Character(s) Shara-Tel #2 Characters

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Character(s) Shara-Tel #2 Characters


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Characters. Here is a template you can use so we have one spot where we can look for the basics.

Real Name:


Social Status:

Body Type:

character sheet link(beyond or whatever if you have one)​




Special Talents:

Equipment: .

I use roll 20 and don't have a way to link it but here's the info.
Alia chaotic neutral
Real Name: Assia Oeflotel
Age: unknown but appears 24
Gender: female
Race: winged tiefling
Class: warlock/ pack of tomes/Ravenqueen
Background: Haunted One
Social Status: Forgotten/ or possibly achenet one
Hair: silver
Eyes: gold snake like
Skin: purple with star-speckled wings.
Height: 5,4
Weight: 120
Body Type: slim

460103a5bacf066a325baf99715291c9.jpg b598830c2fb99e75a57c76f3428b5cc7.jpg Flying-Raven-Tattoo-Design-Idea-by-Lucky978.jpg the raven is her tattoo its on her chest

By searching for these lost artifacts, I hope to find who I really am along the way.

I must know the answer to every secret. No door remains unopened in my presence.

i know little to nothing of this new world.

perfishient in

aracane 5
history 5
investigation 5
PERCEPTION 9(if my raven is on me )4 if it is flying or dead
Do to I'm from the past/ living history I feel as if I should have advantage in history skill or some sort of bonus as we don't roll but up to dm.

Special Talents:
cast no reflection and shadows...
good at reading
hard to see at night when flying do to the fact her wings looks like the start night in the darkness.
knows some facts about history do to the fact she she is living history at this point..... but her member is not 100% as she is a little insane.
Would not say its a talent but my book of Shadow has its own inttelagince and can talk telepathically with my char and those it chose to speak with if its master is willing to let it. A raven as a fillmiller that when parched on the body it becomes a tattoo on her skin.

Eldridge invocations let me copy spells of a ritual of any kind of spell type in Book of shadows, as well as I can read any written text (I am going to say this includes pictograms like cavemen used to do.


A little black book that records your dreams, and yours alone, when you sleep

spellfocus in same of a ring

a clock made of raven-like feathers

Backstory: So she came from this land, but just not from this time. Before I explain this however let me tell you where her story starts. Close your eyes and try to pitcher this in your mind.

1000+ years ago, in a world that still saw tieflings as demons because of ancestral blood in there vains a young girl was born into a family of tieflings but she came out a bit more special than most. Unknown to her parents and to even herself she was marked by the goddess of the night Arura. What if being honest would of been obvious if 2 and 2 were put together? Her wings encompassed what appeared to be stars in the night sky. But do to the fact her kind was feared as is and she was different even among them she was hidden from public witch was not too bad for her.. they lived in the woods and she knew she was loved by her family...This however is not a happy story... One day a hunter saw her playing in the woods and feared the worst ran to town saying a demon queen was born and a mob of people came to her family home only her parents had just enough time to hide her in safety... This is where her story really stori to be told.

Having been hidden far enough away from her home to be safe but not out of sight of her home she watched the mob pull her parents out of their home and question where she was,,, They refused to tell the mob anything and such she mob killed them and then set the house on fire. She watched this all happen but was helpless to stop any of this... Once they left and the fire died down she left her hiding place and made her way to her dead parents... she took her mother's ring and her father's dagger after saying her goodies to them. Running off into the deepest darkest spot of the woods she could find she cried outing anger and fury for revenge for power wishing she was not as weak as she was... As a child hated by all and no home and no family now, revenge was all she wanted.

The Raven Queen daughter of Arura appeared sent by Arura to do this and offered her the power she sought after, but with the condition, she became her follower. Assia agreed, but Agion had no clue that the goddess Arura was behind this, but the Raven Queen would teach the girl as she grew how to become more than she was now.

