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Hello, everyone! I've just joined this site, and I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out appropriateness and literacy levels in the RP requests here. So I thought I would make my own request, to make things a lot easier for me.
Now, here are the basic you need to know about me: I typically write about 1,000 words. I can write as low as 800, as high as 1,200. I prefers people of around the same level, with good literacy. I always write in third person, and I find that first person grates on my nerves. Second person is right out. I take a while to respond. I can usually do once a week, but if anyone would like a slower-moving RP for less pressure, I'd love that! Despite my somewhat bossy introduction, I'm actually pretty lax about RPing. I just ask that you not godmod, and not ghost me.
I'll no nearly any RP you can think of. As you might have guessed from me posting in this thread, I prefer no to do anything overtly sexual. Some innuendo/flirting is fine. I'm most experienced with fantasy, medieval, and modern settings. I love historical settings, and will do waaay too much research. I'm not experienced with sci-fi or romance much, but am willing to try! I'm fine with gore and violence. I like the setting to be developed while we're RPing, but some setup is definitely neccesary beforehand. Just enough for us to make our characters from. If you have a world you've created, though, I would love to make a character set in it. I almost always do male, though I can do female if you like. I don't mind at all. I generally play humans/humanoids. I've also had a few RPs where one person played only their character, and I played the rest as sort of extras. If you want to do that, we can.
I don't really belong to any fandoms, so I don't do fandom RPs, sorry.
I would also like to do group RPs. If anyone wants to co-found one with me, or has a good literate one they'd like to invite me to join, that would be great!
I have a few vague ideas, but I'm really mostly interested in hearing yours. If you need help thinking or have no idea, we can come up with one together! Here are some I like:
1. A quest-style adventure in a fantasy setting, with all the typical fantasy elements
2. A sci-fi adventure in an OG Star Trek style
3. A group of kids (or a couple of kids) in the 80s on an adventure
4. A historical narrative of any kind at all
5. An archeological dig full of booby traps and narrow escapes
6. Any scenario where I get to play a charming con artist (a favorite of mine, but rarely works with other characters)
- I write about 1,000 words
- I'm slow to reply
- I'm down to try any kind of RP
- Nothing sexual
- I'm all about your ideas
- I play humans/humanoids
- No to fandom RPs
- Yes to group RPs
Now, here are the basic you need to know about me: I typically write about 1,000 words. I can write as low as 800, as high as 1,200. I prefers people of around the same level, with good literacy. I always write in third person, and I find that first person grates on my nerves. Second person is right out. I take a while to respond. I can usually do once a week, but if anyone would like a slower-moving RP for less pressure, I'd love that! Despite my somewhat bossy introduction, I'm actually pretty lax about RPing. I just ask that you not godmod, and not ghost me.
I'll no nearly any RP you can think of. As you might have guessed from me posting in this thread, I prefer no to do anything overtly sexual. Some innuendo/flirting is fine. I'm most experienced with fantasy, medieval, and modern settings. I love historical settings, and will do waaay too much research. I'm not experienced with sci-fi or romance much, but am willing to try! I'm fine with gore and violence. I like the setting to be developed while we're RPing, but some setup is definitely neccesary beforehand. Just enough for us to make our characters from. If you have a world you've created, though, I would love to make a character set in it. I almost always do male, though I can do female if you like. I don't mind at all. I generally play humans/humanoids. I've also had a few RPs where one person played only their character, and I played the rest as sort of extras. If you want to do that, we can.
I don't really belong to any fandoms, so I don't do fandom RPs, sorry.
I would also like to do group RPs. If anyone wants to co-found one with me, or has a good literate one they'd like to invite me to join, that would be great!
I have a few vague ideas, but I'm really mostly interested in hearing yours. If you need help thinking or have no idea, we can come up with one together! Here are some I like:
1. A quest-style adventure in a fantasy setting, with all the typical fantasy elements
2. A sci-fi adventure in an OG Star Trek style
3. A group of kids (or a couple of kids) in the 80s on an adventure
4. A historical narrative of any kind at all
5. An archeological dig full of booby traps and narrow escapes
6. Any scenario where I get to play a charming con artist (a favorite of mine, but rarely works with other characters)
- RP Example (Most Recent)
"Our government wants what is best for you. Will you let them take care of you?"
