Seeking a M for my F characters

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Seeking a M for my F characters


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My name is Siddy and I just recently joined this site. I do have about 15 years of role playing under my belt.

I have written both fantasy and slice of life story's, however I'm a little rusty in the fantasy department. I'm sure if we discussed a plot, I could jump back in. But my preference is slice of life, or modern times with a fantasy element such as vampires, werewolves, demons and hunters. Think true blood, supernatural, etc.

I play human females but do have a couple fantasy characters I've used in the past. Once again, I feel rusty but could probably jump in easily.

I write in 3rd person, and can write anywhere from a couple paragraphs to replies 1000+ words. It depends on storyline, chemistry with my partner, what my partner writes. I'm very much a give what I get kind of writer. If you write a couple paragraphs, I will give you AT LEAST that in return. I'm a descriptive writer and like to really paint a picture of the world and characters. Most of the time I can reply at least once a day, but on busier weeks it could be four or five replies a week.

I don't mind writing violence, even a little blood and gore would be fine. I don't mind writing fighting scenes, or death scenes if needed. I don't have any issues with that. And I don't mind writing smut. I do like to have a cohesive storyline going and would probably like to have 70/30 story to smut. But I just like to write it as it comes. We can discuss limits and preferences in PM if we decide to write together.

I wouldn't mind doing a few fandoms. But I do prefer original characters and plots over fandoms.

If fandoms are your thing, the ones I would be interested in would be slice of life/modern fantasy such as:

True Blood - possible plot: MC (human female) just moves into the small little town and finds out that theres more than just humans around and YC (vamp/wolf/shifter) steps into her life after saving her from a car crash.
Supernatural - possible plot: MC, a hunter is put onto a task of hunting YC (whichever monster you choose) but ends up connecting with YC instead.

Game of Thrones: possible plot - arranged marriage for power leverage.

Euphoria: slice of life plot: newly into college MC branches out and into the party scene after being quiet in high school and meets YC who introduces her into a world of sex, drugs, partying and they spiral into the depths of it all together.

The Walking Dead: possible plot- MC is the daughter of one of the surviving groups leader and meets up with YC on a run and come to find out YC group had a plan on taking out MC group so they work together to bring them together while surviving.

Possibly more, just suggest and I can let you know if I'd be interested.

If there's anything you have been wanting to play and think we can do it together, let me know and we can talk about it!

One fantasy plot I have in mind is:

Van (MC) is a shadow demon that works in a travelling circus. Although in daily life, she presents herself as human, during her circus act, she reveals her demon form and uses her powers of controlling and speaking to the shadows to entertain the audience. Being one of the best acts in the circus for her "magic", she headlines most shows. People from all over the world come to see her. YC is hired to find and kidnap Van to harness her powers to help with assassinations of people known as "The First Order". From there, our characters can help the story continue and open up.
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