when an undercover cop/faerie equivalent (?) tries to arrest them for trading, MC pulls them over to the Feywilds/Human Realm to escape. Exposed to a whole new world that's supposed to be impossible to be in and now far more deeply involved with MC, YC learns that life is really not that great for someone caught in between.
Dangers of Being Single
MC is MC2's older sibling/legal guardian after a tragic accident that kills both parents. YC is a mafia/gang higher-up who meets MC by chance (coffee shop, book store, library, whatever). YC is rather taken by MC and proceeds to ask them on dates, to hang around... you get the drill. After a while, YC hears that MC and their sibling are in danger due to debt that their parents took out - with an opposing gang/mafia. Worried about their safety, YC takes MC and MC2 to a safe house, making them abandon jobs, friends. etc. YC wants to help protect them, but doesn't want to tell them much as to not scare them. Slowly, the truth comes out, and so does chaos.
Their Name
When his father is killed by an opposing mafia, MC drops out of school on a wild chase for revenge. However, YC - the leader of the mafia their father worked for - finds him and brings him in. Instead of scolding him, he institutes him into the mafia and begins to train him to become a higher-up to replace his father.
MC is a rogue omega taking desperate measures to provide for himself. As a sex worker, he meets new faces every day and quickly learns that Alphas are to be avoided at all costs when he's in heat. YC is an Alpha who takes a drive through rougher territory and is approached by MC, asking if YC if he's interested in MC's service. Drawn to the Omega in a way he can't explain, YC agrees and takes MC home. However, he doesn't let MC leave, determined to find out why there's a connection. Used to being obeyed, YC is frustrated when MC constantly tries to escape and disobey his orders.
In a world similar to ours, those with magic are considered to be criminals. YC is a famous WhateverYou'dLike and is involved in a horrifying accident that should result in certain death. However, MC emerges from the shadows to heal them, then runs away again. YC is healed immediately and goes home only to see their savior shopping at the store the next day and insists on helping hide MC from authorities.
Dangerous Path
YC is a prince who must cross a dangerous, unmanned territory filled with magic and mayhem to complete a quest. The only person who can lead him is MC, a scrappy rogue without ties to any living kingdom. YC is first offended when MC treats them like anyone else crossing unmapped, magical territory, but soon realizes that MC is the only way they could survive the long journey across a land where everything wants to eat them.
Protective Custody
YC is a powerful mafia member or leader, and MC is a normal day-to-day citizen. The two have had a casual friendship at a coffee shop in the mornings sometimes, mostly just chitchatting over breakfast. Turns out that the shop is a cover for something and the cops start to crack down on MC, who is too innocent for their own good. A rival mafia then targets MC and YC steps up to keep them under protection.
Aye, Captain
MC is the captain of an infamous pirate ship in a fantasy land, known for merciless pillaging and bloodshed. YC is lost on an island for a long time, only to be found by a crew that's stopped to gather and hunt. YC is a skill that's needed on the ship and is invited onto the ship - only to discover that the crew is on an impossible quest.
Sleeping with Sirens
Meant to be Urban fantasy. Yes, the title is a band pun.
MC is the only siren that's a regular performer and sex worker at a jazz bar run by a well-organized Mafia. He's expected to charm and sleep with higher-ups, and he has to pretend everything is alright. YC can be just about anything you're interested in them being, as long as it gets them interactive with a good story!
Clouds of Wealth
In the far, far future, things have gotten worse. The wealthiest of the wealthy, less than 0.01% of the population, live in the literal clouds in mansions and manors with all kinds of luxury. They are far above the smog of the polluted cities, and a layer of fluffy clouds allows them to see none of it except the very tops of the tallest buildings. YC is a member of one of those families, never exposed to life below the clouds. However, they have taken a shine to one of the family's many, many pretty servants and household employees: MC. MC is understandably not a fan, despite YC raining expensive gifts and lavish favors upon them. One day, YC gets a little too curious, and ends up following MC home below the clouds. That is when YC finally understands the kind of life that "Landers" face, and together, they secretly plan on de-throning the upper-class and redistributing the wealth to the entirety of the population.
