All Searching for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood partners!

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All Searching for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood partners!

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Hi there, I'm Queenie! I'm 23 and have been roleplaying and writing for 11 years. I like writing about many things, but recently have been focused on AUs of canon stories to see what would happen to the same characters in another universe, or writing scenes from canon that we don't get to see.

My replies are generally a few paragraphs at minimum as I prefer longer form literate roleplay as I want to know what your character is feeling, doing, etc! I want more than just their words. I'm pretty active in regards to responding, typically able to give multiple responses a day.

I'm fine with writing gore, violence, smut, etc. For kinks, I usually play into what I think the character would like, not my own personal ones, so it depends on the character!

I'm currently looking for a Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood roleplay partner! I mainly play Riza Hawkeye, Winry Rockbell, and Rebecca Catalina, but I can do others as side characters if they are involved in our roleplay! I am looking for some RoyXRiza or WinryXEd (depicted 18+). I would adore getting a Roy Mustang or an Edward Elric!

For plot, it varies depending on the pairing.

In regards to RoyXRiza here are potential plots:
-Starting when Riza first joins the military during the Ishvalan war and Roy sees her for the first time in Ishval, then continuing from there while they do horrific things and lean on one another for support,
-Post-Promised Day,
whether Roy is still blind or not can be discussed and vary, but drama since... Riza was almost killed and there's a lot going on.
-Scenes set during canon, but between what we see. Like them talking after the Lust encounter, or accidentally spending the night at the other's place. Switching through them!
-Them at a Military Ball or Hughes Wedding or something fancy like that and having to navigate how things work in a formal setting!
-Various scenes from throughout their lives that we just rp and then time skip.

In regards to WinryXEd, I usually prefer some kind of AU or I find they get very stale very quickly since
they are together by the end of the series and he literally proposed!
However I do like doing their moments that we don't see on screen or things like first kiss, first time, etc or what happens post-promised day when he sees her again!

Details are welcome to be discussed and changed as necessary!
If you're interested, please let me know!
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