MxM Sekah's Requests [M/M or domme for male char, fantasy, history, sci fi, slavery]

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MxM Sekah's Requests [M/M or domme for male char, fantasy, history, sci fi, slavery]


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Today 2:39 PM

Name's Sekah (most of my friends and my boyfriend call me Sekah in RL too)! I'm a junior in college studying creative writing and history, and a cis-gender girl. I love stories, that's all I have to say about that. I wanted to be an author originally, but realized being a penniless writer was not going to be a lucrative stage of my life, and anyway I'm a long way from ever considering myself good enough to submit to a publisher. I'm disabled, I'm bisexual, and it's actually surprising that I'm telling you all this, because for a long time I wasn't upfront about those parts of my identity. I'm a nerd. I need to get shoved in a locker.

I have never finished a video game, interesting fact about me. I own a lot of gaming devices and have never so much as completed a pokemon. There are games I've played since I was seven I haven't ever finished. Oh yeah and I'm new-ish to roleplaying, a few years since my first-ever roleplay. It's so crazy. You're all crazy.

About me:


I'm looking for partners willing to play literally anything or anyone they want with my characters. I'll bring the character, you just bring your own character(s) and ideas to the table, and I guarantee we can work something out. I'm willing to play with OCs, canons (animated and not), really any character you can think of. Pitch it to me, I guarantee it'll work out.

This is primarily an M/M post, largely because that's what I've been feeling most of late, but I'm also open to playing against female characters IF and ONLY IF they are dominant. For M/M, I can play top or bottom or switch but prefer bottom. What I need most clearly and dearly are non-con and slavery plots with my character as the victim—I've been starved of them and I really need that to end.



They were intertwined, like kits exhausted from strenuous play, lying on a mat of tough, springy grass overgrown from the ki rolling off of Kurama's skin. Kuronue fingered a green blade, running it between his claws to slice it, his seed from their latest fuck cooling on his thighs. Sickles glinted in the sunlight a safe distance away, though this grove was full of Kurama's traps and spies. Kuronue could be armed again in moments.

Youko flicked his eyelid open indolently at the minuscule tremor in his power, and healed the grass blade with a few moments' concentration. He reached up to a spindly branch twining down to him and cupped the ripe pomegranate it deposited in his hand.

"The humans of this land," Kuronue asked, curious, rolling over and stretching like a cat, "what are they called?"

"The Han," Youko hummed, "ruled by a dynastic Emperor." His claws ran gently over the indent of Kuronue's spine, marveling. "They think this," he said, holding up the full red pomegranate for inspection, "grants you fertility."

Youko's tail curved to stroke over Kuronue's hip, which glistened with languid sweat. His claws dug violently into the rind of the fruit, ripping it in half with a single motion. Several of the bittersweet, edible seed casings popped, and juice flowed down over the jagged edges of the fruit's skin to pool between the ridges of his chest. Youko had eaten several already, and his fingers, claws, palms, mouth, chin, and neck were all stained a color like blood. Yellow eyes curved when he smiled at Kuronue, who muttered, rolled again, and leaned in, his pale lips mouthing kisses over the spilled juice, one of his wings flexing, crushed beneath him. Youko's legs shivered at the sensation. He moaned deep in his throat and plucked out a single casing, doubling the sugar production and then slipping it between his lips to suck.

Kuronue watched Youko's face turn sensual. Finally, annoyed by the teasing, he clambered onto Youko, crushing their lips together so Kuronue could lap at the treat. Youko let him in, let him steal the seed, delighting in the melding flavors and the slickness of Kuronue's tongue. Having claimed his prize, Kuronue didn't suck, but bit, hissing at the sharp taste.

The grove was a prettier place now than when they'd found it. Flowers who felt their master's pleasure bloomed fuller in joy, their seeds dripping to the ground, going through full life cycles. Seedlings grew tall after the briefest of interludes, an ever-shifting phantasmagoria. A pond beside them, originally drab and grey, was encased in water lilies with wide white flowers and rounded pads. The algae choking the pond's flora, with a twist of Youko Kurama's power, had died down, clearing the water of everything but silt.

