MxF Searching for Inspiration(Fantasy/Action/Adventure)Long-term/Multi-para

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MxF Searching for Inspiration(Fantasy/Action/Adventure)Long-term/Multi-para


Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility 250 Posts! 100 Likes! 250 Likes!
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I've been writing for over ten years. I won't bore you with fluff, I'll just lay out who I am as a writer and what I'm looking for in a partner.

People often say quality over quantity, but I'm quite greedy, so why not both? I go for quantity and quality. I write 3-10 paragraphs per post depending on the scene. I go heavy on detail, I love character development, and definitely moving the plot forward. I will only write with people who have a similar writing style to myself, I don't intend to start countless stories. I am looking for one solid partner to write with and thats all, so if we don't seem to work well together it's a no go. I respect people that give me the same effort I give them, so if you're unable to write multiple paragraphs with heavy detail don't contact me. I don't want to put pressure on anyone to write out of their comfort zone, so if you're not experienced writing in this way we probably won't work out. Also, I will move the story forward but I won't carry it, it's our story once we start, not mine alone. So let's get creative.

** Normally - I work full time in a very taxing job so I am only able to post 1-2 times a week. It's not frequent but I will be sure to make it worth the wait. (This is my normal disclaimer for my search threads. Things are a bit different at the moment)
** At the moment - I am injured and off work for a little bit. I don't know when I will be able to return to work but having to take this time off has been mentally challenging/draining. My creativity has taken a hit and I am trying to get inspired again. I want to write, I love writing, but my mental health has taken a hit here. I'm trying to get myself out of this hole and I feel like writing can really help.

What is a story without indulging in some carnal desires? Sex is guaranteed in all the stories, even if it's a slow burn.
I write all 18+ themes, sex, drugs, violence, blood, ect... You've been warned.



Okay! The moment you've been waiting for, the actual story idea. I have one specific idea in mind that is fantasy/action/adventure based. If it sounds like your type of story then message me and we can plot more together.

Inspired by The Witcher - We won't be fallowing the plot of The Witcher or anything super specific to that story, it is loosely inspired by it's world.

The world is a dark and dangerous place, filled with monsters and creatures that kill without hesitation. Towns are terrorized and travellers often go missing. Though life can be peaceful at times and people try not to live in fear, these creatures are always a presence in the world. A threat that can strike at any time. There is one creature that fights for mortals though, a creature that used to be mortal itself. The Huntsmen. A simple name for a clan of not-so simple creatures. Men that, as children, drank a concoction of elven blood and herbs that sent them down a painful path of becoming a Hunter. Tucked away in the mountains in an old keep, Huntsmen are created and trained to go out and be monster slayers for hire. Easily identified by their bright golden eyes, people both fear and respect the Hunters, though others have less favourable opinions of them. They aren't mortal anymore, and as such, there is a certain fear of them despite them hunting monsters. Despite those fears though, the Hunters continue to travel and fight. With heightened senses, mild magical abilities, and increased strength on top of their rigorous training... they are killing machines. One other obvious characteristic of them is, they are all Male.

Enrilth is the name of the Hunter keep. Over a dozen years ago, in the depths of winter, a Hunter returned with a child. A young girl. Despite how young she was, they could sense magic from the girl unlike that of elves and mages. Her powers were immense, despite her age. After long deliberation, the leaders of the Huntsmen decided to let her stay and train her like one of their own, thinking it would be safer to keep her with them. As a child they couldn't decide if she would become a threat or not. Her life would be far from simple. Raised among mutant boys, she never fit in. Constantly feeling the need to prove herself and struggling to keep up with the boys her age, she would fight. Tough love was a tame term used for how the children of the Huntsmen were raised, and she was no exception. She was never given the concoction to become a hunter, and many assumed it was because she was a female, but in reality it was because she already possessed such great power. There was no telling what the mix would do to her. That power was never revealed to her or the boys though, instead it was sealed away with fear of what it might become.

All the boys gave her a tough time, but one specifically went out of his way to egg her on. Taking every chance to insult her and pick a fight. The two never got along, they always seemed to be at each other's throats, challenging each other and throwing insults. Now, as young adults, they still don't get along. Though, it's grown into more of a rivalry. Despite their treatment of each other there is a certain level of respect they have for each other that they would never admit. Thanks to him, and her training, she has grown into a strong young woman. With thick skin, an attitude, and a quick tongue to go with it, she is no longer the easily stepped on little girl.

Despite being the same age, she has never been sent on a hunt. She has always been treated differently but as she grows into an adult, her frustrations grow as well. She is the first woman in the clan, but they refuse to title her as a Huntress. She feels like she is still being treated like a child despite all her training.

This is where our story begins.

Frustrated and fed up with the restrictions put on her, she finally disobeys. A group of hunters return from an unsuccessful hunt, claiming the creature they were tracking was impossible to find. She offers her help, her natural gift of sight, of clairvoyance, would make finding the creature simple. But again, her aid is rejected. So, she takes matters into her own hands. In the dead of the night, she leaves the keep for the first time, planning to prove herself and prove the Hunters wrong.

The base idea is, he is sent out after her to bring her back. They end up tracking and taking care of the creature together, but this is the catalyst that sets off a chain of events. It changes both their lives and also unleashes a new kind of chaos into the world. There is a lot more I want to add to this but I don't want to ramble and spoil anything. Message me if you're interested and we can plot. I have lots to say about this story!

**Also, please send a writing sample with your intro and we can get to know each other a bit as people/partners as well. HERE is a thread that shows my writing**

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