The following months Assia killed off everyone who took part of killing her family, all under the night-watching eyes. few years pass and she is a young adult, but the kingdom sends mages after her to capture and lock her away forever in a prison to be forgotten abount. This prison was in the middle of a since forest, and built into the side of a mounting, with no entrances leading to it as the entrance was sealed off and collapsed once she was in it.
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Alignment: Neutral
Real Name: Lorelei Von Khatiat
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Social Status: Moderately wealthy
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Pale
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Body Type: Thin build, athletic and quick
character sheet link(beyond or whatever if you have one)
Appearance: Stands tall and prideful, though speaks with a soft but firm voice. She carries little, mostly keeping things tucked un a small pouch under her sash.
Attire: Leather thigh boots with a small dagger sticking out the right side boot, and a chain whip disguised as a belt over her sash.
Personality: Her experience out in her travels honed her skills as a survivalist and adventurer, giving herself a sense of pride in all she does. She speaks in a soft but commanding tone, and prefers not to play unless work is done, or there's drinks involved.

Flaws: Prideful in her work and skills, almost boastful. She can also become too focused and driven at times, ignoring all other importances like her health and such.
Skills: Has some experience with breaking and entering, survival, and research and investigating. She is also proficient in negotiation tactics and creating opportunities, whether business or otherwise.
Special Talents: Acrobatic, lightfooted, and agile.
Equipment: Chain whip, small carrying satchel, two daggers.
Backstory: Lorelei spent almost the entirety of her life away from home, her only mindset was to explore what the worlds had to offer. While she got herself into tight situations at times, she always managed to get herself out by any means necessary. She had taught herself many things, like making deals and business partnes in the name of her own progress. Her eccentric and carefree lifestyle fares a hefty price and in turn, She has turned to retrieving and selling "exotic goods" usually procured from temples and ancient structures, though from time to time has stolen from museums and other collectors.


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Chaotic Good
Real Name: Nyasa (Nya) Siv
Age: Looks 27 but actually 39
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Class: Bard
Background: A moderately successful traveling bard. She had ties into shadier parts of the realm despite her light demeanor.
Social Status: Fair, can live comfortably.
Hair: Mainly black but some is white
Eyes: Silver
Skin: Pale Grey with soft blue designs.
Height: 6'
Weight: 130
Body Type: Lithe, fit.

Personality: A talkative and welcoming person. Nya often looks to lighten the mood and make friends if she can. By heart she is not a fighter but that doesn't mean she's without strength and confidence. If matters can be resolved by other means she'll try those first. Humor, music and entertainment are major parts of who she is, which is exactly why she took to being a bard. Though it does also serve as a front.

Flaws: While she's more than capable of fending herself, combat is not her strong suit at all, only having some level of training and practice. She also can be loyal to a fault. Similarly is how she tries to lighten the mood, sometimes at times even when it'd be best to leave well enough alone. It's almost like a coping mechanism for her.

Skills: Quite adept with an abundance of instruments. She's quite deft with her hands and a talented singer and all-around performer. She has quite the silver tongue. Where her charms fail, she does have other means and skills to help her around.

Special Talents: Perceptive, Performing, Charismatic, various spells.
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Alias: Xyr
Real Name: Xyren
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Race: Eladrin Elf
Class: Druid of the plains
Background: Sailor
Social Status: Commoner
Hair: Fiery red (changes with season)
Eyes: Violet
Skin: fair
Height: 6'1
Weight:135 lbs
Body Type: lean and long.

character sheet link(beyond or whatever if you have one)​

Appearance: Elf lad with a lean and tall physique, fiery red hair, and fair skin.
Attire: Geen tunic and white undershirt with sleeves.
Bold and somewhat flamboyant, but reserved and calm when needed. Playful but not to the point of irresponsibility. Somewhat has problems with authority.

Flaws: can be moody, is also traumatized from previous events. filling this out still

Skills: Perception, survival, acrobatics, Arcana, nature, navigators tools, vehicles water,

Special Talents: Druid shapechange, druid familiars, Spell recharge, Druid Spellcasting

Equipment: Stuffs

Backstory: Things happened yo. TBD
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Chaotic Neutral
Real Name: Alazter Flaerys
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Thiefling
Class: Mage/Sorcerer/Necromancer
Background: Lone Wanderer
Social Status: Socially Awkward
Hair: medium-long, white hair, usually worn in a style that covers over his eye.
Eyes: light green, his right eye is more white-ish by blindness
Skin: very pale grey
Height: 6'2
Weight: 130
Body Type: tall and lean

Appearance: long medium length hair, long black horns
Attire: black cloak, robe, gloves, and boots.