Though they had spent the night lovemaking and sleeping in turn, Kurama had never remembered to replace the grass they'd lain on with a softer bed of moss, and now it was too late.

A butterfly mounted a nearby blossom, its white wings, each with a single brown spot like two eyes, flexing daintily open and closed. Youko was distracted by the sight, absentmindedly popping another casing into his mouth, while Kuronue rolled over yet again, restless, and watched the clouds form. Birds chipped and chirruped at the sky, at the bright sunlight of late morning.

Tonight they would ply their trade as bandits. The portal they wanted, which would lead them within scouting distance of the impregnable fortress of Kal Ad'dhun in a southwestern point of the Makai, was only a few dozen jō west.

Youko, finally deciding they'd waited long enough, yawned and slid into the water of the pond, growing soapbark from the seed of it he kept tucked away behind his ear. Kuronue joined him, both blinking at the bright sunlight, Youko tossing Kuronue some aloe and more soapbark. They didn't need to speak, comfortable with one another, bodies warm from the sun and cool from the water.

Youko was done first, shaking himself like a dog and wringing out his tail. Vines swished over his skin, twisted in his hair and over the fur of his ears until the excess water was gone. Youko Kurama stepped into his tunic. He watched Kuronue for a moment, and then began undoing the changes his power had wrought, pulling back the flowers and trees, pomegranates sinking back into the branches, leaving a few overripe fruit to hang, and several rotten fruit that had turned to saplings devolving back, until the rancid mess littering the ground returned. A murder of crows with black wings landed back on their nests, sidling and cackling in annoyance, though hardly daring to challenge the kitsune who had deposed them. The troop of monkeys who had camped here originally was smarter: they wouldn't return until well after the two demons had left.

"I'm in the mood for some meat," Kurama declared, eying the murder. The crows quieted, sensing the sudden sharpening of his interest.

"Leave them," Kuronue replied, bored. "Crows are tough things, scavengers. They taste foul."

Kurama sneered, but finished checking over his kit anyway, knowing Kuronue was right. "I've never liked them. I can't imagine why those Northwestern human tribes worship them."

"They worship death," Kuronue said, shrugging his shoulders. "What creature could be more appropriate?"

Kurama's sneer deepened. Death came, and ate away at joy. Death was in someone else's hands, the Gods', or the Reikai's, or an enemy's. Kurama had no love of death, or of people who had the weakness to seek it. Rather than reply, having finished his silent inventory, he turned to Kuronue and smirked toothily. "Help me erase our tracks?"

Kuronue grinned, cheeky. "At your service," he purred. Hefting his sickles, he did up his belts and re-wrapped his leathers while humming a Persian folk tune, watching the lilies fade and the algae build in the pond with regret.

I tend to write as much as moves me. I never match length. But I also love to have fun and watch my partners have fun, so I will be checking in with you a lot to make sure things are fun.



LORD TURNED SLAVE AU — In the ruins of this Earth, the City stands tall. It has always been, and it always will be. The lands outside this supernatural city are impoverished, isolated, producing at paces they can't sustain. But they must sustain them, for a dragon must eat as well as a man, and better he eat cattle than human meat for his dinner. To be a slave is to be the ghost of a person. To be a master is to be without limits. And if the humans suffer and die, they reproduce at a rate no other being can match. Rats die soon, too, but there's never any lack of them. And do you really weep when you put out the traps and poison? The City rules this world, but through the City, Taiga ruled his estate. There are humans who are complicit in the brutality of the City, who aid and abet and make a profit through their sycophancy to the City. Taiga, a young human lord who killed his brothers and their wives and children to ascend to his throne, is one such man. Taiga's brutality and lust for luxury and power led to enemies, which led to a violent climax in which an enemy lord laid siege to his castle, and dragged Taiga out into the ashes of his holdings. Taiga was sold to the City as a pet, to squeeze every last drop of wealth from his former estate, which was incredibly grand for a human's. Taiga is now a slave, and one who dreams of power and prestige.

