Closed Seeking Something Different!

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Closed Seeking Something Different!


The Lion of Literacy
Welcome to the Sanctum Happy Birthday!! 250 Posts! 250 Likes!
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Today 8:10 AM
Within the words of the page.
Greetings friends, my name is Lysander, you can call me Sand or Lie, or whatever cute nickname strikes your fancy. Just don't call me late for dinner, or its game over for you, and you don't have any credits remaining.

I tend to write to my hearts content, and I can deliver 300 to 5000 words per post, but more often then not, I tend to match my partners. I warn you now, I am very picky.

Violence and gore are fine, but the excessive stuff might trigger me, so I don't want curb your creativity, but keep that in mind please.

If you are seeking sexy time, then I'm your guy BUT you'll need to work for it. I am more of a top, so I'll keep you safe, but that doesn't mean I'm easy. Dinner and drinks won't do it for me, you need to earn me with your roleplaying. You up for a challenge? Oh and remember this is RP, so no real life attachments, mmmmkay?

I hate fandoms, show me your creativity. I want to explore your mind in the rarest sense possible. I want you to open yourself to me and let me reach to your very core to find that excellent story and those perfect characters. Be my muse?

What does this mean? Well, I don't have any stories in mind and zero pairing
Come to me ready to work on a joint story and let's blow each other's minds.

I'm more of a plotter, but curve balls and pantsing will be required to keep engaged! Think you can handle it?

What else do you need to know? Oh, well OOC is required and I have discord if you want to plot there, i only RP here.... What else... What are you waiting for?
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