Personality: He can be a bit of a tricky troublemaker for those who don't know him well, they may even think he's a thief. However he's actually pretty socially awkward and can come of as mean or having bad intentions even if he really doesn't. Having lived much of his life in the same place, he started getting interested traveling and adventuring, wanting to explore more of the world which now is how he tries to seek some meaningfulness.

Socializing. Can at times come off as mean or aloof. He might struggle with depth perception. Although he fights both melee and ranged, he isn't the best at using weapons. He's also somewhat naive, an stranger or enemy could easily make a deal with him, however it rarely happens as he's very suspicious of people's intentions.

Fire magic, more resistant to fire, night vision, agility, stealth.

Special Talents: (Not learned much of it yet) in some cases can summon or raise a dead entity, ghost, skeleton, etc, and control them, usually in places like a cemetery. Can see in dark places. Can shoot purple fires from his hands to attack, and a few other spells.

Equipment: a sword, bow and arrow, etc.

Backstory: He was raised mostly by his brother who was almost ten years older than him. Both their parents died for unknown reasons when they were younger. Although, he started with a decent relationship with his brother, it turned more and more into a rivalry between them. As he got older, his brother became more aggressive, manipulating and threatening. Both of them were still traumatized by the death of their parents, but it affected them very differently. While his brother got more furious, Alazter became more quiet and shy, most of the time obeying orders from his older brother when he couldn't handle his brother when mad. They lived like that for a few years, a lot of conflicts every now and then. (TBD). It was not until later, Alazter decided to walk his own path, leaving and not turning back.


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Chaotic good
Real Name: Winifred (Winnie) Einar
Age: 19
Gender: Female (She/ Her)
Race: Half elf
Class: Monk
Background: Member of a monk village
Social Status: Commoner
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Dark, freckled
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 101 lbs.
Body Type: Lean, muscled
Appearance: Winnie is a small but tough girl with long, braided, black hair, dark brown eyes and a mischievous grin. Her slender figure hides a whole lot of muscle underneath, and due to her small frame and child-like personality, is easily able to pass as an under-trained commoner. She enjoys fashion and shiny hair accessories and will never be seen without her mother's golden hair locks. Her face is often dotted with white paint on her forehead and down the bridge of her nose.
Attire: True to her villages attire, she wears a sleeveless shirt and dons an easily adjustable cloak over it. Because of her love for shiny accessories, Winnie wears a red gem studded belt complete with wolf fur for warmth, which supports the wrap around skirt. She is not keen on wearing shoes.
Personality: Winnie is childish and full of wonder. Like any sheltered kid, she's had a dream to explore the world on her own without her overbearing village leader and her parents. She has a terrible time with authority figures and isn't afraid to speak her mind, though often it comes from a place of ignorance. Despite her under-comings, she has a big heart and isn't afraid to fight alongside those she cares about until the end.

Flaws: Ignorant, childish, brash, stubborn

Skills: Winnie is a great climber and will find plenty of things to practice this skill with, be it buildings, trees, etc. She's also very good at making jewelry from rocks, beads, etc., cooking with herbs, and balancing

Special Talents: Martial arts, fighting with a staff

Equipment: Wooden staff, 10 darts, a satchel, herbs

Backstory: Winnie grew up in a large monk village deep in the Murkfell Forest. As custom, she was expected to learn to fight at a young age. She showed great promise in her technique, so much so that the village's renowned mentor, Ezekial, offered to teach her privately. Winnie became the youngest fighter in her village to get her own unique staff. However, this skill did not prevent the bullying from the other kids because of her short stature. Despite her parent's extreme protectiveness, she often had to face these challenges alone. As Winnie grew older with no promise of getting taller or any ease from the other kids, her desire to leave and become a world famous fighter grew stronger.

She ended up sneaking away from the village when she turned 19 and never looked back. Her main goal is to find and become a member of the famous adventure's guild she's heard stories of.

Yeah this is an old original character of mine.


Real Name: Aldrig Altervander
Age: 38
Race: Human
Class: Swordmage
Appearance - Refer to link - Currently his clothes are wrecked and he is in need to replace them.
Skin - Caucasian
Hair, dark - messy and unkept
Personality - Refer to link above

Equipment - Dormant enchanted longsword, this looks like a large kriegmesser.
Other than his destroyed clothes he has nothing.