Sonny had heard that message echo in his own voice through transport stations, gleaming government buildings, and along dusty streets where there was nobody to hear it. This, and a thousand more like it, were the soundtrack to his life. He repeated them now in his head, word for word. He wasn't nervous or scared just yet, and he was determined that he wouldn't be throughout this whole thing. But these things were a reminder that no matter what happened, he would always have someone powerful and capable looking out for his best interests. He had grown so used to hearing them at regular intervals that the silence of the cells felt strange and eerie to him. He knew exactly how long it was between each statement, exactly what order they were in. And just at the right time, his mind would go to just the right one, playing for him like he was still in Ultalla. He didn't even have to try: they just came to him, like he had a speaker in his ear playing them over and over.
The room was dark and cold, but that didn't bother Sonny - anyone who was bothered by it was sure not to last long in this program. In the beginning, some of the people had tried to get to know one another, just something to do to fill the silence. Nobody near Sonny had attempted to start a conversation, and he knew better than to try himself. It was a very bad idea to get too attached to them. The last thing he needed was to be distracted by emotions at a critical point, or to be betrayed by someone he had trusted. It was such a shame not all of them could make it through, but Sonny trusted the government when they said it was simply too delicate of a mission to send people in without having tested them rigorously first. Sonny could only hope he was good enough to make it through to the end, but if he didn't, he would be proud to give his life for such a noble and important cause.
"Together we strive for a brighter future."
Sonny's wandering gaze snapped up as he heard the blaring sound of the sirens. He strained to hear anything beyond them, wondering who had been killed this time. He couldn't understand the people who tried to escape. Not just the futility of the attempt, or the tragic waste of life necessitated by it. He didn't understand people who valued themselves so much more than the rest of the world, who, given the choice between their own life and those of billions of people, would choose theirs without hesitation. Being here was a privilege, but there were people here who acted like it was a duty they didn't want to perform. "This is not a test," a voice said, indicating that the alarm was for something else this time. Sonny listened as the voice explained their challenge, and ended with "Good luck, keep calm, and carry on." Sonny felt that familiar surge of comfort at hearing this phrase. He took it to heart, let it pound in his ears to remind him not to panic, while people in cells around him began to do just that. He remembered the first days in the cell, when he'd moved around it to get a feel for the place. He had found a strange compartment in the floor. It had been empty then, and he'd thought it rather strange. He had a feeling it might not be so empty now.
Feeling along for the hair-thin line that would tell him where the compartment was, he finally found it and dug his fingernails in to prise it open. He could feel something vaguely oblong, and what seemed to be a handle. He wasn't sure what he had expected, but this certainly wasn't it. Some sort of weapon? He hefted it in his hand, trying to get a feel for what it was. It felt like a phaser of some sort, but he didn't have time to examine it closer. He could hear running footsteps, screams, and shouts outside, and figured the others had either figured out how to get out with their weapons, or had been given something else.
"Keep calm and carry on."
Feeling along the doorway, Sonny aimed his weapon at the lock, prepared to blast his way out and defend himself if anyone should be waiting for him outside. But before he got to it, he heard a click that sounded like the door being opened. He stepped back, weapon still aimed at the door, waiting to see who it was. After a few moments, though, it seemed like whoever it was had gone away. If they were just here to help him, he wished they would have given him a chance to refuse. But it would be ridiculous to do anything about it now. Carefully but quickly - he knew he was running out of time - Sonny opened the door and moved against the wall outside. He gave it less than a second, and when nobody tried to attack him, he immediately turned to the left and hurried forward, keeping one hand on the wall so he could feel when there were any turns. In his other hand was his weapon, ready to take down anyone who tried to take him down first. He didn't want to kill anyone just yet, though he knew it would likely be inevitable later on. But if anyone tried to kill him, he wouldn't hesitate to defend himself.
He had never been particularly stealthy, but it was his good luck that there was noise all around. Cries, pleas, heavy footsteps, and the sounds of blood. He kept his breathing even and shallow, inhaling as little of the toxic gas as he could. He moved along a corridor and felt something fly past his face. Without stopping to think, he spun on his heel and shot directly at whatever it had been. His weapon made almost no sound, and he didn't stop to find out whether he had hit. He put on a burst of speed and made two more turns, but he was hardly any closer to the exit, as far as he knew. There was no way he was going out in the first round like this. He felt along the walls, getting faster, just slow enough not to round a corner and wind up shot or stabbed.
