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I paint more then I write now days.
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So since I'm not the type to generally search people out for Roleplays and among other things. I've decided it'd be best to create a thread in here. While I can generally enjoy most genres for roleplays there's one thing I've been wanting to do for a while. That is a standard fantasy roleplay, generally I use Pathfinder for my fantasy characters mechanically and flavor wise, with some sort of progressing plot. I, currently, don't have too many characters at this moment. Mainly since I want to start fresh on this site. So any other fantasy plots I can think off will be added on through time. Probably.

Note: I play male and female characters. As for the sexual themes I don't really mind to much as long we're not going into any gore for a kink or what not. I also don't mind Romance, buuut my mood tends to vary when it comes to those types of RPs. This is probably neat to mention, I don't know, but I do occasionally play NPCs.

Post length: It' doesn't really matter to much to me honestly. Just note I can get lengthy with my post or my post can become short. I tend to just adapt to the person I'm playing with really.

My current ideas for the cast of characters I currently have. More will probably be added soon when I create more fantasy characters.
  • The rogue criminal: An underground crime gang have striking the city almost every night. Something, or some one ends up being taken away during the night. The towns folk speak of a rogue that blends within the shadows. So this is based off a fetchling rogue named Talion who's practically a lapdog for an underground gang. Due to his stealth like actions a lot could happen in this idea. Maybe he's stealing an item of yours. Or you if you're into that. The main idea of this rp is about the underground gang and how the characters choose to deal with their actions.
  • Assassin!: It's someone's unlucky day! An assassin on their tail and he's going to do all he can to get to his target to take them out. Will you be the target or someone close to the target? Is the target a king, queen, ruling noble or a mob boss? Who knows what goes on in this assassin's head when it comes to taking out his targets. Time for some more Talion. Again, lacking characters at this moment. However, this is more the usual assassination attempt. Except a bit more played off of betrayal. How much will Talion, the assassin, befriend someone before he goes for the kill. Will he go for the kill at all?
  • Magus in training: Tirofzi grew up in the castle of her king since her mother worked for the royal court. The bound to the material plane fetchling through out her life was known to have some of her mother's magic potential. However, it wasn't enough for the girl. So when she came of age to adulthood she decided to learn both of magic and the way of the blade. A slice of life type of RP. Where Tirofzi is under going training to eventually become a magus. The characters could have a teach-student thing. A rivalry between the two when it comes to sword play. Who knows really. This is just my idea for now.
  • Daughter of the stronghold: Valbre, an Orc stronghold was having a political debate as to who will be the new chieftain after the current chieftain falls to old age. The chieftain pressures the people to allow his daughter to rule over the stronghold. However, there's a distaste for the daughter of the chieftain. Vita Nutsky, the daughter of the chieftain was a half-orc and what's worst is that her other parent was an elf. Leading the community to be very weary of her. I was thinking of having this RP be based off a community strife. Whether your character manages to join one side or the other. Either way I can only see three conclusions to this RP.
These are my ideas currently for the characters I currently have. Again I will be adding more fantasy characters down the road as I make them. It takes me a while to figure out how to work some mechanically into something as a roleplay.​
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I'm interested in this, particularly the Rogue Criminal RP idea, whats sort of character are you looking for in the partner in particular?
Usually the wealthy or those who have wealthy family member. The rogue for that RP Talion tends to do things for money. So there's a good chance that someone is paying him to do it.
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