SCI FI AU — In the year 2185, humans have already been spaceborne for nearly 100 years, and are continuing to grow throughout the galaxy. Unfortunately the galaxy's older alien species have grown angry at the humans' arrogance and disregard for aliens long-since settled on various planets. Many have begun to fight back — space isn't safe anymore, for anyone. The slave trade is rampant through the cosmos and human passenger ships bound for remote planets for settlement are constantly under attack from aliens. My boy Karim was born a slave to two former scientists. Escaping at the age of seventeen, he found work and sustenance as a human freedom-fighter, to rectify the position of humans, who have been enslaved by an intergalactic empire and denied citizenship. He and his group ransom people for money to build assets for ships and supplies. In the process of that, he kidnaps a diplomat who's cousin to the Emperor, their most daring heist yet. He bonds with his captive and his captive gets Stockholm, and he gets Lima syndrome (when a captor bonds with/empathizes with his captive). But of course, a diplomat cousin-to-the-emperor is a lot harder to keep secret than a petty dignitary, so imperial soldiers bust the ship open while Karim's with him (who I always saw as some kind of shapeshifting race, but y'know it's whatever). The ship is cleansed but the diplomat keeps Karim as his slave, spinning an official story that Karim is a hero who sold out his fellow terrorists to help the brave [Imperial race], and I had maybe 1048120831 ideas of where to go from there—all sorts of things, honestly.

RECONQUISTA AU — It's the year 1099, and magic is real. Most of it is done by the writing of spells, the contracting of demons, and enchanted objects. A rare few humans are born true mages, humans who have magic in their blood. The first crusade has just concluded with the sack and subsequent reclaiming of Jerusalem by the holy forces of Christendom. Crusaders, looking for a place to swing their swords, are flooding the Iberian peninsula—what Christians call the rightful kingdom of Spain—in order to take back the land from the Muslims who've ruled it since the 700's. Karim is a young mage in an Islamic village and Christian knights who are fighting in the Reconquista, just back from the crusade, burn his village to the ground and take him as a captive. Since he's a healer and a plant mage who can secure them food, the knight commander keeps him personally. Slowly, humanity is recognized through different cultures and religions, and something inside him tempts a good Christian knight into sodomy with a heretic—liable to get him shunned, and lose him his position, his reputation, his family and his estate.

KITSUNE AU — Taiga is a kitsune slave, born the slave of his master. His mother is serving a debt in a magic kingdom (I was thinking elves? LoTR-y? Lothlórien-y, if you know lotr, IDK) for a thousand years, and now he is born with that same debt. So he is the personal slave (gift) of his master's son, and at the tender age of 19 the two of them have grown up together and grown apart as slavery pulled them in two directions, master and slave, owner and owned. But both of them are hitting puberty and things inevitably turn sexual and yadda yadda this one most of my ideas are smut for but y'know that can be expanded.

TIME TRAVEL AU — A magical xxx (insert thing here) summons a man who has Everything Required to be their Godking (leader guy whatever). Very ordinary 21st century character ends up in a foreign land tryna find out how the fuck he's supposed to rule in a nest of snakes. We'll make loads of antagonists and have tons of political shit. Anyway, first order of business is finding out how to dispose of a foreign prince from a captured kingdom—good old Taiga. Since he's royal blood, he's technically supposed to become the personal slave of the Godking (we will make a different name if that doesn't appeal, I have historical titles out the wazoo), and his blood is captive currency to keep his father and five elder brothers from going to war.