- RP Example
It was a dusty day. Really, one could say it was a very dusty day. Some chickens even did say this, walking along the dirt path with feathers shielding their faces: "My dear, what a very dusty day it is!" Nobles flapped madly as their servants ran about shutting the windows so that the noble would be untouched by dirt while he was taking his fortnightly dust bath. Mother hens who stood up to stretch found that their pristine white eggs had turned inexplicably pale brown! Here next to the cornfields, the loose-soil path was throwing dust up into the air like celebratory confetti. Along the path now came a wagonfull of peasant chickens - or so they seemed. The oddball collection of small and large, sleek and puffy, fierce and soft, vertical and horizontal (could be, who's to say?) made it clear they were no family or, if they were, that one of their parents probably needed to get their priorities straight. Perhaps they were taking a pleasant peasant stroll? Were they heading off to market? Maybe they were secretly transferring a prince to safety? Why are you asking me all of these questions? You know what's happening, and you're disrupting the flow of the writing. Quit it.
Ahem. But back to our heroes. Standing on the side of the road amongst the cornstalks, the first thing a chicken would notice about the wagon might be the two large white geese pulling it, their feathers ruffled and looking very irritable about the dust blowing into their eyes. Or perhaps the large bright teal blob which, upon closer inspection, would prove to be a surprisingly durable parasol held in the wing of a tall, dark-feathered rooster. His clothing was a bit finer than that of other chickens sitting in the wagon. One might assume that he was a bit wealthier, but more likely he was just bad at appearing peasant-like. In his other wing were the reins of the geese. This rooster was Bantam Orpington, goose-breeder and wagon-driver, who just that morning had set out on what would undoubtedly prove to be an adventure full of danger, insanity, and a dash of life-threatening situations. It was enough to make anyone chicken out.
All the same, that morning as he set out Bantam had had hugs for all the ladies, just delighted to see old friends, and with many tips of the hat for the great Prince Wyan. He had been reunited with his old fledgling peer, William Alaric Brewer ("Alaric, you old so-and-so!"). He had been delighted to find that his fellow goose-breeder's wife, Colette, would be there as well. He had been quick to inform Jackie and Patch that he was, in fact, single, if they were at all interested. He'd been too nervous to do more than sneak a glance at Wyandotte, but he did manage to talk to Calhoun and so he figured he could chalk that up as a win. He started out the trip by humming the old folk song "Spotted Egg" three times in a row, but eventually fell into conversation with Colette. He had already made friendly chatter with nearly all of the flock and skirted awkwardly around Wyan while mumbling something that sounded like words, so he figured there was a good chance of making new friends on this trip. Well, close acquaintances and short-term girlfriends. Things were looking up! After all, what could go wrong with trying to sneak a teenage prince across barren lands full of angry cannibal chickens?
Bantam had been talking at Colette ever since they had left. They were just out of the town, and Bantam had run out of hens to wink at as he passed by. He had ended it with the hen he was courting just that morning, so there was no reason not to meet some other girls, he told himself. And just in a paragon of good timing, he now had two new hens who might be interested in him. Bantam was definitely not unaware of the difficulties involved in flirting with hens sitting directly behind you without turning your head, but he was giving it a valiant effort. The occasional "Shame you can't sit up here with us, Jackie", "How's the view, Patch? Can't be as pretty as you", and "Clawdia, did I ever tell you how lucky I am to have a hen like you sitting right next to me?" were the best he could pull off under the circumstances, so it was really fortunate that he had ol' Gingerbread sitting right next to him so he had something to do. "Well, most chickens attribute the Whooper Bean Swoose to Shelldon Barbu d'Uccle," Bantam was saying to her now, half watching her and half watching the road. "I'm sure you know about him: Big V? Died trying to chart the Canadian Goose Migrations by riding on the back of his goose, fell right into the sea. Anyway, after the Cygnus Rift a lot of chickens stopped breeding sweese of any kind. My father was a strictly anti-swoose rooster himself, and as for me, I'm really undecided on swans as a whole. I do find their necks rather vexing. I think I heard your husband talking about sweese, but I'm not sure where he stands on the whole issue. You don't do any swoose breeding, do you?"
As Bantam was talking, the wind made a sudden and violent attempt to wrench his parasol from his grip, but Bantam held on with a strength that he possessed in no situations except parasol-related ones, his bum levitating off the seat for a moment before the wind rage-quit and went to bother someone else. The geese, Lagle and Bezai, let out angry honks and Bantam pulled back on the reins to keep them under control. They settled, feathers ruffled and coated in a thin layer of brown dust. Bantam gave a light chuckle. "Looks like I have two Tufted American Buff Geese now," he said out loud to anyone who was listening, and then waited for everyone to laugh at his incredibly funny joke. Sadly, he didn't get quite as enthusiastic a response as he was hoping, and he butted in quickly before anyone could make a comment. "You know, I actually got this feather from an American Buff Goose," he said, gesturing to the feather adorning his hat. "It was no easy feat, but it was certainly worth it. When I finally got it, well, I'll tell you, that really put a feather in my cap."