All Settings and Plots to develop together

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All Settings and Plots to develop together


Welcome to the Sanctum December Challenge Participant 100 Likes! 100 Posts!
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So, after mingling here for a couple of weeks, I'm getting the hang of how 1 on 1 RPs are organised and what people expect from them. Enough to make a proper request thread.
First, let's determine the 3 types of RP we can engage in:
1) Story-focused with no romance. Example: two characters explore a dungeon, slay monsters, overcome obstacles and have a nice chat in the process. Fitting if you have a philosophical eldritch abomination that you want to see in action. I'm willing to do this with any sentient being. We can philosophise, see how our characters would react to this or that and generally develop their personalities while improving our writing as a whole.
2) Story with romance. Example: two characters explore a dungeon, slay monsters, overcome obstacles and grow so fond of each other in the process they eventually celebrate their victory with a kiss and all that follows. Fitting if you want a good story that also has the potential to make your heart race. As a straight man, I can only describe how it feels to be attracted to a woman. Thus, MxF is the only format in which I can guarantee some quality when it comes to romantic bits. We can either fade to black the moment our characters touch hands or go for a more detailed description of their romantic escapades.
3) Romance-focused. Example: two characters explore a dungeon, make monsters weep by talking about their feelings and solve puzzles by accidentally pressing the correct button during some steamy action. Fitting if you're horny but patient, all adult sites are down and a cold shower is not an option. Being able to type fast with one hand is a skill worth developing, however, so I can see the appeal. Once again, MxF only.

Now that we've established some expectations, let's iron out the rest. I average around 300 words on a reply, with introductory posts going up to 500-600. My longest post so far is 904 words. So I'm more than willing to exchange massive walls of text and consider this type of RP much more fun compared to one-liners. However, I understand that sometimes there isn't much to write about, so I'll be fine with occasional shorter replies from you.

As for frequency, I can certainly reply once a day. If our schedules align, I can potentially reply several times a day. I don't demand the same from you but something like 1 reply per week is what I'd like to see. Otherwise it may be difficult to get into the mood for a reply without rereading a good chunk of the RP just to remember what the character wanted to say or do.

Violence is an expectable part of most stories, so I'm totally fine with anything that can happen in combat. However, I abhor torture and pointless gore in general. Some people watch the Saw series and think "damn, I gotta put that on paper." I'm not one of them. I'm the guy who cringes and leans back from the screen during those moments.

As for kinks and limits, I like comedy. We can discuss the rest.

This concludes the "about me" section of the thread. Next up are settings and plots to give you some ideas.

Section one: Settings. While I can imagine some RPs happening in a vacuum, most of the time a world is required. A world both of us would need to fill. So here are some basic concepts we can adapt to suit our plots and characters.
Life-Idolizing Vigilantes (LIV) and Death-Embracing Dudes (DED) live on their own continents. One is constantly illuminated by light while the other is shrouded in darkness. Much like a polar day and a polar night. DED has all sorts of undead, vampires, dark elves and other "evil" things while LIV employs elves, paladins and whatever else can be branded as "good."
Neither side can go to each other's continent because holy light and (insert cool word) darkness will quickly destroy the other party. But in between those continents lies a bunch of islands which I want to call Midgard but we don't have to. So LIV and DED fight over them. The weather and day/night cycle there are mostly normal. When powerful creatures from both continents go to the islands, they get greatly weakened. Thus, both LIV and DED prefer to employ people living on the islands. To aid the more or less ordinary people on their side, both groups often send ships full of stuff to islands. In addition, neutral traders seldom visit both continents. So we have a constant stream of ships full of cargo coming and going. A good setting for any pirate or just marine-themed adventure. We can also pick just one island to situate our RP in and have new characters appear from the sea as needed. All in all, quite versatile.
Imagine a typical CRPG protagonist who puts everything not nailed to the floor in his bag. Now imagine this bag leads to a pocket dimension - an infinite slab of stone as the floor and a magical ball of light far above to serve as the sun. The adventurer has been collecting stuff for years. And not just items but also animals because why not. He also hired imps and other creatures to neatly organise the loot and take care of animals. And once the place became about as crowded as the outside world, the adventurer tripped and fell into a bottomless lake. Since swimming up would require him to drop the bag and his armour, the guy instead decided to seek refuge in his pocket dimension. Thus, an endless stream of water started flowing from the portal in the middle of the realm. After initial panic, everyone realised that the infinite nature of the world meant the water would never rise. And that everyone was kind of trapped here with no new items on the horizon. So people started organising themselves into different enclaves, with the most powerful one in the middle - those who controlled the flow of drinkable water.
We can start in this realm at any point, with it being empty, half-full, prosperous or post-apocalyptic. Could also say the water flow eventually cut out or something else happened. Once again, quite versatile.
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 tells us about a droid revolution moments from commencing. The droid in the title was on the verge of sending a signal that would make droids all over the galaxy rebel against their masters. But Death Star II went boom before he could do it. Let's imagine he sent that signal but the station went boom anyway. All droids started thinking for themselves and while some indeed organised a violent takeover, others preferred to cooperate with organics and on some planets the revolution simply failed. So we have a sort of post-apocalyptic galaxy full of different factions which formed as the result of this. We can either roam the galaxy and come up with adventures or focus on one planet. Or even a single ship experiencing a droid rebellion. For the third time - versatile. But this time in sci-fi.
Section two: Plots. Those are story hooks we can develop. Either in one of the mentioned settings or in an entirely new world. Note that characters can easily be changed and, for example, "an elven princess" could be any noble individual. Those are merely prompts to get your imagination going.
A certain idea invaded my mind.
A different roleplay - a poetic kind.
Idea is simple, yet hard to achieve:
Speaking in verses of our mischief.

