MxM Searching for my Subordinate

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MxM Searching for my Subordinate

Id love to work something out with yoy, im a bit busy for the next tao days but if your still looking for a partner by the time i get back on we can work something out together??
MC finds YC in the street/forest etc , thinks you're just a baby fox/kitten etc , takes you home and finds out you're something completely different(neko etc) and that you've now bonded to me. [could be funny, I like humor]

I'm interested if your still open!!!
MC finds YC in the street/forest etc , thinks you're just a baby fox/kitten etc , takes you home and finds out you're something completely different(neko etc) and that you've now bonded to me. [could be funny, I like humor]

I'm interested if your still open!!!

Oh that was for someone else i am sorry mr moon
Hi, if you're still looking for a new partner I'm interested in the non humans being trapped in the forest rp, I'd like to rp the creature but make it more violent.
Hi! If you're still looking for RP partners I'd be down!
I'm really into fantasy stuff so something along the lines of your first prompt sounds fun!
It also seems like most people on here are looking for doms so I figured it'd be nice to try subbing for once lol
Let me know if you're interested!
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