Character(s) .:Sen's Literary Brainchildren:.

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Character(s) .:Sen's Literary Brainchildren:.


Wyvern Whisperer
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Today 12:40 AM
Rhine Briarheart

Cover Name: Clove "the Wanderer" (A self-proclaimed title, of course...)
Age: 19
Race: Human

Special Skills/Abilities: While Rhine isn't gifted in the fighting arts, she was born with a silver tongue that could rival any merchant and conman in her realm. Her voice has been described as being "oddly appealing" to the ears, and she is very gifted in song, earning her the nickname "Siren" among courtiers despite her overwhelming distaste for court life.

Likes: Tomes/books, riding, spiced wine and causing mischief.
Dislikes: Rude people, strict rules, and turnips.

Physical Attributes: Standing at a mere 5'4" Rhine isn't what you would call intimidating at first glace. In fact, if it wasn't for her feminine physical appearance, she might be mistaken for a child. Given the fact that she has not done a day's worth of hard work in her life, aside from horseback riding, she is somewhat toned but lacks any real muscular features. Rhine has a lovely heart shaped face with high cheekbones that is framed by long chestnut brown hair. Her eyes are a hazel color, more-so favoring the green hues with a dark grey circle around the outside of the iris. She more than often wears simple clothing, always accompanied with a hood so that she is less recognizable. Unskilled in most forms of combat, she simply carries a dagger for protection.

Background: Born into a life of luxury, and being the third daughter of her parents, Rhine never wanted for anything. She was of a noble bloodline, her father known as one of the King's more favored dukes. Like her other sisters, she was expected to one day wed one of the King's many sons. However, such a thing never really interested Rhine, and instead of nurturing that betrothal, she often tried to demolish it. For her, nothing mattered more in the world than freedom, or what little she had of that. More than likely, she could be found in the stables or listening to the court mages tell tales of far away lands filled with mysteries her mind couldn't begin to comprehend. Rhine longed to venture out and see the world with her own eyes, but she never imagined the way in which it happened.

The curse started with the royal family, one by one each fell victim to a strange and oddly infectious madness. The king, and all of his sons and daughters fell victim within weeks of each other. They were the first dominoes that tossed the empire into chaos. The Council pointed clueless fingers at each other, instead of finding answers until the curse soon began to infect them as well. It wasn't long after, that Rhine's father started to succumb to the "mad plague" sweeping her homeland. During this time aided the court mages in any way she could, combing through books and tomes for any and all information that could be found. None of the cures, herbal or magical, seemed to make any difference. It if was not stopped, there was no doubt that it would consume the entire continent in mere months. Messenger birds had been sent to the other courts, warning them of this rampant curse, and it wasn't until the mages nearly lost hope that they received a mysterious and vague message from an unknown sender. It's contents merely stated, "Your hope lies in the west," with an odd emblem towards the bottom. Rhine told the mages to remain silent about the letter, as she suspected there were traitors among the courtiers. Despite their objections, Rhine prepared to follow the clue and find whoever was responsible for enacting the curse. Then, in the dead of night she rode west and could never comprehend what was ahead of her...
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