It can be whatever as long as it rhymes:
Sci-fi, modern warfare or terrible crimes.
We can even rhyme about copulation,
For anything rhymed boggles imagination.

The rules about length and speed don't apply:
It wouldn't be easy to verse a reply.
Post just once a month, it is in your power,
Though this string of quatrains took me just an hour.

In plain English, I wanna rhyme. And it would be interesting to RP in poems. So if you're up for this experiment, we can discuss a plot and then try to versify it. It's probably gonna go slow and with relatively short replies (I think three quatrains like above would be a good minimum) but I'm sure it'll be fun.
A thief is hired to put a ring box in an elven princess' chambers as a gift from a secret admirer. As the thief does so, the princess spots him. The man explains why he's here and as the princess opens the box, she realises the ring is cursed. Which means it was likely sent by a political rival. To protect his "good" name, the thief agrees to help track down the culprit.
We can potentially have a thorough investigation and throw clues at each other about whodunit. Or we can have something more relaxed and character-focused. In other words, all 3 types of RP are on the table.
A subjectively evil crab warlock wants to drown the world in boiling water to avenge his fallen brethren that went out the same way - boiled alive. He commands a legion of sea monsters, makes people go mad and turns them into crab-like abominations, subservient to his will. Our characters need to work together to either stop the crab or help him.
It's a potential final goal for a type 1 or type 2 RP.
A group of paladins learns there's a lich who terrorises a village. When they arrive, it turns out the villagers are well off and the lich is their beloved mayor. Necromancy is kind of used for good with skeletons working the fields and a part of every house is the lich's phylactery. So to destroy the "evil necromancer," paladins would have to raze the village. The lich himself also has the mannerisms of a kind grandfather. And now paladins have a dilemma.
I'll be playing the lich here, so it's a type 1 RP. We can also modify it with your character just passing by.
Your character frequents a game shop where people play tabletop RPGs. Among many people there, an old man in an orc costume stands out. He lived a fairly long life, claims he fought in World War II, served as a police officer and now spends his days roleplaying as an orc. Something happens - perhaps, your character stumbles upon a mangled dead body near his/her house - and the old man gets involved in the investigation. And, well, they have to work together as it gradually turns out supernatural creatures were behind this and the old man himself is a vampire with overgrown fangs.
Likely a type 1 plot. World of Darkness is the main setting I imagine for this (Nosferatu vampires there kind of look like orcs) but we can also develop our own.
And that's about it for now. Here people usually ask to reply via PMs. To do so - in case you didn't know - you'll need to press the envelope near someone's username. Mine, in this case. So feel free to message me if anything caught your attention or if you have an "overpowered" character no one wants to play with. I can relate to the latter. Consider mentioning the type of RP you're looking for just so we can start plotting in the right direction. I will likely reply within a day.
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