Special Talents: An experienced hero who has lost his powers <due to lady fate, hes been kicked back to level 3 from level 13.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Real Name: Temple Repairsman (Though a young girl once dubbed them Ive, so that's what they will offer when asked.)
Age: 32
Gender: None (Construct)
Race: Warforged
Class: Cleric
Background: Guild Artisan? (The dwarves who built them kind of own them.)
Social Status: None? Treated as a tool rather than a person.
Hair: None.
Pale yellow and lightly glowing.
Skin: Metal, steel with the surface abused like a shield would be.
Height: 6'2ft
Weight: 286lbs
Body Type: Well built, human in structure, with broader shoulders and sturdier built legs.

Appearance: Humanoid to appear less intimidating, but the height and metal perfectly counters that. Their jaw line is very angular, and there is a line for an emotionless mouth. But, when they speak it does not open; the sound just projects around them. They weren't given a nose. Their eyes are round, almost oval, and they don't have eyelids but flicker as if blinking. Their body looks as if a set of chainmail was melded into them. The metal of their form is welded flesh together, but there are thin crevices where the yellow light slips through. Their feet are pre-molded into boots. In their arms are nooks which hold mason's tools which magnetize onto their hands, though most things can just be done with the metal of their hands to begin with.
Attire: Despite not needing to wear any at all, they find that fabric softens the initial reactions when people see them. They wear brown work pants and a blue shirt which is far too large and thus shows the chainmail aspect. They keep their sleeves rolled up.
Personality: Respectful, usually rational, rather emotionless
Flaws: Emotionless (until taught otherwise), takes things quite literal at times

Proficient Skills: Wise and oddly Charismatic in an endearing robot way. They've studied history and religion enough in passing to be fairly well at it. They're very insightful and perceptive, and they are somehow able to persuade others. They're very efficient in masonry and carpentry, simple weapons and shields. They speak mainly common, have picked up some vague bits of celestial from the carvings in temple stonework, and are fluent in dwarvish the language of their creators.
Skills they've learned temple hopping: Using the stars as a map to navigate. They only started to learn hunting, animal prep and cooking; they aren't amazing at it but do their best. They are in no way proficient in medicine with robot hands, but they do have pretty good knowledge of it. And, while carpentry and masonry are their main focus, they have picked up wood and stone carving from the dwarves who created them.

Special Talents: Their divine domain is Unity. Currently they have a skill called Emboldening Bond, so long as the two willing creatures it's used on stay within 30ft of each other, they benefit each other. They can Channel Divinity, Turning Undead -which causes undead within 30ft to flea for a minute- and in another way called Shared Burden. As a reaction they can split the amount of pain the person being attacked receives between them and up to 3 others currently. If anyone would resist the affliction normally, they still have that resistance.

Equipment: They carry a steel warhammer with them, the head of which is designed as if to be used as a sledge hammer. They also keep a light crossbow made of a brighter colored wood. They don't keep very many bolts, reusing the same 20 and replacing them whenever possible. They carry a backpack if they must travel, containing 10 torches, a mes kit, a tinder box, carpenter's tools, 50ft hemp rope and a user's manual. They have a small coin pouch of 15gp for repair costs. They don't have a holy symbol per say, but they do have a small pouch of temple stone shards which act in its place.

Backstory: They were created by dwarves for temple maintenance. Spent a few years being shown off before being passed around. As a construct, they lack emotions. Having worked on several churches and temples their entire creation, they've collected a list of morals. Things which may be right and good. They've assessed that for some living beings, religion is their purpose. And, as a construct built for one reason, one purpose, they found themself relating in this way to the living. As some form of respect, they have been doing what of the worship practices they can to all of these gods. There was something endearing about it, akin to naming an inanimate object which you're fond of simply for being there and doing nothing but what it was meant to. The temple upkeep was much appreciated, and the extra worship is nice. Cute even, coming from a construct with no full picture of what they're doing. Would it hurt to give them a spell or two? Well, no, but every god of a repaired temple seemed to have the same idea. So, they became a cleric, both of no god and of many and completely by accident.
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