Guest Room
YC and MC have a long history together. Previously in what had been an exclusive and serious relationship, YC cheated on MC. However, years have passed, and YC is filled with regret and guilt, but is unsure how to contact MC to show those feelings and ask for forgiveness. MC has become a popular music artist in a genre YC is not familiar with, and YC applies for a position with their record label. When hired, YC and MC find each other required to work closely with one another, and due to contracts, are unable to change paths. YC realizes that MC's success started off with one song that went viral about betrayal and heartache, and tries to do everything to win forgiveness.
Potions Cafe
(Meant to be Urban Fantasy)
MC is openly a Witch, brewing potions and tonics for the people that live in their city and getting paid for it through what is essentially a potion cafe. YC is a traveling witch hunter, turning in magic users to the black market for coin. To make their job easier, YC pretends to want to befriend MC, and starts nonchalantly incorporating themself into MCs life. However, YC finds that kidnapping MC is going to be a lot more difficult than they thought, due to both the helpful and kind nature of MC and the city of folks who would guard them. YC is on a time crunch with their current employer - and missing a deadline can be deadly. But when emotions are stirred and hearts begin to waver, will YC be able to go through with it?
Angel Feathers
Angels have been proven to be real, walking with everyone like no big deal. However, very few angels have wings - and those that do are often hunted and plucked, since each feather is worth several thousand dollars. Plucking feathers is incredibly painful. MC is an unregistered angel, unable to fly because of disabled wings, and hides their heavenly heritage in their day-to-day life. YC is a human, but with a strange secret - they can see who is an angel by an aura only other angels can usually see. They know MC is lying about their heritage and hatches a plan to get close to be a friend.
The Stylist Behind the Star
YC is a famous actor, singer/musician, artist - any public face that's widely known. Known for their stunning sense of style and social grace, it's one of their most popular features. However, behind the scene, it's MC pulling the strings of physical appearance and mannerisms. As their all-over stylist, it's MC's job to prepare YC for the public eye - hair, clothes, makeup, anything that could apply. This is a general idea that's open to any kind of suggestion!
In a medieval world, MC is an extremely powerful mage. However, YC is the prince and captain of an army who is about to face another army three times as big and as powerful as their own. The King/Queen of the land implores the help of MC - against YC's wishes, who is strictly anti-magic. They are forced to work together where, to YC's annoyance and reluctant acceptance, MC thrives in the war planning room and on the battle field. Slowly, as the war carries on, YC and MC start getting along (and maybe a little too well?). But the war ends, YC is crowned the ruler of the kingdom, and it's time for MC to leave and carry on their quest. Will YC ask for MC to stay, or is it time to let go?
Olde Magics
In today's world, magic is often seen as fiction or fantasy. However, after YC is exposed directly to something supernatural, the magic glamour over the magical influences of the world is lifted. Half panicked and confused, YC tries their best to continue on with their life. However, they soon see MC, who was either the cause or a bystander of the incident. Confused and demanding answers, YC confronts MC, who introduces them to the world of magic, supernatural creatures, and mystery - all involved with the day to day life of the Mundane.
While magical creatures are very real, they are far too dangerous to be let loose in the human world. Instead, there are sanctuaries dotted all over the world hidden from mortal view. In these places, magic is thriving and alive. MC is the caretaker of Cypress Sanctuary, and rarely leaves. However, strange things are beginning to happen, and it doesn't bode well! It's no coincidence that now is the time YC shows up, and together, they try to figure out why the problem is happening and how to stop it. I have a few ideas for this, so it's best discussed with a partner!
