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Best wolven blacksmith
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Today 7:33 PM
Hey everyone!

Ive been on this site for a bit now and i am really scared if trying new things, i was finally getting used to Dreamrealms but now it shut down (so it seems) i need to start anew.

So a little about me...
Im not totally new to Rp but im no expert,
Ive been doing it for a while and like everyone had ups and downs.
About my writing i would say its decent,
I try to pay attention to what i type but sometimes a typo slips trough...
even more when im tired (shhhh)

I do try and match what my partner writes but i sometimes have moments that i dont have any ideas or just dont know what to write.
Same goes for the character sheet if we decide to make one, i usually let my partner go first so i can see what else is necessary for the story.
(If you understand what i mean)

I try to reply when i can!
(Thats an important one... shouldve started with that)
Oh! And i talk to myself as you can see!! XD
We all have lives outside of rp so i respect if you can't reply all the time.
I try to atleast reply once a day but there are times when i can reply instantly and there where i can only get one in once a week...

For now i dont have any ideas other than i want to try and roleplay a blacksmith (trainee, master,... doesnt matter) but i am looking for atleast one partner who is willing to bare my annoying ass xD

I will leave it at that for now, if you have questions or want to talk about ideas for a story...

I am but a few clicks away

Thanks for reading

May the winds guide your sails
Hi! I'd like to ask what your normal role preference is? I am looking for more MxM rps, but if you don't want that then just feel free to ignore this XD
I have done one or two before, im no expert at it but i can manage :p
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