Searching for Baldur's Gate Shenanigans (doubling friendly <3)

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Searching for Baldur's Gate Shenanigans (doubling friendly <3)


divinity omniscient
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Yesterday 10:20 PM
Hello, all! Welcome to my search thread!

My name is Kore! Though I also go by Mammon, or any other nicknames are welcomed. I am 25 years old and currently working while taking care of family with my partner. My schedule can get pretty hectic, so chances are I won't be able to post every second unless I have some free time to sit down and do a little post binge - But rest assured you can expect a post from me within a week, sometimes the day of if I have enough time! If I don't respond in a week, feel free to poke me - Chances are I just forgot to mention if there's something huge going on in my life, or if things require my immediate attention and I can't send a message to let people know! But do know that I will treat you with the same courtesy, and I will respect your time and space as needed. Real life always goes before the story, after all - Never feel bad for needing time off!

I love making friends with my writing partners, so expect me to be a bit chatty or offer my Discord user to talk OOC. I love to fawn and rave over my writing partners' stories and characters, so expect a meme or two, or even some songs that I'll share that remind me of them! In that regard, I would appreciate a partner that is attentive to both of our sides in a doubling situation, because I love offering my input but it's no fair if we only plot for one side and not the other. I usually love a plot-smut ratio of 60/40 or 70/30, so long as the plot is still the main focus and the steamy scenes align with the story properly c: Triggers and limits are also very important to me!! So feel free to let me know what yours are, and I will share mine in exchange.

In a doubling scenario, I can play just about any gender/pairing! For my half, I will usually play a female-based character or nonbinary and ask for any gender in exchange (female, male, nonbinary, futa, etc.) for a romance setting! Romance is very important for me in a story, and any additional genres are welcomed, from adventure, to horror, or even slice-of-life! You can expect at least two paragraphs from me, as my length can go from a short post to almost a mini-novella if I'm inspired enough. I'm not a stickler for length or grammar, as long as there is enough content for me to respond to and it isn't a one-liner -- We're all good! c:

As the title states, I'm seeking Baldur's Gate stories! We could follow the plot of the game, set it beforehand, or even afterwards -- Either way, I don't mind! At this moment, I'm seeking to do an OC x Canon pair, though I could be convinced to do OC x OC with the right pair up!

The characters I'm seeking are:
Haarlep (though this might end up being more smut-based)

As for characters I can play for doubles:
The Dark Urge (OC)
The Emperor
... and more! Just ask, and I'll let you know c:
Really my only exception is Astarion, because I can't nail his writing voice for the life of me.

Hope to hear from someone soon! Thanks for reading through my thread <3
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