MxF Seeking Thor or Loki's Son (OCs)

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MxF Seeking Thor or Loki's Son (OCs)


Dragon Rider
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Today 5:56 AM
So, lately I have been in a Marvel type of mood. But I was also struck today with the mood to write an arranged and/or forced marriage type of rp. So, these plot ideas you are about to read are the product of those two current interests of mine being meshed together! Hopefully you find them enjoyable!

Currently, I am looking for someone that would be interested in playing either a son of Thor or a son of Loki to be paired up against my female OC (or both, I could always make another OC so we have two pairings). I do have a few ideas for this, as well as my character half way figured out haha. I'll put that info below in case you are interested in hearing the type of character I have and the ideas I have for possible plots. You can also feel free to throw out some ideas if any come to mind! I'm all ears!

Character wise, I'll start with explaining the two ideas I'm currently trying to choose from for MC's species, since she will be from a different planet much like the Asgardians. This will kinda explain what their people and culture could be like, but either way, its basically the same character personality X'D

The first idea I have is for her father to be the king of an alien planet called Azura.
The Azure being a species where selection of their other half is quite critical in their culture, because their culture is big on making 'a better next generation'. In other words, the next generation should be superior to their parents, via their combined genes. Think natural selection and all that junk lol. So for instance, an Azure would NEVER go for a plain old human, because it's been banged into their head by their culture that plain and weak partners give plain and weak offspring. And Azure will almost never have an offspring with another Azure because that doesn't offer variety, and thus doesn't make the next generation 'better'. They seek to have offspring with other powerful species.
Now, it doesn't happen all the time, but it's common for arranged marriages to happen and marriages to be more of a 'business transaction' type of feel to it than for feelings. Of course sometimes marriage isnt even in the deal,it can literally just be a 'you give me a child and I pay you or reward you' deal, where the member of the other species gives them a child and they do something for them in return, the other species not apart of raising the child at all. It depends from Azure to Azure depending on if
1. their parent(s) arranged a marriage with a worthy species
2. if they have feelings for their partner they find so they get married
3. Want more than one child with the same partner so thy get married
4. Or if they just want a child and no commitment, so they offer a trade off and there's no marriage.

This second idea for their species came to me when I was thinking on the fact that the Midgardians got their views on the Norse Gods from the Asgardians. So in my head, I was like "well, what other religious stuff did humans get from aliens?" And in my head, I was like "well, humans in midgard thought the Asgardians were gods. Maybe this species is where they got the idea of Angels from X'D " lol.
An idea to kind of add to this culture wise is maybe her people having a cultural thing of striving for 'perfection'. Mistakes being what her people call 'sins'. Which need to be asked forgiveness for to the king (aka her father). And I'm talking like, any. little. mistake. Very much frowned upon. Strict rules, laws, mannerisms. So that the girl feels she HAS to be PERFECT. No mistakes. No flaws. Just pure perfection to honor her people and her father. I can see it weighing heavily on her, but she never lets it show. Until finally one day, sometime during the rp, she just breaks X'D Now, whether this is an emotional crying to your guy sort of break, or quite literally a mental break I'm not sure yet haha

Anyway! XD Those are the two options I could think of for her species and maybe culture insight of her planet.

As far as her and whoever we pair her with relationship wise, I thought of a few options we could maybe try.

1. One idea was an arranged marriage with your character. Maybe he has never met her before, but knows he's arranged to marry some princess and has been dreading it for a while. So he tells his dad that he won't go through with it and the marriage is called off xD And then my girl visits Asgard to officially break off the engagement (maybe there's some official things to fill out or complete to legally break it) and your guy after finally meeting her for the first time falls for her x'D and is like "Well crap, I called off the engagement" and now she's just mad at him like "you don't get to swoon me after breaking up with me before even meeting me!" So he basically has to try to earn her affection back. An option too, if we wanted, could be that after the engagement is broke off her father had already found someone else for her to marry, so that adds to the drama of things.
2. Again, an arranged marriage, but in a twist of drama, she's engaged to marry the other cousin (if we include both Thor and Loki's son, one being a more side character?), but once she finally visits, her and the other cousin end up falling for each other. Causing a whole stir of drama as they work through things.
3. My girl is engaged to marry some random alien out there somewhere and not Asgardians. She and your character have known each other for a good bit now since Asgard and her home planet are allies and she and her father visit often. However, for a couple of years now, and soon, perhaps spiked by the date of her marriage drawing closer and her not wanting to marry the other alien/Thor or Loki's son's jealousy that she will be marrying someone else, intimate relations spark between them, unbeknownst to their families and despite her already being in an arranged engagement that she doesn't want.
4. Like 3, her being in an arranged engagement to some random alien out there, but in this one has never met your character before until now. Her planet and Asgard becoming newly allied. And both instantly smitten with each other, perhaps freshly starting up a secret relationship.
5. We go all Romeo and Juliet in this mess and say the Asgardians and her people have been at war for years and we have them have some sort of run in and fall in love.
6. In this idea, Asgard and MC's planets are at war and Asgard finally overtakes MC's planet. This could end in the death of MC's parents or it could be that they are just locked up. But either way, MC is spared their fate because Thor or Loki's son has taken a liking to her and brings her back with him as a spoil of the war, intending to make her his wife. (This is one idea that I REALLLLLLY want to give a try!)

Power wise, my plan for my character is that she can fly in space without any aid (she won't die in space, won't freeze or die from lack of air or the pressure, that kind of thing) and is able to fly as well. Much like the Asgardians, she has enhanced stamina, agility, and durability. She has a "seventh sense" which gives her precognitive flashes of the future during combat that allow her to see her enemies next move, but the power randomly manifests, is rare, and not something she can control. Offensive wise, she is able to use energy to fire photonic blasts from her hands.
When powered up she has a kind of glow to her. Like she REALLY glows X'D For reference, see below:




ANYWAY X'D I know thats a lot, sorry. PM me to let me know what you think, or if you have any ideas, changes, or inputs. Thank you!
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