KOWLOON WALLED CITY AU — Set in Kowloon Walled City ( Kowloon Walled City - Wikipedia / A rare insight into Kowloon Walled City | Daily Mail Online). Kowloon Walled City was run by crime syndicates. It was entirely lawless: the government of Hong Kong left it totally alone, the only thing they provided was mail service. More brothels than schools in it, and it was always dark, unless you had a place on the walls or next to the roof. It was constructed without the aid of a single solitary engineer. 50,000 people lived there. People ran from the law into it a lot. I've been really considering Taiga and Crow spending their whole goddamn lives in that six-block radius, owned by the triad.

CAPTURED THIEF AU — Crow is a teenage thief taking his sister to a neighboring town to make some money and get her some food. He runs into the prince of the kingdom there, and is caught trying to steal from him. Rather than stringing Crow up by his neck for a hanging, the prince decides to make him his slave in repentence.

COPS N' ROBBERS AU — Taiga is a crime boss who runs a prostitution ring. He was a prostitute himself, but the favorite of the former boss. He became his second-in-command and then killed him and took over the family. Your boy is a cop captain who is a very powerful fantasy being and blames him for the sexual abuse of his brother, which happened when Taiga was former boss's lover. He kidnaps Taiga and drives him to a deserted area. He reveals to Taiga he has potent blackmail material recovered from the computer of Taiga's former lover, containing everything from information on who Taiga is closest to to the fact that Taiga is an unregistered magic user—in other words, a man who should already be a slave. There, in alphabetical order, are all of Taiga's weaknesses. The cop, too, is an unregistered magician, with a dangerous power called technopathy, which allows him to manipulate any form of electric technology he finds. In keeping with that, all of Taiga's secrets are already emailed to the papers, the government, and his many enemies. Only the cop's technopathy is holding the email in cyberspace, disallowing it from reaching its intended recipients. And that starts a whole series of non-con situations between Taiga the former hooker and the cop. Wires get crossed, empathy appears, things get complicated.

CODE NAME: SPLICE PROJECT AU — Humanity has reached a turning point of overpopulation. With food and space shortages aplenty, humans have resorted to taking the "unwanted" part of civilization and changing them into part-animals, for use as slaves. Is it really for the better?

MAGIC IS OPPRESSED AU — Borrowed from the amazing fic The Affairs of Wizards. Imagine a world where people born with the ability to manipulate magic are forced to choose between being second-class citizens and working for the government in what amounts to modern slavery.

DRAGON AU — Tisu was once a ferocious dragon, a leader of armies. People quaked before his path. But that was years ago. He fell in love with a woman who was murdered—shutting himself away, thinking there was nothing to enjoy in life anymore, he bought a slave to help him return to daily life. Inspired by Beauty and the Beast.

DRAGON SLAVE AU — Yes, Tisu was a terrible dragon, a being of fire and smoke. People feared him. But that was years ago. He fell in love with a woman who was murdered by a God—and in the process of trying to slaughter her murderer, he alienated the governance of the earth, the Gods themselves. He was punished for it, confined to the form of a man, and made a slave of a family of mages. The family has a son, a rare and beautiful occurrence for magical beings, which have low birth rates. Tisu, though a slave, was as much a father to the young mage as his own parent, and in most ways far more so. But the boy he raised, who he sees as a child, wants his dragon teacher and mentor to see him as an adult. The process of that is confusing and a little cruel, since Tisu is a slave and trapped without a dragon's magic, at the mercy of every spell the teenage mage uses on him at whim.

PERIOD AU — Olden Times, or just a fantasy-esque setting. A is a britches-wearing farm boy, and B is a pirate or a brigand or a general or whatever you see him as. The point is, he razes A's town and then rapes A in its ashes. I'd like to play A. Kink: Flogging, caning, whipping, some form of beating after, during, or before sex.

FANTASY SLAVERY AU — Slavery is the basis of our entire economy.

VIKINGS AU — A German monk meets a rampaging viking. The rest of the story is up to you.

DRUG KINGPIN AU — Set in the background of international drug cartels, two people meet and form an unlikely, if forced relationship.

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