MxM Searching for Silly Boys

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MxM Searching for Silly Boys


Catlike Wanderer
Local time
Today 9:50 PM
Hello, and welcome for my first Sanctum search thread. I'm looking for MxM at the moment, and would prefer for shenanigans that flirts with the silly and nonsensical without going fully into crack territory. I'll post a variety of snippets with ideas I'd be interested in playing with, but first off I need to go over the boring stuff; my writing habits and my expectations.

As a writer, I am:
  • Emotion and Interaction oriented
  • Multi paragraph poster
  • Third person, past tense writer
  • Often really slow, don't expect much than once or twice a week from me, but I'll warn you if something happens that will lengthen the waiting time.
  • I take time and effort into each post, so expect quality and quantity as long as I get enough of both to work on from your side
  • I love OOC chatter, expect me in your inbox often!
As for my expectation, I would like:
  • Plot coming before smut, though depending on the character the smut can still be plentiful; I'm talking about quality plot here, not just fluff or purple prose.
  • Light and humorous moment to combat the dark and edgy.
  • Something to make me smile after a bad day; I want feel good romances!
  • At least three good paragraph a post.
  • Third Person, past tense writing.
  • NO FURRIES, but animal parts are still okay as long as the character is mostly human.
  • Talk to me! I love it when we talk about the plot and characters and brainstorm a lot!
Now that it's over with, here are a few ideas breeding in my head:
  1. An infamous sky pirate comes back home after a raid that had gone bad far away from his birthplace. While hauling cargoes, necessities and men into his worst for wear ship in order to get back into the sky, he comes face to face to his estranged childhood friend. Acting on a whim, he kidnap the latter and goes on an adventure I order to convince him to stay at his side, always.
  2. Bored of the lack of action for his princess' rescue, a lonesome tower guardian/dragon set out to lure would be rescuers to his protege for entertainment. After a good bit of butchering, he however comes to a startling conclusion; he longs for an equal, and to do so he would have to leave behind his princess' tower and look for a worthy rival himself!
  3. A talented but narcissistic and rude scientist creates his ideal assistant out of a beaker vial. What he did not expect was for said new assistant to be more alike to him than he ever knew.. and for him to be attracted to their exchange of wits.
  4. An angel is sick of Heaven's ways and wants out. As such, he set out and find a demon to damn him. The problem is, instead of showing him the ropes as he was expecting, the demon is more interested in bad pick up lines and seducing attempts that would not even work on a cupid. àWhat in the world did the angel get himself into?!
  5. Catboy and Werewolf meet as they are both in need of cheap and mostly safe lodging. How will their new cohabitation even work?
  6. The crown prince has harbored a weakness for a certain Knight for a long time and, now of age, set outs to woo his man properly. There's no room for failure or mistakes!
Besides that, I'm always up for suggestions, but those are the ideas circling my head at the moment. Settings I'm interested in are also:

World War spies
Arabian Nights
Lovecraftian Victorian era
Sky Pirates
The sky pirate x estranged friend really calls to me :)

Are you up for roleplay still?
I really love the idea of the Prince X Night or the Angel X Demon.
If you're not to busy, I'd love to RP with you!
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