Humans cannot cross into the Feywilds, and the fae cannot enter the human realm - that is how it had always been. Except for a few rare, dangerous kinds of people: the Faelings. No one is sure where they are from: half-fae and half-human, who are able to cross between borders without problem, though rarely fit into either world. MC is a faeling who travels between Feywild and the mortal realm to illegally trade between the realm. YC is a common customer of MC, often trading bits and bobs for the occasional piece of magic/human tech. However, when an undercover cop/faerie equivalent (?) tries to arrest them for trading, MC pulls them over to the Feywilds/Human Realm to escape. Exposed to a whole new world that's supposed to be impossible to be in and now far more deeply involved with MC, YC learns that life is really not that great for someone caught in between.
MC is MC2's older sibling/legal guardian after a tragic accident that kills both parents. YC is a mafia/gang higher-up who meets MC by chance (coffee shop, book store, library, whatever). YC is rather taken by MC and proceeds to ask them on dates, to hang around... you get the drill. After a while, YC hears that MC and their sibling are in danger due to debt that their parents took out - with an opposing gang/mafia. Worried about their safety, YC takes MC and MC2 to a safe house, making them abandon jobs, friends. etc. YC wants to help protect them, but doesn't want to tell them much as to not scare them. Slowly, the truth comes out, and so does chaos.
When his father is killed by an opposing mafia, MC drops out of school on a wild chase for revenge. However, YC - the leader of the mafia their father worked for - finds him and brings him in. Instead of scolding him, he institutes him into the mafia and begins to train him to become a higher-up to replace his father.
Fruits Basket - M/M, M/NB - AGED UP! 18+
This isn't really a new plot, I just finished watching the remake of got super cute vibes from it <3 So I'm thinking very much a similar storyline as the original, with our own fun twists.
Firefly/Serenity - M/M, M/NB
Basically, MC is a criminal running from the Big Bad Government. Preferably a doctor or a mechanic. Like the OG, they'll be the one who was experimented on, but to a lesser and/or more controllable degree.
Repo! The Genetic Opera - M/M, M/NB
I really hope someone here knows about Repo! The Genetic Opera because it is one of my FAVORITE settings!! I really want to get into the nitty-gritty life of being graverobbers, or even a Repo!Man. Even better is if we can come up with a Romeo-Juliet thing with a Graverobber AND a Repo!Man.
Mortal Instruments - M/M, M/NB - AGED UP! 18+
Based on the Mortal Instruments, loosely, since I read the books about five years ago and don't remember much. I honestly just REALLY like the idea of shadow hunters, and a character that's shielded from that world until the worst happens.
This isn't really a new plot, I just finished watching the remake of got super cute vibes from it <3 So I'm thinking very much a similar storyline as the original, with our own fun twists.
Firefly/Serenity - M/M, M/NB
Basically, MC is a criminal running from the Big Bad Government. Preferably a doctor or a mechanic. Like the OG, they'll be the one who was experimented on, but to a lesser and/or more controllable degree.
Repo! The Genetic Opera - M/M, M/NB
I really hope someone here knows about Repo! The Genetic Opera because it is one of my FAVORITE settings!! I really want to get into the nitty-gritty life of being graverobbers, or even a Repo!Man. Even better is if we can come up with a Romeo-Juliet thing with a Graverobber AND a Repo!Man.
Mortal Instruments - M/M, M/NB - AGED UP! 18+
Based on the Mortal Instruments, loosely, since I read the books about five years ago and don't remember much. I honestly just REALLY like the idea of shadow hunters, and a character that's shielded from that world until the worst happens.
Urban Fantasy
Space Cowboys
Apocalyptic Survival
Witch/Vampire/Werewolf/etc x Magical Hunter
Stuck in poverty x C.E.O./Mafia
Single Guardian x Mafia
Space Cowboys
Apocalyptic Survival
Witch/Vampire/Werewolf/etc x Magical Hunter
Stuck in poverty x C.E.O./Mafia
Single Guardian x Mafia
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